Physiology 001 - Introduction to Human Physiology » Winter 2021 » Lecture Exam 3

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Question #1
Action potentials in the heart spread from cell to cell through
A.   interneurons.
B.   gap junctions.
C.   coronary vessels.
D.   valves.
E.   desmosomes.
Question #2
A male patient complains of physical weakness and fatigue. A blood test shows his hematocrit to be 30%. Which of the following diagnoses is the least likely to explain his symptoms?
A.   Dietary iron deficiency
B.   Lung disease
C.   Internal bleeding
D.   Dietary vitamin B12 deficiency
E.   Kidney disease
Question #3
The adaptive value of having a complex cascade system for blood clotting is that a defect of one participant in the cascade can be corrected by another enzymelater in the cascade.
Question #4
Stimulation of parasympathetic nerves releases epinephrine into the blood plasma.
Question #5
Jane donates a pint of blood to a blood bank. A few minutes later, which of the following would be increased compared to pre-donation values?,,
A.   Hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries
B.   Total peripheral resistance
C.   Cardiac output
D.   Mean arterial pressure
E.   Heart rate
Question #6
Which of the following statements regarding the dissolving of blood clots is FALSE?
A.   Blood clots are digested by plasmin.
B.   It involves aggregation of soluble fibrin fragments into fibrin.
C.   Activation of the reactions that lead to blood clotting ultimately lead to blood clot dissolution.
D.   Plasminogen is an inactive precursor of the enzyme plasmin.
E.   Tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) is secreted by endothelial cells.
Question #7
During exercise, there is a decreased flow of blood to
A.   the abdominal organs.
B.   the skin.
C.   the skeletal muscles
D.   the heart.
E.   the brain.
Question #8
Blood loss is likely to stimulate the secretion of higher than normal plasma levels of erythropoietin.
Question #9
The left ventricle has to pump more blood than the right ventricle because the left ventricle has to pump blood through the systemic circulation, which is much larger than the pulmonary circulation.
Question #10
An athlete who is nearing the end of a 2-kilometer run would be expected to have both an increased mean arterial blood pressure and an increased total peripheral resistance.
Question #11
Which of the following drugs might be prescribed to alleviate hypertension?
A.   Beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists
B.   A drug that increasesL-type Ca 2+ channel currents
C.   A drug that increases T-type Ca 2+ channel currents
D.   Alpha-adrenergic receptor agonists
E.   Cholinergic antagonist
Question #12
In a patient with decreased production of plasma proteins, which of the following would be TRUE?
A.   Less fluid than usual will flow out of the capillary based on the osmotic pressure.
B.   More fluid than usual will flow out of the capillary based on the osmotic pressure.
C.   Less fluid than usual will flow out of the capillary based on the hydrostatic pressure.
D.   More fluid than usual will flow out of the capillary based on the hydrostatic pressure.
Question #13
In a patient with an abnormally leaky aortic valve, what would you expect?
A.   Some backflow of blood into the left ventricle during ventricular ejection
B.   Some backflow of blood into the left ventricle during ventricular diastole
C.   Some backflow of blood into the aorta during ventricular ejection
D.   Some backflow of blood into the aorta during ventricular diastole
E.   Some backflow of blood into the left atrium during ventricular systole
Question #14
Non-respiratory functions of the lungs include acting as "filters" for removing certain chemicals and blood clots.
Question #15
An individual with emphysema will have a lower tidal volume than an individual of the same size without emphysema.
Question #16
You embark on a hiking trip on Mt. Kilimanjaro (altitude = 19,000 ft; Atmospheric air pressure = 379 mmHg). As you ascend, what happens to the PO 2 in the alveoli?
A.   Alveolar PO 2 decreases.
B.   No change from sea level, as long as we breathe in the same volume of air.
C.   Alveolar PO 2 increases.
Question #17
Action potentials in neurons in the inspiratory center of the medulla oblongata result in action potentials in the __________ nerves to the diaphragm, which in turn cause __________ of the muscle, resulting in a/an __________ in the volume of the thoracic cage.
A.   parasympathetic; contraction; decrease
B.   motor; contraction; increase
C.   sympathetic; contraction; increase
D.   motor; contraction; decrease
E.   sympathetic; relaxation; increase
Question #18
After CO 2 is produced by tissues, inwhat form is most of that carbon transported to the lungs for removal from the body?
