ESL 141 - Grammar and Writing IV » Summer 2021 » Final Exam

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Question #1
The outdoor concert will go on only if . . .
A.   the rain stops. 
B.   the rain stopped.
Question #2
Complete the following sentence by changing the quoted speech to reported speech using a noun clause The US Health Department explained that "Due to the growing number of people coming down with the Corona Virus, more businesses will remain closed for the foreseeable future." The US Health Department explained . . .
A.   that more businesses will remain closed for the foreseeable future due to the growing number of people coming down with the Corona Virus. 
B.   that due to the growing number of people coming down with the Corona Virus, more businesses would remain closed for the foreseeable future.
Question #3
I would not drink alcohol and drive if . . .
A.   I were you. 
B.   I am you. 
Question #4
If Richard were old enough, he . . .
A.   he would go to a bar.
B.   he will go to a bar.
Question #5
If Marlena had applied for the position, she . . .
A.   would have gotten it.
B.   she would have got it.
Question #6
When Alison has time, she . . .
A.   she would complete her homework.
B.   will complete her homework.
Question #7
I know that if I spent more time studying for this online course, I . . .
A.   would have more success in it.
B.   would be more success in it.
Question #8
Complete the following sentence by changing the quoted speech to reported speech using a noun clause. Dr. Davidson said, "No student with a grade percentage below 70% will pass the ESL 141 course." Dr. Davidson said . . .
A.   that no student with a grade percentage below 70% will pass the ESL 141 course.
B.   that no student with a grade percentage below 70% would pass the ESL 141 course.
Question #9
The baseball coach suggested that each player . . .
A.   did extra core upper body training. 
B.   do extra core upper body training.
Question #10
Complete the following sentence by changing the quoted speech to reported speech using a noun clause. "Are the kids planning on taking a class in the summer session?", asked Denise. Denise asked . . .
A.   if the kids were planning on taking a class in the summer session.
B.   whether the kids plan on taking class in the summer session.
Question #11
It is advised that a homeschooled child . . .
A.   still meets with other children. 
B.   still meet with other children. 
Question #12
Complete the following sentence by changing the quoted speech to reported speech using a noun clause. Mayor Garcetti said "All residents must be sure to wear a mask at all times, not just when they are in shops or restaurants." Mayor Garcetti said . . .
A.   that all residents had to be sure to consider to wear a mask at all time, not just when they were in restaurants or shops.
B.   that all residents must be sure to consider to wear a mask at all time, not just when they are in restaurants or shops.
Question #13
Complete the following sentence with a noun clause. The author, Gwen Larson, explains . . . in her article titled "The Gaming Addiction".
A.   why homeschooling has both positive and negative sides
B.   why homeschooling is both positive and negative sides
Question #14
Rewrite the following sentence by beginning the sentence with "By + gerund" Americans should travel abroad more so that they will be more compassionate towards people from other countries.
A.   By traveling abroad more, Americans will be more compassionate towards people from other countries.
B.   By traveling abroad more, Americans are more compassionate towards people from other countries.
Question #15
The police officer demanded that the driver . . .
A.   stepped down from his vehicle. 
B.   step down from his vehicle. 
Question #16
Professor McDonald recommends that each student . . .
A.   study the grammar videos and lectures before taking the exam. 
B.   studied the grammar videos and lectures in taking the exam. 
Question #17
In the article titled "The Homework Dilemma," the author, Etta Kralovec examines . . .
A.   why parents should question the need for homework.
B.   why parents should question the need for homework?
C.   why should parents question the need for homework?
D.   that why parents should question the need for homework.
Question #18
Complete the following sentence by changing the quoted speech to reported speech using a noun clause. The airport security agent asked, "Who owns the black suitcase?" The airport security agent wanted to know . . .
A.   who owned the black suitcase.
B.   is the owner of the black suitcase. 
Question #19
Complete the following sentence by changing the quoted speech to reported speech using a noun clause. Larry asked, "What should I do with the extra cheese?"
A.   Larry asked what he should do with the extra cheese. 
B.   Larry asked what he do with the extra cheese. 
Question #20
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Before we left the lecture hall yesterday, the professor __________ us about the homework.
