Physiology 001 - Introduction to Human Physiology » Winter 2021 » Lecture Exam 1 (A)

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Question #1
Physiology is the study of
A.   the structure of the body.
B.   two of the choices are correct.
C.   how organisms function.
D.   the spread of diseases.
E.   how two organisms interact.
Question #2
Differentiation is necessary before a cell can exchange material with its environment.
Question #3
Which of components of a general reflex arc are listed in the order information typically flows through them following a stimulus?
A.   Effector, efferent pathway, integrating center, afferent pathway, receptor
B.   Receptor, efferent pathway, integrating center, afferent pathway, effector
C.   Receptor, afferent pathway, integrating center, efferent pathway, effector
D.   Effector, afferent pathway, integrating center, efferent pathway, receptor
E.   Integrating center, receptor, afferent pathway, efferent pathway, effector
Question #4
When loss of a substance from the body exceeds gain, the body is said to be in positive balance for that substance.
Question #5
The respiratory system is primarily responsible for transporting blood to the body's tissues.
Question #6
What is the location of the internal pacemaker that sets biological rhythms?
A.   Endocrine gland in the gonads
B.   Photoreceptors of the eye
C.   The adrenal glands
D.   Suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain
E.   Ventricles of the heart
Question #7
If the amount of sodium in the blood decreases, what would a negative feedback control mechanism be expected to do?
A.   Leave the amount of sodium unchanged
B.   Inhibit the ingestion of more sodium
C.   Increase the amount of sodium in the blood
D.   Decrease the amount of sodium in the blood
E.   Change the set point for sodium
Question #8
A protein may consist of more than one polypeptide chain.
Question #9
Which is a correct description of nucleic acids?
A.   They are long polymers of amino acids, folded into an alpha helix.
B.   They are polymers of subunits containing a phosphate group, a sugar, and an amino acid.
C.   They are polymers of subunits containing glucose, a phosphate group, and an amino acid.
D.   They are polymers of subunits containing a phosphate group, a sugar, and a purine or pyrimidine base.
E.   They are polymers of subunits containing glucose andamino acids.
Question #10
A solution with a pH of 8 is more acidic than one with a pH of 3.
Question #11
Trace elements such as zinc and manganese are found in minute quantities in the body but do not serve any known function.
Question #12
Carbon-12 and carbon-14 are isotopes. How are they different from each other?
A.   They have different numbers of neutrons.
B.   They can form different numbers of chemical bonds.
C.   They have different numbers of electrons.
D.   They have different number of energy shells
E.   They have different numbers of protons.
Question #13
If a sports beverage advertises that it replaces the body's electrolytes, what does the drink contain?
A.   Sugars that were broken down for energy
B.   Vitamins
C.   Lipids that form the membranes of cells
D.   Oxygen and gases used by metabolism
E.   Ionic forms of mineral elements
Question #14
The carboxyl ion is an anion.
Question #15
Cholesterol is a phospholipid.
Question #16
What are the two main atoms inlipids, and what type of bonds connect them?
A.   Carbon and hydrogen, connected by non-polar covalent bonds
B.   Oxygen and hydrogen, connected by hydrogen bonds
C.   Carbon and hydrogen, connected by hydrogen bonds
D.   Carbon and hydrogen, connected by ionic bonds
E.   Carbon and oxygen, connected by polar covalent bonds.
Question #17
Estrogen is a steroid hormone, therefore it will readily dissolve through a lipid bilayer.
Question #18
Muscle cell contraction is facilitated by a small electrical current. Which types of molecules are likely involved?
A.   Free radicals
B.   Isotopes
C.   Electrolytes
D.   Vitamins
E.   Gasses
Question #19
Lysosomes are organelles specialized for breaking down intracellular debris or malfunctioning parts of cells.
Question #20
There are twenty different aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
Question #21
Which best describes functions of thesmooth (agranular)endoplasmic reticulum?
A.   Digestion of engulfed bacteria and cellular debris
B.   Synthesis and packaging of proteins for secretion from the cell or export to other organelles
C.   Generation of ATP
D.   Synthesis of lipids and intracellular storage of calcium ions
E.   Transcription of DNA into RNA
Question #22
Transcription factors activate or repress the transcription of specific genes by binding to regions of DNA that interact with the promoter region of a gene.
