Psychology 150 - Introduction to Psychology » Summer 2020 » Exam 6

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Question #1
One day, Betty felt lethargic, hopelessly sad, fatigued, and had no interest in anything. A few days later she was feeling extremely euphoric and powerful, engaged in risky sexual exploits, and spent money irresponsibly. Betty could be diagnosed with:
A.   obsessive-compulsive disorder
B.   bipolar disorder
C.   schizophrenia
D.   post-traumatic stress disorder
Question #2
For the previous six weeks or so, Carlton's co-workers have noticed that he has seemed very sad much of the time. He has also stopped going to team lunches and stays in his office on his own far more than usual. However, in the last few days, he has seemed very different. He has been in an excited state much of the time, talking more rapidly than usual, and many of his ideas at team meetings seem unrealistic and overambitious. Which of the following disorders are Carlton's symptoms most consistent with?
A.   antisocial personality disorder
B.   bipolar disorder
C.   major depressive disorder
D.   generalized anxiety disorder
Question #3
Twin studies suggest that familial influence on Major Depressive Disorders is due to _______________________.
A.   genetic factors only
B.   individual-specific environmental factors and shared environmental factors
C.   environmental factors only
D.   genetic factors and environmental factors
Question #4
Which theory proposes that stressors which disrupt daily routines can trigger relapses in mood disorders?
A.   psychological vulnerabilities theory
B.   inhibitory disruption theory
C.   social zeitgeber theory
D.   symptom tracker theory
Question #5
Stuart loves to play golf. He typically plays 2 or 3 times a week. Lately, he has been feeling down and has lost interest in the game, and has asked his friends to find someone to play in his place. This loss of interest and pleasure in an activity that Stuart used to enjoy is called ________ and is a symptom of depression.
A.   alogia
B.   avolition
C.   apraxia
D.   anhedonia
Question #6
Cory has an intense fear of flying and endures flights with extreme distress. Although she knows her fear is irrational, it is overwhelming and uncontrollable. Cory most likely suffers from:
A.   generalized anxiety disorder
B.   obsessive-compulsive disorder
C.   specific phobia
D.   schizophrenia
Question #7
After serving two terms in Afghanistan, Kurt is suffering from insomnia, is agitated and jumpy, and has intrusive thoughts that cause great distress. Kurt is most likely suffering from:
A.   generalized anxiety disorder
B.   post-traumatic stress disorder
C.   schizophrenia
D.   obsessive-compulsive disorder
Question #8
Chet was in a car accident in which he could easily have been killed had he not been wearing his seat belt. He is aware of how lucky he was to survive without serious injury. Lately, when he drives past the location of the crash, he has a sudden, intense sensation that he is re-experiencing the accident. On one occasion he had to pull his car over to sit for several minutes until the feeling subsided. Chet is experiencing __________.
A.   emotional numbing
B.   hypervigilance
C.   illusions
D.   flashbacks
Question #9
Richard experiences unexpected episodes of intense fear, accompanied by shortness of breath and the thought that he might be going crazy. He constantly fears the onset of these episodes. Richard most likely suffers from:
A.   obsessive-compulsive disorder
B.   specific phobia
C.   generalized anxiety disorder
D.   panic disorder
Question #10
Gary spends much of his day wondering “what if” about catastrophic scenarios. This thought process makes him feel he has control over the situation. However, the lack of any catastrophes only reinforces the “what if?” behavior. Gary would most likely be diagnosed with:
A.   social anxiety disorder
B.   major depression
C.   obsessive compulsive disorder
D.   generalized anxiety disorder
Question #11
____________________________ is characterized by constant worry over minor and catastrophic events. Other complaints, such as muscle tension, fatigue, and irritability are also common.
A.   Major depressive disorder
B.   Panic disorder
C.   Generalized anxiety
D.   Specific phobia
Question #12
Following a brain injury Regan has had a reduction in his speech. He often only answers when asked a question, pauses before the initiation of speech, and uses few words. Which of the following does Regan likely have?
A.   amotivation
B.   alogia
C.   anhedonia
D.   aphasia
Question #13
Drugs blocking which of the following neurotransmitters have been shown to be an effective treatment of psychotic disorders, like schizophrenia?
A.   serotonin
B.   dopamine
D.   epinephrine
Question #14
Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and catatonia are symptoms of which category of disorders?
A.   personality disorders
B.   mood disorders
C.   schizophrenia spectrum disorders
D.   anxiety disorders
Question #15
Which of the following is one way in which delusions differ from normal, everyday thought processes?
A.   Delusional thinking leads a person to shut down other cognitive processes, including memory and learning.
B.   Delusions are never based on any reasonable and realistic information in a person’s surroundings
C.   Delusions are associated with the hallucinations that accompany them.
D.   Delusions are hard to change even in the face of conflicting information.
Question #16
Psychopathology includes illnesses or disorders that involve ______________ symptoms.
A.   psychological or psychiatric
B.   motor or physical
C.   chronic or emotional
D.   neurological or spiritual
Question #17
Sometimes during a psychoanalysis session, patients will displace feelings for people in their lives onto the therapist. What is this process known as?
A.   manifesting
B.   counterbalancing
C.   transmission
D.   transference
Question #18
Oscar is being treated for depression. His therapist, Annalise, encourages him to notice his unpleasant thoughts and feelings without trying to avoid them or judge them. This is likely an example of:
A.   free association therapy
B.   mindfulness based therapy
C.   client centered therapy
D.   cognitive behavioral therapy
Question #19
What does the therapy technique of free association aim to do?
A.   The patient completes “homework” during their time away from a therapist in which they draw connections between their daily life and what they’re learning in therapy.
B.   The therapist asks a “chain” of questions that helps the client link problems and solutions.
C.   The patient shares any and all thoughts that come to mind without attempting to organize or censor these thoughts in any way.
D.   The patient discusses stresses occurring within the past week as if they were not a problem at all.
Question #20
Jimmy has a tendency to interpret other people’s actions—such as his friends arriving late to meet him for lunch—in a very negative way. These thoughts often leave him feeling depressed. A therapist who wanted to intervene in his depression by challenging this way of thinking would most likely use:
A.   free association
B.   humanistic therapies
C.   cognitive behavioral therapies
D.   the implicit attitudes test
Question #21
What is the essential quality of a therapist who is conducting person-centered therapy?
A.   The therapist must be nonjudgmental and empathetic with their clients.
B.   The therapist must “remain blank” by offering few emotional reactions; this forces clients to take charge of the therapeutic process which, in turn, is healing.
C.   The therapist must be able to see patterns such as the connections between childhood experiences and a client’s current adult life.
D.   The therapist must be comfortable with gently challenging the client’s faulty thought processes.
Question #22
Which therapeutic approach is designed to foster nonjudgmental observation of one’s own mental processes?
A.   cognitive behavioral therapy
B.   acceptance and commitment therapy
C.   person-centered therapy
D.   dialectical behavior therapy

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