A.   told
B.   has told
C.   tells
D.   was telling
Question #21
Complete the following sentences with the correct set of answers shown below. In the article, Smith pointed out that by __________ homework from the lives of elementary school children, they now __________ more time to pursue extracurricular activities such as sports, music, or arts programs. Consequently, parents also no longer __________ worry about their children having enough time in the day to complete their homework after these after-school programs end.
A.   removing, have, have to
B.   were removing, have, have to
C.   removing, has, have to
D.   to remove, has, had to
Question #22
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Most students __________ hard every day in order to improve their English skills.
A.   work
B.   working
C.   are working
D.   are work
Question #23
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Stereotypes __________ it difficult to form an accurate first impression.
A.   often are making
B.   often make
C.   make often
D.   are often making
Question #24
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. __________ in the group study about phobias?
A.   Did you participate
B.   Are you participate
C.   You did participate
D.   Were you participate
Question #25
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. The geography lecture about tectonic plates __________ at 2pm yesterday.
A.   was beginning
B.   began
C.   was began
D.   begins
Question #26
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Because Dr. Larsen is out sick today, Professor Mitchell __________ the lecture about the quantum physics.
A.   is giving
B.   is given
C.   giving
D.   gives
Question #27
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Julia __________ a research paper on the irrelevance of assigning homework to children in elementary school.
A.   currently writes
B.   currently writing
C.   is currently writing
D.   currently is writing
Question #28
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. The grammar videos on our Canvas course page __________ everything you need to know about English grammar.
A.   have
B.   having
C.   is having
D.   has
Question #29
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Ellen __________ that she made a good impression during her job interview last week.
A.   does not felt
B.   is not feeling
C.   does not feel
D.   was not felt
Question #30
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Presently, more and more parents __________ to question the necessity of homework for children in elementary school.
A.   began
B.   begin
C.   beginning
D.   are beginning
Question #31
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb tense. Some __________ that by having a maximum driving age, there will be fewer accidents caused by senior drivers.
A.   argued
B.   argue
C.   are argue
D.   are arguing
Question #32
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of gerunds and/or infinitives. Some students have a difficult time __________ their school and work schedules. For these students, it is important _________ to spend time __________ homework done whenever they have free time. In other words, do not waste time __________ at your phone. Instead, get your work done.
A.   to manage . . . to remember . . . to get . . . looking
B.   managing . . . to remember . . . getting . . . looking
C.   managing . . . remembering . . . getting . . . looking
D.   to manage . . . remembering . . . getting . . . looking
Question #33
Complete the following sentence with the correct transition. Paul slept for only two hours last night; __________, he still played very well in his baseball game this morning.
A.   because
B.   whereas
C.   however
D.   although
Question #34
Complete the following sentence with the correct adjective (relative) clause from the choices below. To be able to enter some colleges, it is necessary to take a standardized exam. One example of this is the TOEFL exam . . .
A.   , in which is an English exam needed for admission to some college programs.
B.   , which is an English exam needed for admission to some college programs.
C.   , that is an English exam needed for admission to some college programs.
D.   , which it is an English exam needed for admission to some college programs.
Question #35
The following sentence shows an example of . . . The cost of earning a college education continues to increase as a result, we need to find solutions for how to decrease this cost.
A.   comma splice
B.   The sentence is correct.
C.   fragment
D.   run-on
Question #36
The following sentence can be rewritten in each of the following ways EXCEPT . . . Students should rent their textbooks so that they can save money.
A.   When students rent textbooks, they can save money.
B.   Students should rent their textbooks in order to save money.
C.   Renting textbooks allows students to save money.
D.   Renting textbooks students can save money.
Question #37
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices below. If you place butter into a hot frying pan, . . .
A.   is is melting.
B.   it melts.
C.   it melted.
D.   it has melted.
Question #38
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices below. The professor suggested that . . .
A.   Robert study for the final exam.
B.   Robert studies for the final exam.
C.   Robert will study for the final exam.
D.   Robert studied for the final exam.
Question #39
Complete the following sentence with the correct adjective (relative) clause Many of us remember the day . . .
