Physiology 001 - Introduction to Human Physiology » Winter 2021 » Lecture Exam 3 (A)

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Question #1
In the clotting cascade, thrombin feeds back and further stimulates its own activation, which is a positive feedback mechanism.
Question #2
Which of the following statements regarding blood clotting is TRUE?
A.   Blood clotting occurs too rapidly in individuals with the disease hemophilia.
B.   Blood clotting requires activation of thrombin.
C.   Blood clotting is enhanced by prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) and nitric oxide.
D.   A blood clot is a network of interlacing strands of fibrinogen.
E.   Injecting tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) into a patient who is bleeding will aid blood clotting.
Question #3
An electrocardiogram would be definitive for diagnosing diseases involving the valves of the heart.
Question #4
Increasing the mean arterial pressure or the pulse pressure in the carotid artery will cause decreased firing of action potentials in the afferent neurons associated with the baroreceptors.
Question #5
What is hemostasis?
A.   A disease in which blood clot formation is impaired
B.   The maintenance of relatively stable conditions in the internal environment
C.   The prevention or stoppage of blood loss
D.   The set point for normal arterial blood pressure
E.   A protein inside red blood cells that binds oxygen with high affinity
Question #6
Blood flow through most organs in the systemic circuit is regulated primarily by increasing or decreasing the __________ activity to arteriolar smooth muscles in the organ. Another form of regulation, called __________, depends upon the metabolic activity of the organ. Increased activity leads to increased interstitial fluid metabolites, which cause __________ of the arterioles. The former is a type of __________ regulation of blood flow; the latter is an example of __________ regulation.
A.   sympathetic; reactive hyperemia; dilation; intrinsic; extrinsic
B.   parasympathetic; active hyperemia; constriction; extrinsic; intrinsic
C.   sympathetic; active hyperemia; dilation; extrinsic; intrinsic
D.   parasympathetic; reactive hyperemia; dilation; extrinsic; intrinsic
E.   sympathetic; flow autoregulation; constriction; intrinsic; extrinsic
Question #7
Mr. Saunders has been diagnosed with bundle branch block following an infection in his heart. This means that action potential propagation through the bundle of His is compromised. Which of the following would be TRUE?,,
A.   The ventricles would contract more frequently than the atria.
B.   The SA node would no longer set the pace for ventricular contraction.
C.   There would be a slowing of the frequency of contraction of the ventricles.
D.   The Purkinje fibers would not receive their typical action potential frequency from the bundle branches.
E.   The atria and ventricles would no longer beat in synchrony.
Question #8
The left ventricle has a thicker wall than the right ventricle because the left ventricle has to pump blood against a higher pressure.
Question #9
The smooth muscle in arteriole walls can be stimulated either to contract or to relax, thereby either decreasing or increasing the amount of blood flowing through arteriolar beds.
Question #10
In the systemic circuit, which of these best describes active hyperemia?
A.   Decreased blood flow to tissues that results in vasodilation
B.   Increased metabolic activity that results in vasodilation
C.   Increased blood pressure that drives blood more rapidly through tissues
D.   Increased metabolic activity that results in vasoconstriction
E.   Decreased blood flow to tissues that results in vasoconstriction
Question #11
Consider the equation F = ΔP/R. It describes the flow (F) of fluid in a tube in which there is a pressure difference (ΔP) between the two ends and a resistance (R) to flow. Based on this equation, which is a correct conclusion?
A.   The greater the resistance to flow in a tube, the greater the rate of flow for any given pressure difference.
B.   If both the resistance and the pressure gradient in a tube increase, the flow must also increase.
C.   The rate of flow in a tube will decrease if the resistance to flow is decreased.
D.   The flow of fluid in a tube depends upon the absolute pressure at the beginning of the tube.
E.   The rate of fluid flow in a tube will increase if the pressure at the beginning is increased while the pressure at the end of the tube stays the same.
Question #12
Strong vasoconstriction of arterioles will probably result in greater filtration of fluid from the plasma of capillary beds downstream.
Question #13
During the cardiac cycle of an individual at rest
A.   the duration of diastole is greater than that of systole.
B.   the contraction of the atria overlaps in time with the ventricular systole.
C.   the duration of systole is greater than that of diastole.
D.   the volume of blood leaving the left side of the heart is greater than that leaving the right side.
E.   the pressure of blood leaving the right ventricle is greater than that leaving the left ventricle.
Question #14
Under normal circumstances, which of the following would result froman increase in transpulmonary pressure?
A.   A collapsed lung
B.   Emphysema
C.   Pneumothorax
D.   Exhalation/expiration
E.   Inhalation/inspiration
Question #15
A decrease in arterial P O2 stimulates increased ventilation by causing increased firing of action potentials in the afferent neurons from the carotid and aortic body chemoreceptors.
Question #16
The diameter of the airways in normal lungs is generally great enough that little resistance is offered to airflow.
