Religious Studies (RS1) - Contemporary Ethical Issues » 2019 » Reading Quiz 2

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Question #1
According to Sandel's chapter "What Matters is the Motive", "universalizing the maxim" refers to:
A.   Categorical Imperative
B.   Overall maximum happiness principle
C.   Eudamonia and hedonism problem
D.   Hypothetical Imperative
Question #2
According to Aristotle,
A.   True Morality depends on "Good Will" and intention
B.   Moral actions are determined by their functional usefulness in achieving Happiness
C.   True Morality is determined by imagining certain actions to become universal rules
D.   Moral actions cannot be determined by their functional usefulness; morality is good in itself
Question #3
The best Hindu equivalent to "Eudamonia" would probably be:
A.   Bhagavat Gita
B.   Karma
C.   Bhakhti Yoga
D.   Samsara
Question #4
What is the ethical dilemma in Bhagavat Gita?
A.   Arjuna wants to win the war but Krishna is telling him to depart and live in seclusion
B.   Arjuna can hear Krishna speaking but cannot see him
C.   Arjuna doesn't know if he should fight killing his own relatives or withdraw from the fight and betray his duty as a warrior
D.   Arjuna wants to fight but is afraid of dying and is not sure about the afterlife
Question #5
In Bhagavat Gita, what is Krishna's final recommendation to Arjuna?
A.   He should stand up and fight, right intention and selfless motive is what's important
B.   Krishna doesn't really care if he fights or not, everything is an illusion anyway
C.   He shouldn't fight, if he kills people, his soul will perish
D.   He should retire and become a monk
Question #6
Which of the following is a caste in Hinduism?
A.   Shiva
B.   Moksha
C.   Brahmin
D.   Vishnu
Question #7
"If you want low crime rate and more prosperous society, invest in education!!!" This is an example of:
A.   Categorical Imperative
B.   Golden Rule
C.   Hypothetical Imperative
D.   A Posteriori method
Question #8
If Kant were your personal accountant, what do you think he would most probably recommend ?
A.   Don't cheat on your taxes, unless you are planning to use the money you save for something useful for other people
B.   Don't cheat on your taxes, because if you are caught, consequences will be even more costly
C.   Don't cheat on your taxes, because cheating is wrong and you should know that
D.   You may cheat on your taxes only if you can provide a valid "misleading truth"
Question #9
According to the chapter by Gensler, Prescriptivism
A.   Prescribes the most important rule: If the motive and intention for X is right then X is moral
B.   Prescribes the golden rule which states: If the outcome of X is useful, X must be good
C.   Prescribes "logical consistency" rules to moral actions: If I want X to be done to me, I ought to do X to others
D.   Prescribes the rule which states: If I feel X is right, then it is right for me personally

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