Anthropology 102 - Human Ways of Life » Spring 2021 » Topic 7 Quiz Capitalist Mode of Production and Exchange

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Question #1
General purpose money
A.   reflects our view that all things can be interchanged (money for shoes, etc), creates opportunities for unequal exchange, and is a medium of exchange in market systems.
B.   is a medium of exchange in market systems.
C.   creates opportunities for unequal exchange and is a medium of exchange in market systems.
D.   reflects our view that all things can be interchanged (money for shoes, etc). .
Question #2
Marx criticizes the production mode of capitalism because
A.   it causes human relations to become purely economic relations.
B.   he points out that it causes people to relate to objects, rather than each other, he believes it is dehumanizing, it causes human relations to become purely economic relations and it pushes people to work harder and harder.
C.   it pushes people to work harder and harder and he believes it is dehumanizing.
D.   he points out that it causes people to relate to objects, rather than each other.
E.   he believes it is dehumanizing.
Question #3
As Malaysia has shifted to a capitalist mode of production
A.   has brought women more economic power, brought women under new forms of patriarchy and gender relations have been changed.
B.   has brought women more economic power.
C.   brought women under new forms of patriarchy.
D.   gender relations have been changed and brought women under new forms of patriarchy.
Question #4
A market economy is characterized by
A.   Balanced reciprocity
B.   Generalized reciprocity
C.   More competition
D.   More cooperation
Question #5
A good illustration of the Marxist concept of surplus value is
A.   a worker makes one $30 sweater every hour in a factory but gets paid only $15
B.   a worker improves gets a promotion.
C.   a worker shows up to work late and gets his pay reduced.
D.   a factory owner prevents labor unions from forming in the factory
Question #6
Markets are regulated by supply and demand. Societies that depend on this form of exchange differ from non-market societies in that market economies
A.   promote consumption
B.   base exchange on atomized transactions, promote consumption, create personal risk - a job loss could result in a person going hungry and use general purpose money.
C.   create personal risk - a job loss could result in a person going hungry.
D.   use general purpose money and promote consumption
E.   base exchange on atomized transactions.
Question #7
Commodities can become fetishized when we start to believe that they have a natural value (rather than a socially prescribed value).
Question #8
The Anthropologist who worked with the women in Malaysian FTZs found that the spirit possessions were likely the result of
A.   harsh working conditions of capitalism, superstitious beliefs and women's "hysteria"
B.   harsh working conditions of capitalism.
C.   women's "hysteria".
D.   superstitious beliefs.
Question #9
Atomized transactions result in long-term relationships between the gift giver and the gift receiver.
Question #10
In Marx's view, capitalism results in alienation, which he defines as
A.   social separation from coworkers and others.
B.   loss of primary relationships (like family).
C.   the separation from the product of your labor and the separation from the means of production.
D.   loss of primary relationships (like family), the separation from the means of production, the separation from the product of your labor, and social separation from coworkers and others.
E.   the separation from the means of production.
Question #11
in the film, Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin experienced
A.   value oriented time.
B.   dehumanization and alienation.
C.   alienation.
D.   value oriented time, alienation and dehumanization.
Question #12
Task oriented time in capitalism is organized around
A.   a sense of pride in the things you make or produce.
B.   a strong identity with your work, chores that need to be done and a sense of pride in the things you make or produce.
C.   chores that need to be done and a strong identity with your work.
D.   a strong identity with your work.
Question #13
Free Trade Zones are characterized by poor working and living conditions.
Question #14
Marx criticizes the production mode of capitalism because he believes it to be dehumanizing - it causes people to related to objects, rather than each other.

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