Econ 1030 - Principles of Microeconomics » Summer 2021 » Test 1

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Question #1
Economics deals with
A.   Getting rich
B.   How people deal with scarcity
C.   Politics
D.   Investing
Question #2
A country's production possibilities curve is bowed outward from the origin. This is caused by the concept known as
A.   The law of diminishing costs
B.   The law of increasing returns
C.   The law of increasing opportunity costs
D.   Ockham's Razor
Question #3
The law referred to in the previous question is based upon the fact that:
A.   Economic resources are sometimes misallocated.
B.   Economic resources are not completely adaptable to alternative uses.
C.   Economic resources are finite.
D.   Economic resources are perfectly adaptable to alternative uses.
Question #4
For a country to function at a point on the production possibilities line, as opposed to inside the line, the country must:
A.   Operate at full employment, allocate its resources efficiently and avoid any waste or misallocation of resources.
B.   avoid any waste or misallocation of resources.
C.   allocate its resources efficiently.
D.   operate at full employment.
Question #5
As an economy grows, its production possibilities line:
A.   starts to bow inward.
B.   becomes more curved.
C.   shifts outward.
D.   becomes straighter.
Question #6
The term consumer sovereignty refers to:
A.   the fact that corporations impose their own wills on the consumer in determining what will be produced.
B.   the fact that the consumer is ruled by the corporation and must play by its set of rules.
C.   the fact that the consumer is king in a market economy, and this dictator will harshly punish any firm that does not quickly respond to his dollar votes.
D.   the fact that the government is ruled by the consumer, which in turn is ruled by the corporation.
Question #7
Which of the following correctly finishes the statement? In our model of a market economy, firms are motivated to:
A.   Respond quickly and accurately to the dollar votes of the consumer, allocate and utilize society's scarce resources as efficiently as they can, and continually increase their productivity through technological progress and better uses of society's scarce resources.
B.   continually increase their productivity through technological progress and better uses of society's scarce resources.
C.   respond quickly and accurately to the dollar votes of the consumer.
D.   allocate and utilize society's scarce resources as efficiently as they can.
Question #8
Without realizing it, we all use _________ in our decision making process because the world is just to complex to fully comprehend. Which of the following correctly fills in the blank?
A.   calculations
B.   biases
C.   formulas
D.   models
Question #9
Which of the following does not correctly complete the sentence? A market economy can be likened unto a machine:
A.   It's fuel is money.
B.   It's purpose is to produce material wealth.
C.   The central processing unit is the price mechanism.
D.   The accelerator/decelerator is the level of total spending. 
Question #10
Which of the following will cause a country's production possibilities line to shift outward?
A.   Technological progress
B.   Discovery of a new supply of resources.
C.   An increase in the population and technological progress.
D.   An increase in the population, technological progress, and discovery of a new supply of resources.
Question #11
When consumer spending goes up, the unemployment rate goes down, ceteris paribus. Which of the following falsely characterizes this statement?
A.   This is a positive statement
B.   The line on a graph representing the relationship between these two variables would have a negative slope.
C.   This is a normative statement.
D.   The relationship between consumer spending and the unemployment rate is negative.
Question #12
Allocative efficiency exists in the economy when:
A.   All industries are equally satiated with a particular resource
B.   All industries receive an equal amount of a particular resource.
C.   Ditch diggers and doctors receive the same wage.
D.   All industries are willing to pay the same price for all resources
Question #13
Productive efficiency exists in the economy when:
A.   Firms use “least cost” method of producing goods and services.
B.   The firm uses the most labor intensive method of production.
C.   The production of goods and services uses the most “capital intensive” techniques.
D.   The firm is able to charge the highest price possible for the product.
Question #14
Distributive efficiency exists in the economy when:
A.   Everyone receives an income that is equal to the value of their productive contribution to society.
B.   Everyone receives an income that is as high as possible.
C.   The distribution of income is the fairest.
D.   Everyone receives an equal income.
Question #15
Joe sold gold coins for $1,000 that he bought a year ago for $1,000. He says, "At least I didn't lose any money on my financial investment." His economist friend points out that in effect he did lose money because he could have received a 3 percent return on the $1,000 if he had bought a bank certificate of deposit instead of the coins. The economist's analysis in this case incorporates the idea of:
