Psychology 001 - General Psychology » Spring 2021 » Exam 3
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Question #1
Susie is a 55 year-old woman who suffers from arthritis, Type 2 diabetes, and chronic back pain. She hasn't left her house in months, saying the pain is too strong. When her sister comes over to take her to the doctor, Susie has an anxiety attack, and refuses to go. Whenever she tries to take a walk, she is overwhelmed with anxiety and finds herself unable to stop outside. She spends her days inside watching TV or going on her computer. Susie likely has
hoarding disorder
Post traumatic stress disorder
Question #2
As a child, Barbara experienced poverty and remembers her parents struggling to provide food and necessities. As an adult, Barbara can't seem to let any object go, fearing that she won't have enough money for necessities. When her children come to visit, they find every inch of her house covered with junk, so that there isn't even room to walk. Barbara has saved 30 years of old newspapers, broken appliances, piles of clothes and shoes, and more. When her kids try to clean out some of her stuff, she flies into a rage. It sounds like Barbara has
body dysmorphic disorder
major depressive disorder
hoarding disorder
Question #3
Mandy smashes her TV, saying that the government is spying on her through her TV. She accuses her neighbor of trying to poison her dog, even though that's simply not true. When walking around her neighborhood, she yells at a fellow pedestrian to stop following her, even though they are not doing that. She often hears a voice inside her head, warning her that people are out to get her. It sounds like Mandy has
catatonic schizophrenia
bipolar disorder
dissociative identity disorder
paranoid schizophrenia
Question #4
Becky went on one date with a man and when he didn't call her for another date, she became enraged. She wanted to get revenge on him for what she considered a rejection, so she called his work and told vicious lies about him to try to get him fired. She posted on social media a bunch of lies about this man, and even threatened his family. Becky has no true friends, and her family has cut ties with her due to her constant attacks. Becky always blames her problems on others, and never accepts responsibility for any of her problems. Becky likely has
narcissistic personality disorder
antisocial personality disorder
panic disorder
borderline personality disorder
Question #5
Cooper is a 3 year-old boy whose parents have become concerned, because he does not respond when they call his name, he only says one or two words at a time, and he pushes his parents away when they try to hug him. Cooper is also prone to violent tantrums, and his parents are very alarmed that when Cooper is frustrated, he will sometimes bang his head on the table. It sounds like Cooper many be diagnosed with
social anxiety disorder
social phobia
autism spectrum disorder
Question #6
Maureen is a 16 year-old girl who is the star player on her high school's volley ball team. Her dentist become alarmed when he notices that the enamel on her teeth is damaged, likely due to stomach acid. After every meal, Maureen forces herself to vomit and tries to hide this behavior from her family and friends. Sometimes, she stays up all night doing cardio videos, and gets no sleep. Maureen has
anorexia nervosa
body dysmorphic disorder
bulimia nervosa
major depression
Question #7
Fred is a 45 year-old man who binge drinks almost every night. Fred lost his job and his wife is divorcing him. His kids have tried to help him, but now they have severed all ties with him. Fred would be diagnosed with
narcissistic personality disorder
bipolar disorder
antisocial personality disorder
substance abuse disorder
Question #8
Martha is a college student who was riding the bus to school when she became overwhelmed with anxiety. She felt her heart begin to race and her hands began shaking. She felt like the world was closing in on her, and she began to feel dizzy. Martha was terrified that maybe she was having a heart attack and might die. The bus driver called 911 and she as taken to the hopsital. Martha is prone to these types of panic attacks whenever she is stressed about school. Martha likely has
obsessive compulsive disorder
panic disorder
Question #9
Bobby is a 33 year-old man who is a patient in a psychiatric ward of a hospital. A nurse guides him each day to the recreation area, but Bobby sits all day by himself without moving or saying a word to anyone. When fellow patients try to talk to him, he does not respond but stares blankly ahead. It sounds like Bobby is suffering from
paranoid schizophrenia
catatonic schizophrenia
disorganized schizophrenia
major depressive disorder
Question #10
Eileen is a 22 year-old woman who was bullied as a child. She registered to attend college classes in person, but on the first day of class, she became overwhelmed with anxiety and fear that she would be bullied again, and she couldn't bring herself to attend the class. Eileen ended up dropping all of her classes because the fear was so severe. Whenever she's invited to a party, she declines as she can't seem to overcome her fear of being bullied. It appears that Eileen has
borderline personality disorder
paranoid schizophrenia
social anxiety disorder
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