A.   why our first child was born.
B.   where our first child was born.
C.   when did our first child was born.
D.   when our first child was born.
Question #40
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of modals Paul failed the final exam in his chemistry class. He regrets that he did not spend any time studying for it. He knows that he __________ for the exam. Unfortunately, it is now too late and he __________ repeat the course.
A.   should have studied, will have to
B.   should study, has to
C.   ought to study, would have to
D.   must have studied, should have to
Question #41
The following sentence shows an example of . . . If elementary schools did not require students to do homework, the kids would have more time to participate in after school programs such as sports clubs, art classes, music classes, etc.
A.   run-on
B.   This sentence is correct.
C.   fragment
D.   comma splice
Question #42
Complete the following sentence David would join us for lunch if . . .
A.   he would be here.
B.   he was here.
C.   he will be here.
D.   he were here.
Question #43
Complete the following sentence with the correct modal Lilit's cat is missing. She __________ out through the broken window because all of the doors are still locked and there is no other way for her to get out.
A.   would have gone
B.   must have gone
C.   had better gone
D.   should have gone
Question #44
Complete the following sentence with the correct modal Every student in the ESL 141 course __________ finish the Final Grammar Exam in 90 minutes. Otherwise, they will lose points for not completing the exam on time.
A.   can
B.   have to
C.   has to
D.   would
Question #45
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of modals If elementary schools decide to stop assigning homework, this __________ the students more time to be kids. This is an idea that __________ parents.
A.   will give, had better to please
B.   would give, ought please
C.   will give, should please
D.   can give, may be please
Question #46
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of gerunds and/or infinitives Julia is considering __________ to colleges on the East Coast of the United States. This is because she grew up in California and would like __________ life in another state.
A.   enrolling, to experience
B.   to enrolling, to experience
C.   are enrolling, to experiencing
D.   to enroll, experiencing
Question #47
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of answers __________ children about the dangers of smoking __________ prevent them from __________ in this unhealthy habit in the future.
A.   To warn, had better help, to partaking
B.   Warning, may help, partaking
C.   Warning, would helping, partaking
D.   To warn, could have, partaking
Question #48
A.   of knowing, believes, performed, should get
B.   not knowing, believes, performed, should get
C.   not knowing, believed, performs, should get
D.   of not knowing, believes, performed, should get
Question #49
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of answers Even though some __________ that by __________ a public school, homeschooled children __________ the same academic rigors as their public school counterparts. However, this is untrue because they often __________ faster due to __________ one-on-one lessons.
A.   are believing, not attending, do not receive, learn, having
B.   believe, not attending, do not receive, learn, having
C.   believe, not attending, are not receiving, are performing, having
D.   are believed, not attending, are not receive, learn, having
Question #50
The following sentence shows an example of . . . The cost of earning a college education continues to increase as a result we need to find solutions for how to decrease this cost.
A.   comma splice
B.   run-on
C.   fragment
D.   The sentence is correct.
Question #51
The following sentence can be rewritten in each of the following ways EXCEPT . . . Children should be homeschooled so that they can progress at a faster rate.
A.   For progressing at a faster rate, children should be homeschooled.
B.   By homeschooling children, they can progress at a faster rate.
C.   In order to progress at a faster rate, children should be homeschooled.
D.   If children are homeschooled, they can progress at a faster rate.
Question #52
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices below. When demand for gasoline increases, . . .
A.   the price of it increased, too.
B.   the price of it will increased, too.
C.   the price of it increases, too.
D.   the price of it has increased, too.
Question #53
The adjective (relative) clause in the following sentence is considered necessary information (defining/restrictive). My brother Daniel, who lives in Germany, is an attorney.
Question #54
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of answers Professor McDonald said that if a student __________ to do well in this online course, it is necessary __________ all of the online notes and to complete all of the assignments on time. If this is done, you __________ well in the course.
