FCS 340 - Marriage and Family Relations » Spring 2019 » Chapter 14 Exam

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Question #1
Charles and Ross are engaged in a debate about which theory best explains family abuse and violence. Charles claims that the resource theory provides the best explanation, while Ross claims that the social learning theory is a better explanation. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Ross's claim?
A.   Studies have shown that most women who go through domestic violence stay in those relationships for financial gain.
B.   Witnessing domestic violence almost triples the likelihood of children having conduct disorders such as aggression, disobedience, and delinquency.
C.   Women's growing independence has resulted in some men using violence to reestablish their power in the relationship.
D.   Television programs and movies that demean, debase, and devalue women and children have been found to promote and reinforce abusive behavior.
Question #2
According to ________, male aggression against women and children is common in patriarchal societies in which men have power, status, and privilege.
A.   resource theories
B.   feminist theories
C.   social exchange theories
D.   social learning theories
Question #3
Which of the following relating to IPV is true of homosexuals?
A.   Lesbian women have lower rates of IPV than bisexual women.
B.   Homosexual partners have higher victimization rates than heterosexual partners.
C.   Homosexual couples are more likely to verbally abuse their children than heterosexual couples.
D.   Gay men are more likely to have experienced IPV than lesbian women.
Question #4
The use of force against a child that can or does cause bodily injury is referred to as ________ abuse.
A.   physical
B.   emotional
C.   sexual
D.   psychological
Question #5
Tom claims that a child's economic condition is a good indicator of that child's chances of being abused. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Tom's claim?
A.   Coping with a disability has been found to increase parental stress and child abuse.
B.   Substance-abusing has been found to lower parenting skills and increase child abuse and neglect.
C.   Poverty has been found to be the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect.
D.   Child maltreatment is found to be more common in households in which the woman is abused.
Question #6
Lucas, a 55-year-old, has a wife and two kids. Also, he takes care of his ailing parents permanently as they are unable to support themselves. Lucas exemplifies the characteristics associated with the ________.
A.   silent generation
B.   G.I. Generation
C.   sandwich generation
D.   lost generation
Question #7
According to ________, people acquire knowledge by observing the behavior of others.
A.   social learning theory
B.   feminist theory
C.   resource theory
D.   exchange theory
Question #8
William, who recently lost his wife, is in a constant state of sorrow and has loss of interest in everyday activities. He is unable to perform even the most menial tasks and is only interested in drinking heavily. William is likely to be suffering from ________.
A.   rumination syndrome
B.   bulimia
C.   anorexia nervosa
D.   depression
Question #9
Jimmy, a teenager, stabbed his sister intentionally after a protracted fight. If his sister succumbs to her injuries, this would be classified as a ________.
A.   parricide
B.   neonaticide
C.   regicide
D.   siblicide
Question #10
Which of the following is true according to resource theory?
A.   Men with fewer resources or assets are more likely to resort to abuse.
B.   Men from patriarchal societies are more likely to be abusive.
C.   Men only engage in emotional abuse due to an inherent feeling of superiority.
D.   Men with greater education and wealth are more likely to engage in abuse.
Question #11
Which of the following is true of marital rape in the United States?
A.   It is not considered a crime in all states.
B.   It is typically considered to be a more heinous crime than stranger rape.
C.   It is the most common type of rape in the United States.
D.   It is also known as date rape.
Question #12
During a debate about social theories, Jack opines that children who grow up watching their parents fight physically and verbally are more likely to be abusive themselves. However, Jose disagrees and argues that children are more likely to be abusive adults due to their genetic predispositions. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Jack's opinion?
A.   According to learning theories, children who witness emotional abuse first-hand are more likely to blame themselves and engage in activities such as torturing pets and other animals.
B.   According to exchange studies, children who grow up in matriarchal societies are more likely to witness physically abuse and adopt it.
C.   According to social learning studies, when there's both physical and emotional abuse between adults in a household, children tend to model the behaviors and engage in sibling abuse.
D.   According to feminist studies, when one spouse is aggressive, the other spouse may become more aggressive over time and children generally adopt the behavior of the spouse belonging to their own sex.
Question #13
According to ________, because men usually command greater financial, educational, and social means than women do, men have more power.
A.   learning theory
B.   behavior theory
C.   resource theory
D.   exchange theory
Question #14
According to ________theory, both assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs.
A.   learning
B.   feminist
C.   social exchange
D.   resource
Question #15
________ refers to being treated unfairly because of one's homosexual orientation.
A.   Stewed homophobia
B.   Social homophobia
C.   Heterosexist discrimination
D.   Internalized homophobia
Question #16
Which of the following is true of IPV among African American couples?
A.   They are less likely than white couples to be mutually abusive.
B.   They are generally more mutually abusive if they are married.
C.   They are less likely to suffer from mutual IPV than interracial couples.
D.   They are more likely to commit mutual IPV due to racial stress.
Question #17
In ________, the primary perpetrator is a male who uses multiple and escalating control to dominate his partner.
A.   situational couple violence
B.   dowry violence
C.   intimate terrorism
D.   bed-side terrorism
Question #18
An entity which believes that the ecological systems theory provides the best explanation of family abuse and violence is likely to agree with the statement that ________.
A.   poverty is the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect
B.   television programs and movies that demean, debase, and devalue women and children will promote and reinforce abusive behavior
C.   both assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs
D.   male aggression against women and children are a byproduct of patriarchal societies
Question #19
An entity that believes that the resource theory provides the best explanation for family abuse and violence is likely to agree with the statement that ________.
A.   continuous exposure to abuse and violence during childhood increases the likelihood that a person will be an assailant in adulthood
B.   male aggression against women and children are a byproduct of patriarchal societies
C.   poverty is the single-best predictor of child abuse and neglect
D.   both assailants and victims tolerate or engage in violent behavior because they believe that the benefits outweigh the costs
Question #20
During a debate about intimate partner violence (IPV), Carlos opines that internalized homophobia increases the likelihood of lifetime IPV. However, Jose disagrees and claims that internalized homophobia lowers IPV. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Carlos's argument?
A.   Studies have shown that lesbian women have a higher rate of IPV than gay men.
B.   Studies have shown that homosexuals who "harbor beliefs that they deserve the abuse" tend to have low levels of IPV.
C.   Studies have shown that among same-sex relationships, women are more likely than men to report IPV incidents.
D.   Studies have shown that being treated unfairly because of one's homosexual orientation increases IPV among same-sex partners.

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