Busad 110 - Human Relations in Business » Fall 2020 » Chapter 1 Quiz

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Question #1
Interpersonal skills are quite important because they enable you to
A.   become successful in business without working so hard.
B.   cover up for deficiencies in technical skills.
C.   trick people into believing that you are competent.
D.   connect with other people leading to business success.
Question #2
A competency related to soft skills is
A.   conducting an inventory of employee theft.
B.   developing software for measuring employee attitudes.
C.   being able to accurately interpret other people's emotions.
D.   statistically analyzing employee turnover.
Question #3
Which one of the following is not a specific competency related to soft skills?
A.   being able to accurately interpret other people's emotions
B.   avoiding negative gossip
C.   examining a person's Internet history to look for credit problems
D.   being able to cooperate with others to meet objectives (teamwork)
Question #4
The difference between soft skills and hard skills refers to the distinction between
A.   irrelevant and relevant skills.
B.   interpersonal and technical skills.
C.   personal and job-related skills.
D.   intellectual and mechanical skills.
Question #5
Conrad has a specific goal related to his job as a police detective, so he is likely to
A.   forget the purpose of being a police detective.
B.   decrease his performance.
C.   question why he became a police detective.
D.   improve his performance.
Question #6
Sara sets the stretch goal of increasing her productivity on evaluating claims forms by 20 percent, meaning that
A.   with some concentrated effort she can reach the 20 percent.
B.   her chances of increasing productivity by 20 percent are quite small.
C.   she will have to improve her motivation to even try to attain the 20 percent.
D.   it will be quite easy for her to attain the 20 percent improvement.
Question #7
Troy establishes the following goal: "I am going to be a great success in my job next year." The biggest flaw in his goal is that it.
A.   is too negative.
B.   is set for different time periods.
C.   will not stretch him.
D.   is not specific enough.
Question #8
Ashley, a customer service supervisor, has high self-efficacy. She is therefore more likely to think that her goal of becoming a CEO is
A.   ridiculous.
B.   realistic.
C.   too people-oriented.
D.   too mercenary.
Question #9
Charlie is applying the model for improving interpersonal skills to become a better listener. He assesses reality by
A.   asking a few people how good his listening skills are right now.
B.   conducting an Internet search of the feasibility of improving listening skills.
C.   doing research on how well listening contributes to career success.
D.   observing how well interviewers on television listen to their guests
Question #10
An example of an action plan to help Jack become more patient would be for him to
A.   ask friends if he is really impatient.
B.   receive counseling about his impatience.
C.   set a goal of becoming more patient.
D.   figure out how far he is from his goal of being more patient.

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