A.   are wants, to read, should have done
B.   wants, to read, should do
C.   wants, reading, should do
D.   is wanting, reading, should do
Question #55
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of answers In the article, Smith __________ out that by removing homework from the lives of elementary school children, they now __________ more time to pursue extracurricular activities such as sports, music, or arts programs. Consequently, parents also no longer __________ to worry about their children having enough time in the day to complete their homework after these after-school programs end.
A.   pointed . . . have . . . needs
B.   points . . . have . . . need
C.   has pointed . . . had . . . are needing
D.   points . . . had . . . needed
Question #56
The following sentence shows an example of . . . Because the cost of earning a college education continues to increase. We need to find solutions for how to decrease this cost.
A.   fragment
B.   run-on
C.   comma splice
D.   The sentence is correct.
Question #57
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices I would have come to the party if . . .
A.   I have known about it.
B.   I had known about it.
C.   I knew about it.
D.   I know about it.
Question #58
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices The doctor recommended that . . .
A.   the patient avoid surgery for the time being.
B.   the patient avoiding surgery for the time being.
C.   the patient avoided surgery for the time being.
D.   the patient avoids surgery for the time being.
Question #59
Complete the following sentence with the correct adjective (relative) clause Paul can't remember . . .
A.   the name of the man who fixed his car.
B.   the name of the man who he fixed his car.
C.   the name of the man, who he fixed, his car.
D.   the name of the who fixed his car?
Question #60
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of answers One benefit of __________ in classes at a community college is there are cost savings for __________ the same classes as offered at a university. This is good news for students because the disadvantages of __________ a student loan in order __________ college can result in __________ to college.
A.   enrolling . . . taking . . . needing . . . to attend . . . not to go
B.   to enroll . . . to take . . . to need . . . attending . . . not going
C.   enrolling . . . taking . . . needing . . . to attend . . . not going
D.   to enroll . . . taking . . . needing . . . to attend . . . not going
Question #61
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of gerunds and/or infinitives __________ children about the dangers of __________ may help prevent them from __________ this unhealthy habit in the future.
A.   To educate . . . vaping . . . to take up
B.   To educate . . . to vape . . . taking up
C.   Educating . . . vaping . . . taking up
D.   Educating . . . vaping . . . to take up
Question #62
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of answers Kevin __________ with a host family since he __________ here three months ago. He would like __________ into his own apartment; however, he can't afford __________ so.
A.   has been living . . . arrived . . . to move . . . to do
B.   has been living . . . has arrived . . . to move . . . to do
C.   has been living . . . arrived . . . moving . . . do
D.   is living . . . arrived . . . to move . . . to do
Question #63
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of answers Although some __________ that by __________ a public school, homeschooled children __________ the same academic rigors as their public school counterparts. However, this is untrue because they often __________ faster due to __________ one-on-one lessons.
A.   believe . . . not attending . . . are not facing . . . progress . . . having
B.   believe . . . not attending . . . do not face . . . progress . . . having
C.   believe . . . not attending . . . do not face . . . are progressing . . . having
D.   believed . . . not attending . . . do not face . . . progress . . . having
Question #64
Complete the following sentence with the correct adjective (relative) clause There is a fantastic cafe across the street . . .
A.   where we can buy lunch.
B.   who we can buy lunch.
C.   , where we can buy lunch.
D.   that we can buy lunch.
Question #65
Complete the following sentence with the correct transition. Kevin was not allowed to enter the dance club __________ not being old enough.
A.   due to
B.   despite
C.   in spite of
D.   because
Question #66
All of the following transitions can be used to complete this sentence EXCEPT: Sandra did not understand all of the questions on her chemistry exam. __________, she does not feel that she passed the exam.
A.   As a result
B.   Whereas
C.   Therefore
D.   Consequently
Question #67
Complete the following sentence with the correct transition. Laura was able to arrive to her meeting in time __________ the heavy traffic this morning.
A.   despite
B.   in spite
C.   despite of
D.   because of
Question #68
Complete the following sentence with the correct transition. Laura was not able to arrive to her meeting in time __________ the heavy traffic this morning.
A.   in spite of
B.   despite
C.   because of
D.   because
Question #69
Complete the following sentence with the correct transition. __________ the month of August in Pasadena is very hot, the same month in Seattle is not.
