Psychology 001 - General Psychology » Fall 2020 » Module 5 Exam

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Question #1
Mark typically responds to stress in a calm and thoughtful manner. Chandler usually becomes agitated. The reactions of Mark and Chandler indicate that each has a distinctive
A.   personality.
B.   reaction formation.
C.   projection.
D.   self-serving bias.
Question #2
Freud called his theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques
A.   a humanistic theory.
B.   a trait perspective.
C.   psychoanalysis.
D.   a social-cognitive theory.
Question #3
The belief that some distressing physical symptoms made no neurological sense contributed most directly to
A.   Freud's interest in unconscious conflicts.
B.   Allport's interest in personality traits.
C.   Bandura's interest in reciprocal determinism.
D.   Maslow's interest in self-actualization.
Question #4
After recalling a vivid dream image, Angie's therapist instructs her to close her eyes and report any other images, words, or thoughts that come to mind at that moment. The therapist is using a procedure called
A.   identification.
B.   free association.
C.   factor analysis.
D.   reaction formation.
Question #5
In suggesting that the mind is mostly hidden, Freud was most clearly emphasizing the importance of the
A.   psychosexual stages.
B.   unconscious.
C.   erogenous zone.
D.   spotlight effect.
Question #6
The image of an iceberg is frequently used to illustrate ________ idea of the mind's structure.
A.   Freud's
B.   Maslow's
C.   Bandura's
D.   Allport's
Question #7
Shortly after receiving a traffic ticket for speeding, Fred made numerous hostile comments to his wife about the incompetence of women drivers. Fred's comments illustrate most clearly the defense mechanism of
A.   identification.
B.   rationalization.
C.   reaction formation.
D.   displacement.
Question #8
Both Karen Horney and Alfred Adler placed greater emphasis than did Freud on the role of ________ in personality development.
A.   the collective unconscious
B.   social interactions
C.   genetic predispositions
D.   defense mechanisms
Question #9
Which neo-Freudian introduced the concept of an inferiority complex?
A.   Carl Jung
B.   Hermann Rorschach
C.   Karen Horney
D.   Alfred Adler
Question #10
Neo-Freudians such as ________ were among the first to highlight a masculine bias in Freud's theories.
A.   Hazel Markus
B.   Carl Rogers
C.   Walter Mischel
D.   Karen Horney
Question #11
Celine recently had a vivid dream that was strikingly similar to an ancient religious myth. This coincidence would have been of particular interest to
A.   Carl Jung.
B.   Karen Horney.
C.   Gordon Allport.
D.   Alfred Adler.
Question #12
Rona was asked by her psychotherapist to describe what she saw in 10 ambiguous inkblots. Rona was most likely responding to a(n) ________ test.
A.   empirically derived
B.   self-esteem
C.   projective
D.   multiphasic personality
Question #13
Which theory has been most severely criticized for offering after-the-fact explanations without advancing testable predictions?
A.   social-cognitive theory
B.   humanistic theory
C.   psychoanalytic theory
D.   trait theory
Question #14
Which personality theory emphasizes the importance of our capacity for healthy growth and self-realization?
A.   social-cognitive
B.   trait
C.   humanistic
D.   psychoanalytic
Question #15
Who proposed that we are motivated by a hierarchy of needs?
A.   Carl Rogers
B.   Sigmund Freud
C.   Albert Bandura
D.   Abraham Maslow
Question #16
According to Maslow, the desire to fulfill one's potential is the motivation for
A.   reciprocal determinism.
B.   self-actualization.
C.   self-esteem.
D.   unconditional positive regard
Question #17
Carl Rogers emphasized that a positive self-concept is promoted by
A.   self-transcendence.
B.   unconditional positive regard.
C.   reciprocal determinism.
D.   free association.
Question #18
Carl Rogers suggested that those who fall far short of their ideal self experience
A.   self-transcendence.
B.   a weak superego.
C.   a negative self-concept.
D.   a self-serving bias.
Question #19
Rogers' and Maslow's emphasis on developing human strengths laid the groundwork for today's
A.   cognitive neuroscience.
B.   positive psychology.
C.   psychodynamic theory.
D.   neo-Freudian perspective.
Question #20
Which theorists have been criticized for underestimating the human predisposition to engage in destructive and evil behaviors?