A.   As dissolved CO 2
B.   As carbonic anhydrase
C.   Bound to hemoglobin
D.   AsH 2CO 3
E.   As dissolved HCO 3 -
Question #19
Normal, resting exhalation/expiration of air from the lungs requires contraction of the exhalatory/expiratory intercostal muscles.
Question #20
Most of the O 2 carried in the blood is dissolved in plasma.
Question #21
The process of ventilation includes both the transport of gases by bulk flow and the diffusion of gases into and out of the blood.
Question #22
Doubling the frequency of breathing will cause a greater increase in alveolar ventilation than will doubling the depth of inspiration.
Question #23
Which of these would tend to increase ventilation?
A.   Lower than normal arterial PCO2
B.   Breathing carbon monoxide
C.   Breathing air with increased PCO2
D.   Iron-deficiency anemia
E.   Higher than normal arterial pH
Question #24
You walk into your dorm room and find your roommate in the midst of anxiety-induced hyperventilation. You’re unable to calm her down, so you call an ambulance. When she arrives at the ER, which of the following is her likely diagnosis?
A.   Metabolic alkalosis
B.   Increased blood P CO2
C.   Metabolic acidosis
D.   Respiratory acidosis
E.   Respiratory alkalosis
Question #25
Decreased alveolar P O2causes reflex vasodilation of the pulmonary arterioles.
Question #26
Which of the following statements regarding the lymphoid organs is NOT true?
A.   The tonsils contain lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells that respond to microbes in food.
B.   Large numbers of macrophages and lymphocytes are found in the lymph nodes and spleen.
C.   The primary lymphoid organs are the bone marrow and thymus.
D.   The thymus secretes protein hormones, collectively called thymopoietins.
E.   Once a lymphocyte reaches a secondary lymphoid organ, it remains there for its lifetime.
Question #27
Michael has a rare immunological condition that prevents B cell maturation. His doctors first diagnosed him by looking at the levels of secreted immune factors in the blood. Which of the following secreted factors was missing in Michael’s blood?
A.   Antibodies
B.   Colony-stimulating factors
C.   Type 2 interferons
D.   Interleukin 2
E.   Type 1 interferons
Question #28
Which of the following statements regarding blood-type incompatibilities between a mother and her fetus is TRUE?
A.   An Rh-positive fetus may be at risk if its mother is Rh-negative.
B.   An Rh-negative fetus may be at risk if its mother is Rh-positive.
C.   A fetus with type B blood may be at risk if its mother has type O blood.
D.   The risk to anRh-positive fetus of an Rh-negative mother is lessened if she haspreviously carried anRh-negative fetus.
E.   The greatest risk to a fetus occurs when both mother and fetus are Rh-positive.
Question #29
B cells that differentiate during an initial immune response but remain dormant until being activated during a subsequent exposure to an antigen are called
A.   T cells.
B.   monocytes.
C.   macrophages.
D.   memory cells.
E.   cytokines.
Question #30
Which type of allergy/hypersensitivity occurs independent of antibodies?
A.   Immune-complex hypersensitivity
B.   Delayed hypersensitivity
C.   Cytotoxic hypersensitivity
D.   Immediate hypersensitivity
Question #31
The body's first line of defense against invasion by microbes are physical and chemical barriers.
Question #32
A person with type B blood can generally accept a transfusion of type AB blood.
Question #33
Which is NOT true about viruses?
A.   They may have genetic information in the form of RNA.
B.   They consist of a nucleic acid surrounded by a carbohydrate shell.
C.   They may reside in a host cell for years without killing it.
D.   They may cause a host cell to become cancerous.
E.   They require a host cell in order to reproduce themselves.
Question #34
When an antigen is bound to an antibody, it binds to
A.   the heavy immunoglobulin chain only.
B.   gamma immunoglobulin only.
C.   a hypervariable region of immunoglobulin DNA.
D.   a specific antigen-binding site formed by heavy and light chains.
E.   the light immunoglobulin chain only.
Question #35
An infant fed with formula will have less passive immunity than a breast-fed infant.
