Microbiology 020 - General Microbiology » Spring 2021 » Chapter 1 Quiz

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Question #1
Which scientist showed that anthrax was caused by the bacterium, Bacillus anthracis?
A.   Robert Koch
B.   Joseph Lister
C.   Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
D.   Ignaz Semmelweis
E.   Louis Pasteur
Question #2
Using microbes to detoxify a site contaminated with heavy metals is an example of _____.
A.   bioremediation
B.   biotechnology
C.   immunology
D.   decomposition
E.   epidemiology
Question #3
When assigning a scientific name to an organism,
A.   the species name is placed first.
B.   both genus and species names are capitalized.
C.   the species name is capitalized.
D.   both genus and species names are italicized or underlined.
E.   the species name can be abbreviated.
Question #4
Cells, like bacteria and archaea, that do not have a nucleus in their cells have traditionally been called _____.
A.   pathogens
B.   decomposers
C.   prokaryotes
D.   fermenters
E.   eukaryotes
Question #5
Which of the following is a unique characteristic of viruses that distinguishes them from the other major groups of microorganisms?
A.   Contain genetic material
B.   Lack a nucleus
C.   Cause human disease
D.   Cannot be seen without a microscope
E.   Lack cell structure
Question #6
Disease-causing microorganisms are called _____.
A.   prokaryotes
B.   fermenters
C.   pathogens
D.   eukaryotes
E.   decomposers
Question #7
Which of the following is not considered a microorganism?
A.   Fungus
B.   Bacterium
C.   Virus
D.   Protozoan
E.   Mosquito
Question #8
Which of the following is not a human use of microorganisms?
A.   Mass producing antibiotics
B.   Making bread
C.   Cleaning up oil spills
D.   Treating water and sewage
E.   Manufacturing copper wire

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