Political Science 101- Introduction to American Politics » Spring 2021 » Chapter 4 Video Quiz
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Question #1
Watch the news clip to answer the following questions. https://stg-util.wwnorton.com/jwplayer2/iframe.html?playerid=vid1544564009446&playertype=video&skin=default&aspectratio=16:9&stretching=uniform&file=s3.amazonaws.com/wwnorton.college.public/Political_Science/AmGov_Videos/2019/CivilLiberties.mp4&seekTime=0&videoimg=s3.amazonaws.com/wwnorton.college.public/Political_Science/AmGov_Videos/2019/CivilLiberties.jpg&showCC=1&videocaption=s3.amazonaws.com/wwnorton.college.public/Political_Science/AmGov_Videos/2019/CivilLiberties.vtt (Links to an external site.) Or click here to watch the video at ABC News. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/video/supreme-court-baker-refuse-gay-wedding-cake-55653885 (Links to an external site.) Which element of the First Amendment was, according to the news clip, most at stake in this case?
freedom of assembly
freedom of religion
freedom of expression
freedom of the press
Question #2
Which two constitutional protections were most in tension in the case presented in the news clip?
freedom of religion (First Amendment) and due process (Fifth Amendment)
freedom of religion (First Amendment) and freedom of expression (First Amendment)
freedom of expression (First Amendment) and states rights (Tenth Amendment)
freedom of religion (First Amendment) and equal protection under the law (Fourteenth Amendment)
Question #3
Based on the outcome of this case, which statement most accurately describes the balance between freedom of religion and same-sex marriage rights?
Religious freedoms clearly take precedence over same-sex marriage rights.
Same-sex marriage rights clearly take precedence over freedom of religion issues.
Nothing; the Supreme Court did not settle the issue between freedom of religion and same-sex marriage rights and instead, referred the matter to Congress for a constitutional solution.
It’s unclear; the Supreme Court overruled an appeals court’s decision against the baker, granting him a new hearing, but did not settle the issue between freedom of religion and same-sex marriage rights.
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