Question #17
Which of the following statements regarding pulmonary surfactant is TRUE?
A.   It is secreted into the intrapleural space.
B.   It increases airway resistance.
C.   It is secreted by type I alveolar cells.
D.   It can only interact with other lipid molecules
E.   It increases the compliance of the lungs.
Question #18
At sea level, atmospheric PO2 is about 760 mmHg.
Question #19
An individual with emphysema might experience which of the following?,,
A.   Increased arterial P O2
B.   Decreased arterial P O2
C.   Increased respiratory rate
D.   Increased arterial P CO2
E.   Decreased arterial PC O2
Question #20
Increased plasma concentration of lactic acid stimulates increased ventilation primarily by means of central chemoreceptors.
Question #21
Which of the following are chemoreceptors?
A.   Receptors that mediate the Hering-Breuer reflex
B.   Hair cells in the cochlea
C.   Baroreceptors in the aortic and carotid arch
D.   Receptors in the aortic and carotid bodies
Question #22
Which of the following drugs, administered as an aerosol spray, would be most likely to help a patient during an asthmatic attack?
A.   A β2-adrenergic antagonist
B.   Histamine
C.   A muscarinic agonist
D.   Pulmonary surfactant
E.   A β2-adrenergic agonist
Question #23
Maria is a patient in the ward who was recently in a motor vehicle accident. Her injuries are causing her a lot of pain, and as a consequence to the morphine she’s been given, her respiratory rate is quite low. Which of the following is likely to be TRUE?
A.   The alveolar CO 2 has decreased to near atmospheric levels.
B.   The alveolar O 2 level has increased toward atmospheric levels.
C.   The level of H + ions in her blood has increased.
D.   The level of O 2 in her blood has increased.
E.   The pH of her blood has increased.
Question #24
Which of these results from hyperventilation?,,
A.   Increased alveolar P O2
B.   The same alveolar P CO2 as under normal conditions
C.   Decreased alveolar P CO2
D.   An increase in alveolar P CO2
E.   A decrease in alveolar P O2
Question #25
Doubling the frequency of breathing will cause a greater increase in alveolar ventilation than will doubling the depth of inspiration.
Question #26
A chemical that causes binding of a phagocyte to a microbe is called a chemotaxin.
Question #27
A.   refers to the chemical attraction of neutrophils to a site of inflammation.
B.   is important only for innate immune responses.
C.   refers to the engulfing of microbes and foreign molecules by macrophages.
D.   refers to dilation of blood vessels by chemicals released by damaged tissue cells.
E.   is important only for adaptive immune responses.
Question #28
Which of these correctly describes a systemic response to infection?
A.   There is reduced breakdown of triglycerides in adiopse tissue and a decrease in plasma free fatty acids compared to normal.
B.   Secretion of cortisol by the adrenal cortex is decreased.
C.   The liver retains iron and zinc so plasma levels are decreased from normal.
D.   Appetite generally increases compared to normal.
E.   The body's set point temperature is reset so that body temperature is maintained lower than normal.
Question #29
Adaptive immune responses differ from innate immune responses in that the former are mediated by lymphocytes.
Question #30
Which two cell types are primarily responsible for graft rejection?
A.   Cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells
B.   B cells and plasma cells
C.   B cells and helper T cells
D.   Marcrophages and natural killer cells
E.   Natural killer cells and B cells
Question #31
Which of the following cell types binds to antigens on plasma membranes of target cells and directly destroys the cells?
A.   B cells
B.   NK cells
C.   Helper T cells (CD4 cells)
D.   Cytotoxic T cells (CD8 cells)
E.   Neutrophils
Question #32
Which is NOT true about AIDS?
A.   It is caused by a virus that contains RNA.
B.   The HIVvirus preferentially enters and disables B cells.
C.   It is caused by a retrovirus.
D.   It is transmitted by intimate contact with infected blood, sexual intercourse with an infected partner, or by an infected mother to her breast-fed infant.
E.   Certain unusual cancers such as Kaposi's sarcoma co-occur with relatively high frequency.
Question #33
One therapy option for an individual with hepatitis C virus is a drug that mimics the action of interferons. Which would be NOT true in a patient taking this drug?
A.   The patient will have increased immunity to viral infections.
B.   Many cells of the body will increase their cellular production of antiviral proteins.
C.   The patient may have increased immunity to the progression of cancer tumors.
D.   The patient will have increased immunity to bacterial infections.
E.   None of these are true.
Question #34
Which type of allergy/hypersensitivity occurs independent of antibodies?
A.   Delayed hypersensitivity
B.   Immediate hypersensitivity
C.   Cytotoxic hypersensitivity
D.   Immune-complex hypersensitivity
Question #35
Which of the following statements regarding blood-type incompatibilities between a mother and her fetus is TRUE?
