Geology 101 - Physical Geology » Fall 2020 » Yosemite

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Question #1
What three things are distinctive about Yosemite?
A.   Half dome, Yosemite Falls, Redwoods
B.   Half dome, Yosemite Falls, El Capitan
C.   Half dome, Yosemite Falls, Angel’s Landing
D.   Half dome, Niagara Falls, El Capitan
E.   Half dome, Multinomah Falls, El Capitan
Question #2
How did John Muir fund his exploration of Yosemite?
A.   By getting the National Science Foundation to fund his research
B.   By selling photographs of the area
C.   By getting the United States Geological Survey to fund his research
D.   By selling paintings of the area
E.   By herding sheep
Question #3
What did Josiah Whitney think formed Yosemite Valley?
A.   Glaciers eroding the rocks many times
B.   A migration of bison that put so much weight in the valley is slowly dropped
C.   A long history of the Merced River flooding and eroding down the rocks
D.   A sudden cataclysmic event
E.   An asteroid impact
Question #4
How large (dimensions) was the Yosemite monolith?
A.   400 miles long and 60 miles wide, and 5 miles in depth
B.   100 miles long and 30 miles wide, and 3 miles in depth
C.   40 miles long and 6 miles wide, and 2 miles in depth
D.   10 miles long and 10 miles wide, and 1 miles in depth
E.   800 miles long and 90 miles wide, and 7 miles in depth
Question #5
Why is Yosemite granite much stronger than other granites?
A.   Small crystals welded together give the rocks a lot of strength.
B.   The fact that is was metamorphosed by high pressure and temperature.
C.   Large crystals welded together give the rocks a lot of strength.
D.   The fact it cooled from magma without mud seeping in during formation.
Question #6
What did re-heating of the granite cause?
A.   Magma came in and metamorphosed the granite over and over again.
B.   Magma came in and filled all the cracks over and over again, this also formed large crystals.
C.   Magma came in and dissolved all the minerals, thus forming small crystals.
D.   Magma cooled and allowed mud came in and filled all the cracks over and over again.
Question #7
What happened to the dense lower plate beneath the Sierra Nevada Mountains?
A.   The lower plate sank into the mantle where it was destroyed.
B.   A huge section is missing. This caused the crust to uplift and tilt.
C.   The lower plate stabilized at depth and eventually started to slip forming the San Andreas Fault.
D.   The dense lower plate was uplifted and formed the Rocky Mountains.
Question #8
How did the canyon in Yosemite first form?
A.   Meteorite impact
B.   Volcanic fissure
C.   A hot spot volcanic eruption similar to Yellowstone
D.   River rapids that had treacherous waves. They steepened the walls and caused landslides, giving it the v shape.
E.   The canyon did not form until the glaciers carved them.
Question #9
What do glaciers leave behind?
A.   Both A and B
B.   Distinctive scratch marks
C.   U Shaped valleys
D.   A series of large, deep lakes
E.   V Shaped valleys
Question #10
What do the fine grained sediments indicate?
A.   Large swamps that formed in a hot, humid location close to the equator.
B.   Polar swamps that formed in proximity to the glaciers.
C.   Flowing water that has opened up into an inland sea, where the sediments could settle and ocean fossils can be found.
D.   Flowing water that has opened up into a lake, where the sediments could settle.
E.   Frequent landslides that came from the slopes above.
Question #11
What is unique about the moraine?
A.   It is the largest moraine every found on the planet
B.   It was not just a moraine, it was a giant dam that caused a flood of icy water, which formed Lake Yosemite
C.   It was not just a moraine, it was shaped in part by a large meteorite impact
D.   It is the oldest moraine found on the planet
E.   Both A and B
Question #12
What do the sediments hide?
A.   Nothing, there are no sediments because the glacier removed them
B.   Dinosaur fossils
C.   A meteorite impact 
D.   A V shaped basin, what the river carved in the past
E.   A U shaped basin, the hallmark of a glacial canyon
Question #13
How do the domes form in Yosemite?
A.   No one knows why it happens as it only happens here
B.   The outer surface of the rock is full of muscovite which natural curves around other minerals. Rain hits the muscovite and causes it to peel off, which makes the dome shape on the top.
C.   The outer surface of the rock fractures into layers running all over the summit and down the sides, which peel. The granite is still being squeezed from the sides and the bottom, which makes the dome shape on the top.
D.   They were carved by the American Indians similar to the large heads you see in Easter Island.
Question #14
What do the vertical fractures cause?
A.   Rockfalls
B.   Stream capture
C.   Waterfalls
D.   Burrows for marmots
E.   Mudflows

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