CDE 7 - Child Growth and Development » Spring 2021 » Chapter 4

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Question #1
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children be introduced to solid foods at around:
A.   9 months
B.   6 months
C.   4 months
D.   2 months
Question #2
Small movements made by fingers and toes are known as _____ motor skills.
A.   Gross
B.   Fine
C.   Athletic
D.   Primitive
Question #3
By _____ months of age, a typically developing child is able to grasp an object using his forefinger and thumb.
A.   4 months
C.   9 months
D.   6 months
E.   none of the above – this skill does not develop until after age 2.
Question #4
By 2-3 months of age, babies begin to explore objects visually and show a preference for:
A.   Unusual images over familiar ones
B.   Patterns over faces
C.   Solids over patterns
D.   Pastels over black and white
Question #5
Gross motor skills are:
A.   Head motions
B.   Large movements
C.   Small movements
D.   Foot motions
Question #6
The brain develops extremely quickly in the first few years, but not all of this growth is permanent. This rapid brain growth is called:
A.   Transient exuberance
B.   Cortex multiplication
C.   Pruning
D.   Dendrite proliferation
Question #7
Childhood vaccines protect against diseases such as:
A.   Tetanus
B.   Hepatitis B
C.   Tetanus, Measles and Hepatitis B
D.   Measles
Question #8
Babies are at higher risk for SIDS if they:
A.   Sleep covered with a blanket or quilt
B.   Sleep alone in their own beds
C.   Sleep on their backs
D.   Sleep on a firm flat surface
Question #9
The part of the brain which regulates emotions and plans activity is the:
A.   Synapses
B.   Axons
C.   The prefrontal cortex
D.   Dendrites
Question #10
At birth, the human brain has:
A.   Billions of neurons
B.   50 percent of its adult neurons
C.   Trillions of neurons
D.   25 percent of its adult neurons
Question #11
A newborn's brain weight goes from ___ to ___ of an adult's brain weight in the first 2 years.
A.   The same to 75%
B.   The same to 50%
C.   25 % to 75%
D.   50% to 75%
Question #12
Baby teeth begin to appear generally around:
A.   4 months
B.   9 months
C.   2 months
D.   6 months
Question #13
Some infants have bouts of uncontrollable crying, called:
A.   Colic
B.   Reflexive
C.   Reflux
D.   Excessive
Question #14
A life-threatening condition that occurs when infants are vigorously shaken by the shoulders, arms, or legs, is called:
A.   Head-sparing
B.   Self-righting
C.   Transient exuberance
D.   Shaken baby syndrome
Question #15
The part of the brain that is last to mature is the:
A.   Prefrontal cortex
B.   Axons
C.   Dendrites
D.   Synapses
Question #16
Nellie’s toes fan out and curl when her dad strokes the bottom of her foot. Nellie is demonstrating the:
A.   Rooting reflex
B.   Moro reflex
C.   Sucking reflex
D.   Babinski reflex
Question #17
The leading cause of death for children under age 1 is:
A.   Car accidents
B.   Poisoning
D.   Drowning
E.   Suffocation
Question #18
Many children in the United States suffer from milk anemia which is a condition where milk consumption leads to a lack of:
A.   Fat
B.   Muscle
C.   Iron
D.   Protein
Question #19
_____ is the first breast milk produced during pregnancy and just after birth.
A.   Antibodies
B.   Colostrum
C.   Immunization
D.   Formula

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