A.   A fetus with type B blood may be at risk if its mother has type O blood.
B.   The risk to anRh-positive fetus of an Rh-negative mother is lessened if she haspreviously carried anRh-negative fetus.
C.   An Rh-positive fetus may be at risk if its mother is Rh-negative.
D.   An Rh-negative fetus may be at risk if its mother is Rh-positive.
E.   The greatest risk to a fetus occurs when both mother and fetus are Rh-positive.
Question #36
Which of the following statements regarding protein digestion and absorption is TRUE?
A.   Free amino acids are the only product of protein digestion that can beabsorbed from the lumen into intestinal epithelial cells.
B.   Only the exocrine pancreas produces enzymes that can digest proteins.
C.   The enzymes that digest protein are secreted in active form.
D.   After absorption, the products of protein digestion are carried by blood directly to the liver.
E.   Pepsin digests protein mainly in the small intestine.
Question #37
The presence of acid and peptides in the stomach stimulates the gastric phase of gastrointestinal control.
Question #38
Neural regulation of digestive processes is accomplished exclusively by the enteric nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract.
Question #39
Which of these are secretions of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa?
A.   gastrin and intrinsic factor
B.   HCl and intrinsic factor
C.   pepsinogen and intrinsic factor
D.   HCl and gastrin
E.   HCl and pepsinogen
Question #40
Which of the following would be most likely to cause metabolic alkalosis?
A.   Severe vomiting
B.   Hyperventilation
C.   Strenuous exercise
D.   Severe diarrhea
E.   Hypoventilation
Question #41
You’re going hiking and want to pack emergency food in case you get lost or the hike takes longer than you anticipate. Your goal is to pack a food that will have the biggest increase on your blood glucose level to be able to supply your hiking muscles with glucose for cellular respiration. Which of the following foods will lead to the biggest and most immediate increase in blood glucose?
A.   A snack rich in cellulose, such as a bag of celery
B.   A snack rich in protein, such as a dried meat stick
C.   A snack rich in digestible polysaccharides such as a cooked potato
D.   A snack rich in lipids, such as slices of cheese
E.   All of these will have equal impacts on blood glucose level
Question #42
Which of the following statements regarding neural regulation of gastrointestinal function is TRUE?
A.   There are no afferent neuronal pathways from the GI tract to the central nervous system.
B.   Networks of neurons in the wall of the GI tract innervate the wall's smooth muscle.
C.   Smooth muscle of the GI tract is innervated by both sympathetic and somatic motor nerves.
D.   If the autonomic nerves to the GI tract were cut, digestion and absorption of food could no longer take place.
E.   The nerve plexus of the GI tract exists in a single layer, just outside of the serosa.
Question #43
Voluntary control of defecation requires learning to keep the external anal sphincter smooth muscle contracted.
Question #44
The same hormone that stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion stimulates pancreatic bicarbonate secretion.
Question #45
The breakdown products of dietary triglycerides are resynthesized into triglycerides by intestinal cells and pass from these cells into lacteals.
Question #46
Bile secreted by the liver contains the major enzymes for digesting fats.
Question #47
Amino acids are mainly absorbed across the epithelial wall in the stomach.
Question #48
Elizabeth suffers from a gastric ulcer. She experiences pain during the times when acid is released into the stomach. Which of the following times is Elizabeth likely to experience the most pain?
A.   Elizabeth is likely to be in the same amount of pain all the time.
B.   During the digestion of a high-protein meal, such as a steak.
C.   During the digestion of a high-fat meal, such as greasy French fries.
D.   During periods of hunger.
E.   During digestion of a high-carbohydrate meal, such as a bagel.
Question #49
A bacterium that has been associated with ulcers is
A.   Helicobacter pylori.
B.   Clostridium difficile.
C.   Staphylococcus aureus.
D.   Streptococcus pyogenes.
E.   Eschericia coli.
Question #50
The primary kind of motility in the small intestine during digestion of a meal is
A.   peristalsis.
B.   segmentation.
C.   migrating motility complex.
D.   mass movement.
E.   receptive relaxation.
Question #51
Which is TRUE regarding the regulation of heart rate?
A.   Stimulation of parasympathetic nerves to the heart causes a slowing of heart rate.
B.   The slope of diastolic depolarization in SA node cell action potentialsdetermines the heart rate. Stimulation of sympathetic nerves to the heart causes an increase in heart rate. A person whose heart lacks autonomic innervation has a faster heart rate at rest than a person with a normally innervated heart. Stimulation of parasympathetic nerves to the heart causes a slowing of heart rate.
C.   The slope of diastolic depolarization in SA node cell action potentialsdetermines the heart rate.
D.   Stimulation of sympathetic nerves to the heart causes an increase in heart rate.
E.   A person whose heart lacks autonomic innervation has a faster heart rate at rest than a person with a normally innervated heart.
Question #52
A beta-adrenergic receptor blocker will work to both lower the heart rate and the force of ventricular contraction.

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