Question #36
Cholera toxin, the toxin released by the bacteria that cause cholera disease, interferes with water absorption and causes water secretion into the gastrointestinal tract. Even in the absence of bacteria, this toxin can cause diarrhea.
Question #37
A.   Respiration is inhibited.
B.   The upper esophageal sphincter relaxes.
C.   The pyloric sphincter relaxes.
D.   The lower esophageal sphincter relaxes.
E.   The glottis closes.
Question #38
Iron is stored in the body mainly as a protein-iron storagecomplex called
A.   myoglobin.
B.   hemochromatosis.
C.   ferritin.
D.   glycogen.
E.   transferrin.
Question #39
The type of smooth muscle contraction occurring in the esophagus during swallowing is called
A.   distension.
B.   segmentation.
C.   mass movement.
D.   eccentric.
E.   peristalsis.
Question #40
Bile secreted by the liver contains the major enzymes for digesting fats.
Question #41
Polysaccharides must be broken down to disaccharides in order to be absorbed.
Question #42
Which of the following statements regarding digestion and absorption of carbohydrates is TRUE?
A.   Carbohydrate digestion begins in the stomach.
B.   Digestible polysaccharides are broken down into the monosaccharides glucose, galactose, and fructose, which can be absorbed.
C.   Lactose intolerance results from an insufficiency of the enzyme amylase.
D.   Sucrose is the main form of carbohydrate that can be absorbed by active transport across the intestinal epithelium.
E.   Cellulose from plants is a polymer of glucose that can be easily digested and absorbed by the human GI tract.
Question #43
Lactose intolerance is caused by an amylase deficiency.
Question #44
Which accurately describes lipase?
A.   It is secreted by the endocrine pancreas.
B.   It catalyzes the breakdown of triglycerides into monoglycerides and free fatty acids.
C.   It emulsifies lipids.
D.   It is mainly produced in the liver, and secreted into the small intestine.
E.   It is produced in the exocrine pancreas, and catalyzes the degradation of chylomicrons into proteins and fats.
Question #45
Which substances would cause stimulation of gastric HCl secretion when applied to parietal cells?
A.   Gastrin
B.   Histamine
C.   CCK
D.   Histamine, Gastrin and Acetylcholine
E.   Somatostatin
F.   Acetylcholine
Question #46
Question #47
Glucose absorption across the luminal membrane of intestinal epithelial cells occurs by secondary active transport.
Question #48
Contraction of the circular smooth muscle in the gastrointestinal tract wall decreases the diameter of the lumen, while contraction of the longitudinal smooth muscle shortens the tract.
Question #49
Which of the following statements regarding lipid digestion and absorption is TRUE?
A.   The presence of fatty acids in the duodenum stimulates emptying of the stomach.
B.   The presence of fatty acids in the duodenum stimulates the secretion of secretin, which in turn stimulates contraction of the gallbladder.
C.   The presence of fatty acids in the duodenum stimulates the secretion of CCK, which in turn stimulates secretion of pancreatic enzymes.
D.   The presence of fatty acids in the stomach stimulates the secretion of secretin, whichinhibits motility of the large intestine.
E.   The presence of fatty acids in the duodenum stimulates the secretion of gastrin, which in turn stimulates bile synthesis in the gallbladder.
Question #50
Barry’s children seem to be struggling often with constipation. To help prevent it, their pediatrician recommends
A.   avoiding foods that can lead to accumulation of toxins in feces.
B.   feeding the children foods with more lipid content.
C.   making the children sit on the toilet until they defecate at least once a day.
D.   avoiding milk, the children may be lactose intolerant.
E.   feeding the children foods with a high proportion of cellulose and other indigestible carbohydrates.
Question #51
Sally has had too many alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is a systemic vasodilator and it increases urine volume, thereby decreasing blood volume. In order to maintain cardiac output, what can her body do?
A.   Increase total peripheral resistance (TPR)
B.   Increase heart rate
C.   Decrease stroke volume
D.   Increase stroke volume
E.   Decrease heart rate
Question #52
Which of the following factors would NOT tend to increase systemic arterial blood pressure?
A.   Increased parasympathetic stimulation
B.   Increased sympathetic stimulation
C.   Increased activity of the skeletal muscle pump
D.   Increased venous return
E.   Increased blood volume

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