A.   Hence,
B.   Because of
C.   Similarly,
D.   Whereas
Question #70
Complete the following sentence with the correct transition. In this online course, you will need to complete the weekly grammar or writing quiz. __________ you will need to participate in the online discussion, too.
A.   Even though
B.   Moreover,
C.   However,
D.   Whereas
Question #71
Complete the following sentence with the correct transition. Lee has had no difficulty in transitioning into her new position at her company. __________ her younger sister has not experienced any problems fitting in at her new school.
A.   Similarly,
B.   Although
C.   In spite of
D.   Due to
Question #72
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices I would not do that if . . .
A.   I were you.
B.   I am you.
C.   I had been you.
D.   I was you.
Question #73
The underlined parts of the following song are examples of a . . When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are . . .
A.   question
B.   noun clause
C.   adjective clause
D.   adverb clause
Question #74
Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the active and/or passive voice. Elena __________ in the United States, but she __________ here. She __________ in Burbank since she __________ there 16 years ago.
A.   is not born, grew up, has been living, moved
B.   born, grew up, has been lived, has moved
C.   was not born, was grown up, has lived, moved
D.   was not born, grew up, has been living, moved
Question #75
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. Where is Daniel? His flight __________ more than 45 minutes ago; however, he still isn't here. We ________ to see if his flight __________ . I __________ to worry. I hope everything is fine.
A.   should arrive, ought to be checked, delayed, have begun
B.   should have been arrived, ought to check, is delayed, begin
C.   should have arrived, ought to check, is delayed, am beginning
D.   should be arriving, ought to be checking, is delaying, began
Question #76
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. The doctor told me that the medicine __________ only twice per day. There are only 6 pills in the bottle. So far, I __________ only one of them today. I will take another one tonight. The pill __________ on an empty stomach. Otherwise, I __________ some mild discomfort.
A.   should have taken, used, must be taken, may be experienced
B.   should be taken, am using, must be taking, may have experienced
C.   should take, have used, must not take, may experience
D.   should be taken, have used, must not be taken, may experience
Question #77
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. According to a recent article published in the Los Angeles Times, nearly 40% of elementary school children __________ hungry for school. The truth is, no child __________ to school on an empty stomach. To help feed these children, programs __________ to provide children with breakfast and lunch while at school.
A.   show up, should come, need to be created
B.   have shown up, should have come, need to have been created
C.   are showing up, should be come, need creating
D.   shown up, should came, need to been created
Question #78
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. What __________ in the study is that if a child __________ more time to participate in after school activities, he will lead a more fulfilling life
A.   is proving, will have
B.   was proven, has
C.   was proven, will have
D.   has being proven, had
Question #79
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. The movie director, Steven Spielberg, __________ many films throughout the years. In fact, he __________ over 50 movies and __________ three Oscars. The movie Schindler's List __________ in 1993.
A.   made, directed, won, is made
B.   has made, has directed, has won, was made
C.   is making, directed, has won, was made
D.   had made, had directed, had won, was being made
Question #80
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. In 1989, a magnitude 6.9 earthquake __________ the city of San Francisco. Sadly, nearly 3,800 people __________ and 63 people __________. The event __________ shortly after 5pm.
A.   struck, injured, were died, happened
B.   struck, were injured, died, was happened
C.   struck, were injured, died, happened
D.   was struck, were injured, were died, happened
Question #81
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. Before taking the exam, all students __________ a form of identification. Afterwards, you __________ a seat. You __________ your seat during the exam. Anyone who breaks this rule __________ from the exam room.
A.   must have shown, will be assigned, may not leave, will escort
B.   must be shown, will be assigned, may not be left, will escort
C.   must show, will be assigned, may not leave, will be escorted
D.   must show, will assign, may not leave, will be escorted
Question #82
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the active and/or passive voice. The medical receptionist ___________ that I only had to pay the co-pay today. A bill __________ to me for any additional charges after my insurance company __________.
A.   was said, will be send, is paid
B.   said, will send, is paying
C.   said, will send, is paid
D.   said, will be sent, pays
Question #83
Complete the following sentence with the correct modal. The professor never misses class, but he isn't on campus today. Thus, he __________ be sick.
