Anth 1 - Biological Anthropology » 2019 » Quiz 7

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Question #1
Gibbons practice monogamy which
A.   results in a great deal of sexual dimorphism
B.   results in the males having extra large canines
C.   which is the rarest type of residence pattern for primates
D.   means that there is one male and one female. They have very little sexual dimorphism as a result
Question #2
Which type of primate live solitarily and then practice polygyny when they mate?
A.   siamangs
B.   gibbons
C.   tamarins
D.   gorillas
E.   orangutans
F.   bonobos
Question #3
Both bonobos and chimpanzees live and mate in multi-male, multi-female groups. However, a difference between them is that
A.   They are actually the same species, so there is no significant difference between them
B.   One is a monkey and one is an ape
C.   chimpanzees are female dominant and bonobos are male dominant
D.   bonobos are female dominant and chimpanzees are male dominant
Question #4
Male baboons have canines that are significantly larger than those of female baboons. The reason for this high degree of sexual dimorphism is
A.   only males have honing chewing, females don't
B.   their residency pattern
C.   males eat different food than females and need bigger canines.
D.   A genetic mutation present in some males and not in females.
Question #5
In the film "Ape Genius" what tool does the chimpanzee use to get the peanut out of the tube? 
A.   water
B.   a rock
C.   help from another chimpanzee
D.   a hammer
Question #6
In the film "Ape Genius" what do the bonobos do when an individual of their species dies and the zoo keepers try to remove the body?
A.   they kill the zoo keepers
B.   they use the event as a diversion to launch their own daring escape
C.   they defend the body despite risk to their own safety, demonstrating allegiance
D.   they ignore the zoo keepers and the dead animal, showing they have no feelings
Question #7
From "Ape genius" what do we learn about the difference between ape and human intelligence?
A.   Apes cannot learn to recognize human words
B.   There aren't actually any differences. Apes and humans share lots of behaviors: they both actively teach members of their own species how to do things and they both have a lot of patience.
C.   Apes cannot comprehend or learn numbers, but humans can
D.   Humans actively teach each other how to do things
Question #8
Tamarins and marmosets practice social polyandry which is a residency pattern,,
A.   where there are multiple males and multiple females
B.   where there is one male and multiple females. This often results in sexual dimorphism, which is common with these species.
C.   where there is one female and multiple males. This is often done to help with childcare.
D.   that is very common in the primate world.

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