Political Science 1 - Government of the United States and California » 2019 » Quiz 7

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Question #1
The cozy relationship between politicians and the press in the twentieth century lasted until when?
A.   the Iran Hostage Crisis
B.   World War II
C.   the beginning of Franklin Roosevelt's presidency
D.   the Vietnam War and Watergate
Question #2
The increased number of news and infotainment options has resulted in __________ in which media outlets focus on a particular interest and aim at a particular audience.
A.   investigative journalism
B.   watchdog journalism
C.   narrowcasting
D.   selective exposure
Question #3
Thomas Patterson's careful analysis of campaign reporting has shown that since 1960, its emphasis has changed dramatically from __________.
A.   negative information about the candidates to negative assessments about the parties
B.   the candidates' policy statements to the campaign as a horse race
C.   covering events to covering ideas
D.   sensational information about the candidates to substantive information about the issues
Question #4
Which of the following is a consequence of the rise of narrowcasting?
A.   Young adults are more likely than other age groups to use newspapers and broadcast media as news and information sources.
B.   Young adults are less likely than other age groups to use newspapers and broadcast media as news and information sources.
C.   Most Americans follow politics more frequently and with greater intensity than they follow popular culture.
D.   Narrowcasting has encouraged less repetition of stories on cable news programs.
Question #5
In 1960, one newspaper was sold for every two adults; by 2014, one paper was sold for every __________.
A.   ten adults
B.   three adults
C.   adult
D.   six adults
Question #6
In democracies, the primary interest of publicly owned media is __________.
A.   entertaining viewers
B.   reducing recidivism
C.   serving the public interest
D.   promoting the government
Question #7
The primary interest of privately owned media is __________.
A.   informing the public
B.   serving the public interest
C.   spreading propaganda
D.   making a profit
Question #8
Research suggests that the overriding bias in the news is one toward stories that __________.
A.   draw the largest audience
B.   favor liberals
C.   put the president in a good light
D.   favor conservatives
Question #9
As technology has enabled the media to pass along information with greater speed, news coverage has become __________.
A.   more homogenous
B.   more objective
C.   less thorough
D.   less biased
Question #10
Trial balloons are used for which of the following?
A.   assessing a political reaction
B.   exposing media bias
C.   limiting media bias
D.   avoiding a political reaction
Question #11
Politicians and journalists have a(n) __________ relationship: Politicians rely on journalists to get out their message, and journalists rely on politicians to keep them in the know.
A.   antagonistic
B.   symbiotic
C.   parasitic
D.   cooperative
Question #12
An intentional news leak for the purpose of assessing the political reaction it generates is called a(n) __________.
A.   press release
B.   trial balloon
C.   earmark
D.   talking head
Question #13
Iyengar and Kinder's research found that TV news __________.
A.   can alter the priorities Americans attach to problems depending on which stories are covered
B.   has minimal effects on the public opinion of viewers
C.   discourages citizens from voting by focusing on the imperfections of the democratic system
D.   selects stories that are especially important to business interests
Question #14
The "minimal effects hypothesis" suggested that the media have a minimal effect on __________.
A.   Americans who do not watch TV
B.   policymakers' issue positions
C.   public opinion
D.   Americans' consumption of newspapers
Question #15
Increasing public attention to specific problems is a core feature of the media's __________ power.
A.   watchdog
B.   agenda-setting
C.   investigative
D.   score-keeping
Question #16
Policy entrepreneurs are people who invest __________ in an issue.
A.   financial expertise
B.   their life savings
C.   political capital
D.   scant attention
Question #17
Civil rights activists in the 1960s used the media to show Americans the injustice of the treatment of minorities, successfully placing the civil rights issue onto the __________.
A.   press conference
B.   policy agenda
C.   policy entrepreneur
D.   news beat
Question #18
Which of the following is a consequence of the rise of television broadcasting?
A.   The American public is better informed about politics and Congress is basing its opinions more on public opinion.
B.   Individuals have a greater need for political parties to help them make decisions.
C.   The news consumed by the American public is more entertaining than educational.
D.   Groups have greater access to spread their issues and messages to the public.
Question #19
The media act as a __________ between the people and policymakers.
A.   stakeholder
B.   dividing institution
C.   key linkage institution
D.   general adversary

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