A.   would
B.   must
C.   ought to
D.   will
Question #84
The following sentence shows an example of . . . Although many students can not afford the rising cost of earning a college education, many of them continue in their education by taking on part-time jobs to offset the cost this is in fact, some of these jobs are done on their college campus.
A.   This sentence is correct.
B.   comma splice
C.   fragment
D.   run-on
Question #85
ALL of the following responses are correct EXCEPT . . . If parents choose to homeschool their children, they . . .
A.   see them progress at a faster rate.
B.   could see them progress at a faster rate.
C.   may see them progress at a faster rate.
D.   might see them progress at a faster rate.
Question #86
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices The California State Governor insisted that . . .
A.   any resident wore a face mask when shopping in a grocery store.
B.   any resident be wearing a face mask when shopping in a grocery store.
C.   any resident wear a face mask when shopping in a grocery store.
D.   any resident wears a face mask when shopping in a grocery store.
Question #87
Complete the following sentence with the correct set of modals This __________ be Janet's phone. She has an iPhone, but this is a Samsung. It __________ belong to someone else.
A.   wouldn't, had better
B.   can't, must
C.   shouldn't, must
D.   couldn't, will
Question #88
The following sentence shows an example of . . . All of the students in the math course had to take their final exam without the use of a calculator. Although it would have been easier if they could use one.
A.   comma splice
B.   run-on
C.   fragment
D.   This sentence is correct.
Question #89
Complete the following sentence with ONE of the choices below. Luisa would not behave that way if . . .
A.   her mother were her.
B.   her mother was here.
C.   her mother had been here.
D.   her mother is here.
Question #90
All of the following song titles show an example of a noun clause EXCEPT . . . ?
A.   "When We Were Young" - Adele
B.   "Where is the Love?" - Black Eyed Peas
C.   "When I Was Your Man" - Bruno Mars
D.   "Show Me What I'm Looking for" - Carolina Liar
Question #91
Complete the following sentence with the correct adjective (relative) clause The heavy rainstorm is . . .
A.   why the baseball team it was unable to play its game yesterday.
B.   where the baseball team was unable to play its game yesterday.
C.   why the baseball team was unable to play its game yesterday.
D.   that the baseball team was unable to play its game yesterday.
Question #92
The following sentence is grammatically correct. The computer hacker must have not been successful.
Question #93
The following sentence shows an example of . . . All of the students in the math course had to take their final exam without the use of a calculator, they told the professor that it would have been easier if they could use one.
A.   run-on
B.   fragment
C.   comma splice
Question #94
The adjective (relative) clause in the following sentence is considered necessary information (defining/restrictive). The man who comes from Italy is an oral surgeon.
Question #95
Complete the following sentence with the correct modal. The thief __________ gloves because there are no fingerprints anywhere in the jewelry store. As a result, the police are having a difficult time trying to catch him.
A.   would have worn
B.   must have worn
C.   should have worn
D.   could wear
Question #96
The following sentence shows an example of . . . If elementary schools did not require students to do homework. The kids would have more time to participate in after school programs such as sports clubs, art classes, music classes, etc.
A.   This sentence is correct.
B.   fragment
C.   comma splice
D.   run-on
Question #97
The following sentence is grammatically correct. Paul will enroll in the chemistry course if Madeline will enroll in it, too.
Question #98
Complete the following sentence with the correct adjective (relative) clause The woman . . . just quit her job and moved to the Caribbean.
A.   that her husband just won the lottery
B.   which her husband just won the lottery
C.   who her husband just won the lottery
D.   whose husband just won the lottery
Question #99
Complete the following sentence with the correct adjective (relative) clause Most of the tourists . . .
A.   where Sienna met come from France.
B.   who Sienna met them come from France.
C.   whom Sienna met come from France.
D.   how Sienna met come from France.
Question #100
Complete the following question. Is it required that he . . . ?
A.   will bring his textbook to class
B.   brings his textbook to class
C.   is bringing his textbook to class
D.   bring his textbook to class

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