A.   marginal benefits that exceed marginal costs
B.   imperfect information
C.   normative economics
D.   opportunity costs.
Question #16
Opportunity costs exist because:
A.   the decision to engage in one activity means forgoing some other activity
B.   most decisions do not involve sacrifices or trade-offs
C.   households and businesses make rational decisions
D.   wants are scarce relative to resources
Question #17
Even though local newspapers are very inexpensive, people rarely buy more than one of them each day. This fact:
A.   is an example of irrational behavior
B.   contradicts the economic perspective
C.   implies that electronic media sources are displacing print sources for many consumers
D.   implies that, for most people, the marginal benefit of reading a second newspaper is less than the marginal cost.
Question #18
Alex sees that his neighbors' lawns all need mowing. He offers to provide the service in exchange for a wage of $20 per hour. Some neighbors accept Alex's offer and others refuse. Economists would describe Alex's behavior as:
A.   irrational because some neighbors refused his offer
B.   rational self-interest because he is attempting to increase his own income by identifying and satisfying someone else's wants.
C.   selfish because he is asking for a wage that is higher than others might charge
D.   greedy because he is asking for a high wage that some of his neighbors can't afford to pay
Question #19
Kara was out jogging and, despite being tired, decided to run one more mile. Based on her actions, economists would conclude that Kara:
A.   must be an avid runner
B.   decided that the marginal cost of running one more mile would outweigh the benefit of the additional mile
C.   decided that the marginal benefit of running one more mile would outweigh the cost of the additional mile
D.   was not very tired, so the marginal cost of the extra mile was very low
Question #20
Which of the following terms implies the greatest degree of confidence in an economic generalization?
A.   Principle
B.   Comparison
C.   Hypothesis
D.   Anomaly
Question #21
The process by which economists test hypotheses against facts to develop theories, principles, and models is called:
A.   the economic perspective
B.   policy economics
C.   the scientific method
D.   microeconomics
Question #22
In constructing models, economists:
A.   make simplifying assumptions
B.   expect to exactly duplicate the real world
C.   must use mathematical equations
D.   include all available information
Question #23
A positive (as opposed to normative) statement is one that is
A.   subjective and is based on a value judgment
B.   objective and is based on facts
C.   derived by induction
D.   derived by deduction
Question #24
Which of the following is a capital (as opposed to land or labor) resource?
A.   A piece of software used by a firm
B.   A computer programmer
C.   A corporate bond issued by a computer manufacturer
D.   Silicon (sand) used to make computer chips
Question #25
Which of the following is a land resource?
A.   An oil drilling rig
B.   A farmer
C.   Natural gas
D.   A machine for detecting earthquakes
Question #26
The production possibilities curve illustrates the basic principle that:
A.   an economy's capacity to produce increases in proportion to its population size.
B.   if all the resources of an economy are in use, more of one good can be produced only if less of another good is produced.
C.   an economy will automatically obtain full employment of its resources.
D.   the production of more of any one good will in time require smaller and smaller sacrifices of other goods.
Question #27
Which of the following will not produce an outward shift of the production possibilities curve?
A.   An upgrading of the quality of a nation's human resources.
B.   The reduction of unemployment.
C.   An increase in the quantity of a society's labor force.
D.   The improvement of a society's technological knowledge.
Question #28
A nation's production possibilities curve is bowed out from the origin because:
A.   resources are scarce.
B.   the originator of the idea drew it this way and modern economists follow this convention.
C.   resources are not generally equally efficient in producing every good.
D.   wants are virtually unlimited.
Question #29
Any point inside the production possibilities curve indicates:
A.   that resources are imperfectly substitutable among alternative uses.
B.   that more output could be produced with the available resources.
C.   the presence of technological change.
D.   the presence of inflationary pressures.
Question #30
Which of the following will enable a nation to obtain a combination of consumer goods and capital goods outside its production possibilities curve?
A.   International specialization and trade.
B.   Full production.
C.   Productive efficiency.
D.   Full employment.
Question #31
Copyrights and trademarks are examples of:
A.   public goods.
B.   human capital.
C.   property rights.
D.   capital goods.
Question #32
The dollar votes of consumers ultimately determine the composition of output and the allocation of resources in a market economy. This statement best describes the concept of:
A.   consumer sovereignty.
B.   market failure.
C.   derived demand.
D.   the invisible hand.
Question #33
From society's point of view, the economic function of profits and losses is to:
A.   reallocate resources from less desired to more desired uses.
B.   promote the equal distribution of real assets and wealth.
C.   achieve full employment and price level stability.
D.   contribute to a more equal distribution of income.

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