History 11 - A Political and Social History of the United States I » Summer 2021 » Chapter 11 Quiz

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Question #1
The Jefferson cutbacks included all of the following EXCEPT:
A.   Navy
B.   Army
C.   Exploration
D.   Taxes
Question #2
Madison was enthusiastic about declaring war on the British.
Question #3
How did Congress respond to the sinking of the ship Chesapeake in June 1807?
A.   Congress passed a law prohibiting arms sales to France.
B.   It declared an alliance with Great Britain against France.
C.   Congress declared war on Great Britain.
D.   It prohibited U.S. ships from traveling to all foreign ports.
Question #4
The Battle of Horseshoe Bend was marked by the
A.   decisive defeat of British forces after the Treaty of Ghent had been signed.
B.   death of Tecumseh.
C.   The defeat of the Red Sticks at the hands of Colonel Andrew Jackson.
D.   brilliant leadership of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry.
Question #5
Why did congressmen from New England and some Mid-Atlantic states oppose war with Great Britain in 1812?
A.   They feared the war would hurt commerce.
B.   They wanted instead to target France.
C.   They knew that the South and West would be slow to raise troops.
D.   They believed the United States could not win.
Question #6
The market revolution brought many social and economic changes to the United States.
Question #7
Francis Cabot Lowell built the first integrated textile mill in New England.
Question #8
What happened when Robert R. Livingston approached the French about buying New Orleans?
A.   The French turned him away.
B.   Jefferson fired him for disobeying orders.
C.   He purchased the entire Louisiana territory.
D.   He bought New Orleans for $60 million.
Question #9
According to Jefferson, the source of true freedom in America was the
A.   property qualifications for voting.
B.   political party system.
C.   rising class of urban merchants.
D.   independent farmer.
Question #10
Lewis and Clark found the Northwest Passage.
Question #11
What was the lasting effect of the Marbury v. Madison (1803) Supreme Court decision?
A.   The ruling awarded William Marbury an unprecedented monetary settlement.
B.   The court claimed to the right to disallow a law on the grounds that it was unconstitutional.
C.   The decision compelled Jefferson to award Marbury the government post he had been denied.
D.   The court excused itself from making decisions regarding presidential appointments.
Question #12
The Treaty of Ghent
A.   resolved territorial issues between America and Spain
B.   gave Spanish Florida to the British
C.   restored everything to pre-War of 1812 status
D.   ended the Quasi War
Question #13
Jeffersonian Indian policy focused its greatest efforts on
A.   relocating Indians further west
B.   civilizing Indians
C.   exterminating Indians
D.   relocating Indians to an Indian colony located in the West Indies
Question #14
Short staple cotton was preferred to long staple cotton before the invention of the cotton gin.
Question #15
The War of 1812
A.   happened because of British violations of American neutral trading rights
B.   happened because of British violations of American neutral trading rights and the British were impressing Americans into service in the British Royal Navy
C.   happened because the British were impressing Americans into service in the British Royal Navy
D.   was America's second war for independence, happened because of British violations of American neutral trading rights ,and the British were impressing Americans into service in the British Royal Navy
E.   was America's second war for independence
Question #16
The British Navy was the greatest in the world in 1812.
Question #17
The explosion of America's market economy in the North is most attributed to:
A.   The Outwork System
B.   Transportation
C.   Agriculture
D.   Labor contracts
Question #18
Jefferson's efforts to use economic pressure to solve the situation with Britain and France were successful.
Question #19
The Battle of Washington D.C., valiantly fought by Americans was a much needed victory during the War of 1812
Question #20
The Indian Intercourse Act, 1790
A.   only allowed the President to negotiate Indian land deals.
B.   only allowed Congress to negotiated Indian land deals.
C.   allowed the states to independently negotiate Indian land deals.
D.   prohibited states from negotiating land deals with Indians unless they had the permission of the federal government

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