Question #23
Which of the following metabolic pathways can proceed in the absence of oxygen?
A.   Glycolysis
B.   Krebs cycle
C.   None of the choices are correct.
D.   The breakdown of fatty acids to CO 2 and H 2O
E.   Oxidative phosphorylation
Question #24
Macrophages are cells that engulf and digest bacteria and cell debris. To perform the digestive function, macrophages tend to have more __________ than other cells.
A.   ribosomes
B.   endosomes
C.   lysosomes
D.   peroxisomes
E.   mitochondria
Question #25
The promoter sequence of nucleotides in a gene is present on both strands of the DNA molecule, allowing transcription of both strands.
Question #26
Intracellular fluid is defined as the fluid in the cytosol and organelles.
Question #27
You are observing the rate of an enzymatic reaction. You continue to add substrate in higher and higher concentrations, but eventually you see the rate of reaction plateau, no further increases in the rate of the reaction could be observed. Which of the following are plausible explanations for your observation (select all that apply)?
A.   The enzyme has become saturated.
B.   Over time, the substrate molecules are denaturing.
C.   The substrate solution has become contaminated with an allosteric inhibitor.
D.   The enzyme molecules are being used up and broken down by the reaction.
E.   The temperature of the room needs to increase to increase the rate of reaction.
Question #28
In a blood cell, water and carbon dioxide can combine in a reversible reaction to form carbonic acid. If the concentration of carbonic acid increases, which direction will the net reaction proceed in?
A.   The forward direction (toward more carbonic acid accumulation)
B.   The net rate will be unaffected by an increase in carbonic acid concentration.
C.   The reverse direction (toward more water and carbon dioxide accumulation)
Question #29
The active site of an enzyme is a functional binding site.
Question #30
Consider the reaction below, which of the following is TRUE? H2CO3 ↔ CO2 + H2O + 4 kcal/mol.
A.   The reaction is anabolic and the energy content of the reactant is greater than that of the products.
B.   The reaction is catabolic and the energy content of the products are equal to that of the reactant.
C.   The reaction is catabolic and the energy content of the reactant is greater than that of the products.
D.   The reaction is anabolic and the energy content of the products is greater than that of the reactant.
E.   The reaction is catabolic and the energy content of the products is greater than that of the reactant.
Question #31
During a lab experiment, you forgot to label your solution containers. You see that red blood cells were placed into an unlabeled solution and they shrunk. What can be concluded about the unknown solution?
A.   Its penetrating solute concentration is less than that of a normalcell.
B.   Its nonpenetrating solute concentration is equal to that of a normalcell.
C.   Its nonpenetrating solute concentration is greater than that of a normalcell.
D.   Its nonpenetrating solute concentration is less than that of a normalcell
E.   Its penetrating solute concentration is greater than that of a normalcell
Question #32
Which of the following statements regarding the diffusion of a nonpolar solute Xacross a cell membrane is correct?
A.   Solute X will be unable to reach equilibrium because it is nonpolar.
B.   Solute X will reach equilibrium, but the concentration will be much higher on the inside of the cell because of the smaller volume.
C.   At equilibrium, movement of X across the membrane will be much faster in one direction than in the other.
D.   At equilibrium, X will cease movingacross the cell membrane.
E.   At equilibrium, the netflux of X across the cell membrane is zero.
Question #33
In most of the cells in the body there is an electrical difference such that the inside of cells is positive with respect to the outside.
Question #34
If the ATP-generating mechanisms in a cell are poisoned and the cell depletes its ATP reserves, which would occur first?
A.   osmosis.
B.   facilitated diffusion.
C.   diffusion.
D.   endocytosis.
E.   apoptosis.
Question #35
If the ATP-generating mechanisms in a cell are poisoned and the cell depletes its ATP reserves, which would occur first?
A.   Ion concentration gradients would reach equilibrium across the cell membrane.
B.   All transport processes would cease immediately when the ATP was depleted.
C.   Primary active transport of molecules would cease.
D.   Facilitated diffusion of molecules would cease.
E.   Secondary active transport of molecules would cease
Question #36
In general, polar molecules diffuse more rapidly through the lipid bilayer part of cell membranes than do nonpolar molecules. This statement is
A.   false, because the rate of diffusion of nonpolar and polar molecules through the bilayer is essentially the same as long as the molecules are the same size.