A.   trait theorists
B.   social-cognitive theorists
C.   psychodynamic theorists
D.   humanistic theorists
Question #21
Kelsey is consistently optimistic, talkative, and impulsive. Each of these characteristics most clearly represents a
A.   self-serving bias.
B.   defense mechanism.
C.   fixation.
D.   trait.
Question #22
Evidence of the impact of biology on personality traits includes the fact that
A.   extraverts seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively high.
B.   introverts seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively high.
C.   introverts seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low.
D.   extraverts seek stimulation because their normal brain arousal is relatively low.
Question #23
Merri is a very kind and compassionate person who gives generously to others who are in need. She most clearly ranks high on the Big Five trait dimension known as
A.   agreeableness.
B.   extraversion
C.   openness.
D.   conscientiousness.
Question #24
Which of the following Big Five trait dimensions is most descriptive of an individual who is organized and disciplined in managing his or her work?
A.   openness
B.   extraversion
C.   conscientiousness
D.   agreeableness
Question #25
A highly anxious and insecure personality illustrates the Big Five trait dimension of
A.   extraversion.
B.   openness.
C.   neuroticism.
D.   agreeableness.
Question #26
Because she is often rejected by her parents, Sally mistrusts other people and treats them with hostility, which leads to their rejection of her. This cycle of rejection, mistrust, hostility, and further rejection illustrates what is meant by
A.   reciprocal determinism.
B.   self-transcendence.
C.   the spotlight effect.
D.   reaction formation.
Question #27
Katrinka habitually makes nasty, hostile comments about her teachers. Freud would have suggested that her behavior illustrates the powerful influence of the
A.   superego.
B.   id.
C.   spotlight effect.
D.   ego.
Question #28
The pleasure principle is to the ________ as the reality principle is to the ________.
A.   Oedipus complex; Electra complex
B.   id; ego
C.   id; superego
D.   conscious; unconscious
Question #29
While attending college, Saeb impulsively and carelessly spends all his time and money on “wine, women, and song.” Freud would have suggested that Saeb shows signs of a(n)
A.   Electra complex.
B.   weak superego.
C.   weak id.
D.   strong ego.
Question #30
Although Garth wants to have sex with his girlfriend, he also wants to avoid premarital sex. Freud would have suggested that both desires might be partially satisfied by Garth's
A.   ego.
B.   superego.
C.   Oedipus complex.
D.   id.
Question #31
Four-year-old John is very competitive with his father in trying to gain more attention from his mother. Freud would have suggested that John is going through the ________ stage of development.
A.   anal
B.   phallic
C.   oral
D.   latency
Question #32
Some psychoanalysts of Freud's era claimed that girls experienced an Electra complex involving an unconscious
A.   hostility toward their father.
B.   identification with their father.
C.   sexual desire for their father.
D.   denial of their femininity.
Question #33
Freud suggested that a man's inability to remember his childhood Oedipus complex illustrates
A.   repression.
B.   displacement.
C.   projection.
D.   rationalization.
Question #34
Freud emphasized that unresolved childhood conflicts often lead to
A.   reciprocal determinism.
B.   unconditional positive regard.
C.   free association.
D.   fixation.
Question #35
Jeremy consistently attributes his poor work performance to his own incompetence. This most clearly indicates that he experiences a low level of
A.   projection.
B.   self-efficacy.
C.   neuroticism.
D.   agreeableness.
Question #36
In a collectivist culture, individuals are likely to avoid
A.   all of these behaviors.
B.   displaying personal humility.
C.   embarrassing other people.
D.   prolonging conversations.
Question #37
Many North American parents want to pick names for their children that sound unique or are spelled in an unusual way. This desire best illustrates one of the consequences of
A.   free association.
B.   individualism.
C.   neuroticism.
D.   the false consensus effect.

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