History of Western Civilization » Fall 2020 » Chapter 2 Quiz

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Question #1
In addition to their development of a phonetic alphabet, the Phoenicians were also important because:
A.   they unified the Greeks, Persians, and Hebrews under a single ruler.
B.   they elected their kings through a surprisingly modern system of democratic elections.
C.   they developed advanced navigational techniques that allowed them to sail to the Americas.
D.   they were master shipbuilders, and established an extensive trading network around the Mediterranean Sea.
Question #2
Cyrus the Great:
A.   is significant because he successfully defended the Persian Empire from an invasion led by Alexander the Great
B.   united Iran, and founded the Persian Empire though his extensive conquests
C.   was responsible for the spread of Christianity throughout the Ancient Near East
D.   was the first Mesopotamian ruler to unite northern Mesopotamia and Sumer
Question #3
After 1100 BCE, iron tools and weapons:
A.   were replaced in most Mediterranean societies by more durable items made from bronze 
B.   declined in importance, since most Mediterranean civilizations were reluctant to give up the use of traditional stone implements
C.   became important items of trade around the Mediterranean and throughout the Tigris and Euphrates Valleys, and the technology for making them traveled as well
D.   were highly valued but rarely used, because iron was such a rare material
Question #4
Kush was:
A.   a kingdom in Nubia that adopted hieroglyphics and pyramids, and later completed a conquest of Egypt in the eighth century BCE
B.   the name of the capital city of the “Sea Peoples,” who raided, migrated, and marauded in the eastern Mediterranean
C.   the name of the pharaoh that converted to Zoroastrianism and made it the official religion of Egypt
D.   the chief god of the Persian Empire, revered as the creator of all living creatures

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