B.   false, because polar molecules diffuse through less rapidly because the bilayer is nonpolar throughout its width.
C.   false, because polar molecules diffuse through less rapidly because the bilayer is polar throughout its width.
D.   true.
E.   false, because nonpolar molecules diffuse through more rapidly because much of the bilayer is nonpolar.
Question #37
Mediated transport is required in order for glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids to pass into cells because none of these substances can diffuse through plasma membranes.
Question #38
Adding one mole of NaCl to one liter of water will lower the water concentration twice as much as adding one mole of glucose.
Question #39
Which of the following statements about epithelial cells or epithelial transport is NOT correct?
A.   Epithelial cells lining the small intestine have Na +-K +-ATPase pumps only in their basolateral membranes.
B.   The pathway taken by substances that flow between epithelial cells is called the paracellular pathway.
C.   The plasma membrane of epithelial cells that face the inside of a hollow or fluid-filled chamber in the body is called the basolateral membrane.
D.   Epithelial cell membranes express different transport proteins on different cell surfaces.
E.   When substances cross epithelial barriers by going through the cell membranes and cytosol, it is called the transcellular pathway.
Question #40
The Greater the Concentration Difference of a Substance Between Two Solutions Separated by a Permeable Membrane, the Lesser the Magnitude of the Net Flux of the Substance.
Question #41
Which of the following is known to be a second messenger?
A.   Adenylyl cyclase
B.   Diacylglycerol
C.   Epinephrine
D.   ATP
E.   Phospholipase C
Question #42
Amplification during a second-messenger cascade is beneficial because amplification
A.   allows a cell to respond to more different hormones.
B.   results in the production of more of the first messenger.
C.   takes small molecules and makes polymers out of them.
D.   allows small amounts of hormones to produce large responses in target cells.
Question #43
An adipose (fat) cell responds to the presence of the hormone epinephrine by increasing cytosolic cyclic AMP production, which leads to the catabolism of both glycogen and fat. What is the most likely explanation for this phenomenon?
A.   Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activates two kinds of enzymes.
B.   Cyclic AMP directly activates enzymes that catabolize glycogen and fat.
C.   Epinephrine is binding to two types of receptors in the plasma membrane.
D.   The activated receptor complex stimulates production of two different second messengers.
Question #44
Designing a drug that blocked the release of eicosanoids would be an effective therapy for both pain and inflammation.
Question #45
Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are more specific in their effects on eicosanoid synthesis than are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Question #46
Researchers have found that enkephalin receptors are upregulated in cocaine addicts when compared to non-users. It is likely that the action of cocaine
A.   increases enkephalin’s affinity for its receptor.
B.   decreases enkephalin in the brain
C.   increases enkephalin in the brain.
D.   is an agonist to the enkephalin receptor.
Question #47
Endogenous opioid molecules reduce pain sensation. Morphine, a common analgesic, is an agonist for endogenous opioid receptors.
Question #48
Which of the following might be phosphorylated in a signaling pathway?
A.   Tyrosine residues
B.   G-protein coupled receptor
C.   Enzymes
D.   cAMP
Question #49
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the effect insulin has on the cell is reduced, despite consistent levels of circulating insulin (in the beginning of the disease). Which of the following could possibly explain this phenomenon?
A.   Upregulation of insulin receptors
B.   Decreased expression of the second messenger in the insulin pathway
C.   Downregulation of insulin receptors
D.   Saturation of the insulin receptor
E.   Increased affinity of insulin for its receptor
Question #50
Drug Y is a drug that is used to increase the force of contraction achieved by heart muscle tissue. In the absence of the drug, epinephrine increases heart contractility through a signaling pathway that involves a receptor and cAMP. Which of the following are plausible mechanisms of action for Y?
A.   Acting as an agonist on the receptor for epinephrine, a hormone that increases heart contractility
B.   Increasing the availability of phosphodiesterase molecules
C.   Increasing the expression of cAMP
D.   Decreasing the activity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase
E.   Inhibiting phosphodiesterase activity
Question #51
The number of distinct cell types in the human body is about twenty.
Question #52
A person who is acclimated to a hot environment will begin to react physiologically to a decreased environmental temperature faster than a person who is not.

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