English 104 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking » Winter 2021 » Pride and Prejudice Quiz (3)

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Question #1
What does Darcy say in the beginning of his proposal?
A.   How he finds Elizabeth to be beautiful and kind
B.   How ardently he admires and loves Elizabeth
C.   How he has three reasons for wanting to marry Elizabeth
Question #2
Elizabeth accuses Darcy of many offenses, except:
A.   Being discourteous to her aunt Gardiner when she visited his home
B.   For causing Wickham’s current misery
C.   For breaking up Jane and Bingley
Question #3
Darcy’s letter identifies a different truth about Wickham, which is?
A.   Wickham refused the living given to him by Darcy’s father and wanted the money instead
B.   Wickham tried to seduce his sister for her fortune
C.   Wickham refused the living given to him by Darcy’s father and wanted the money instead and Wickham tried to seduce his sister for her fortune
Question #4
What is Elizabeth’s reaction to the letter after reflecting on it?
A.   She is determined to get the full story from Wickham
B.   She still does not believe Darcy
C.   She feels ashamed at herself over how she prejudged Darcy
Question #5
Who are the two men Jane and Elizabeth are discussing when Elizabeth says, “There certainly was some great mismanagement in the education of those two young men. One has got all the goodness, and the other all the appearance of it.”
A.   Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham
B.   Mr. Darcy and Mr. Collins
C.   Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy

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