Soc 101 - Introduction to Sociology » Fall 2020 » Chapter 14 iRAT
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Question #1
Passing on one’s heritage, possessions, and wealth is:
Generally based on lineage, which is defined by one’s culture and family.
The right of the first born female in every country in the world.
Generally based on one’s relationship with one’s younger siblings.
The right of the first born male in every country in the world.
Question #2
Why do sociologists find the study of family to be so important when trying to grasp the mores and norms of a culture?
Families are so isolated from society at large that they become tiny independent societies.
Families almost never reinforce the values of the society in which they live, and thus can bring about change without much effort.
Families provide for each other as well as carry out and teach a particular culture to other members of the family.
Families tend to be apathetic towards culture whereas young unmarried people reinforce social rituals and ideologies.
Question #3
When Maria married John, she moved to John’s house which was adjacent to his parent’s house. Her mother-in-law was always over giving Maria advice on everything from decorating to icing cakes. Maria lives in a:
Patrilocal residence
Matrilocal residence
Patridistant residence
Matridistant residence
Question #4
The U.S. Census Bureau keeps records of different statistics that pertain to families. For example, in 2010, there were three million children who did not live with their parents. 54% of these children were:
Living with foster parents
Living with their grandparent(s)
Living with an aunt or uncle
Living with their older brother or sister
Question #5
What is the relationship, if any, between people who cohabitate and then get married, and those people who wait to live together after they marry?
Cohabitating, unmarried partners have a slightly higher divorce rate after they get married than those who don’t cohabitate until after marriage.
It does not matter because divorce occurs when two people are incompatible and does not depend on how long people have lived with each other.
Cohabitating, unmarried partners have the exact same divorce rate as the people who don’t cohabitate until marriage.
Cohabitating, unmarried partners have a slightly lower divorce rate after they get married than those who don’t cohabitate until after marriage.
Question #6
Which is one reason that sociologist cite to explain why men and women are delaying marriage until their mid-to-late twenties?
Most people in the Millennial generation are caring for their aging parents and do not have time for long term, serious relationships.
Many young people place education and career higher than marriage on their list of priorities.
Most men spend at least a year traveling the world to get a better understanding of the world, and consequently, don’t want to be tied down by a wife.
Many women fear having children too early and, consequently, having to give up a good career.
Question #7
Polygyny is:
A man who is married to more than one woman at the same time
A person who is married to more than one person at the same time
A woman who is married to more than one man at the same time
A person who is married to only one person at a time
Question #8
Marcy and her three children have been trying to scrape by ever since Marcy’s husband was killed in an automobile accident. Given what you know about George Murdock’s theory, what would you expect to happen to this family?
Marcy would never remarry and would never let her children drive.
Marcy would go back to work and rely on her parents for childcare.
Marcy would lie in bed weeping hysterically and ignore the needs of her children.
Marcy would become a stellar stay-at-home mom.
Question #9
In which part of the family life cycle, do sociologists point to as the most stressful time for a marriage?
The birth of the first child.
The first year of marriage.
The birth of the last child.
The engagement period.
Question #10
What is one of the biggest challenges facing groups and organizations that try to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV)?
The victims of IPV do not report the abuse.
Most people do not know what IPV is.
IPV almost never happens, so it is difficult to locate and predict.
IPV is not taken seriously by the court system.
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