Biology 241 - Accelerated General Human Physiology » Summer 2021 » Lab Q5

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Question #1
The respiratory quotient is:
A.   the volume of carbon dioxide consumed by an organism
B.   the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced to the volume of oxygen consumed by an organism
C.   the volume of oxygen produced by an organism
D.   the ratio of the volume of oxygen produced produced to the volume of carbon dioxide consumed by an organism
Question #2
In the respiratory quotient experiment, with no soda lime in the chamber, an increase in the volume in the air in the chamber indicates that:
A.   the volume of carbon dioxide being produced by the mouse is greater than the volume of oxygen it is using
B.   no carbon dioxide is being produced by the mouse in the chamber
C.   the mouse in the chamber is using oxygen
D.   the volume of carbon dioxide being produced by the mouse is less than the volume of oxygen it is using
Question #3
For the respiratory quotient experiment, which mouse produced the most carbon dioxide for each mL of oxygen it consumed?
A.   the mouse on the high fat diet
B.   the mouse on the high sugar diet
C.   all of the mice were the same
D.   the mouse on the high protein diet
Question #4
For the respiratory quotient experiment, if an animal is on a healthy diet with a mixture of sugar, protein and fat, the respiratory quotient would be:
A.   0.6
B.   1
C.   0.75 to 0.9
D.   0.5
Question #5
Metabolism is defined as:
A.   the rate at which oxygen is consumed by an organism.
B.   the rate of breathing.
C.   the rate at which carbon dioxide is released by an organism.
D.   the sum total of all chemical reactions occurring within an organism.
Question #6
According to Rubner’s surface rule, the relationship between body mass and metabolic rate should be:
A.   0.5
B.   0.67
C.   0.75
D.   1
Question #7
According to your data from the size and metabolic rate experiment, the largest mouse consumed:
A.   the same amount of oxygen per minute as the smallest mouse.
B.   less oxygen per minute than the smallest mouse.
C.   more oxygen per minute than the smallest mouse.
Question #8
In the size and metabolic rate experiment all four mice had the highest value of oxygen consumption during the first trial. Why do you think the mice consumed more oxygen per minute when they were first put into the cage?
A.   There was more oxygen available in the presence of soda lime.
B.   Low carbon dioxide levels increase metabolic rate.
C.   The animals were cold in the chamber
D.   Handling disturbed and stressed the mice.
Question #9
In the size and metabolic rate experiment, how did the oxygen consumption of the smallest mouse compare with that of the largest mouse?
A.   The smallest mouse used less oxygen/hour/gram than the largest mouse.
B.   The smallest mouse used more oxygen/hour/gram than the largest mouse.
C.   The smallest mouse used the same amount of oxygen/hour/gram as the largest mouse.
Question #10
Assuming that a mouse loses heat across its body surface, if a smaller animal has fewer cells per square inch of surface area than a larger mouse, these cells must have:
A.   the same metabolic rate.
B.   a high metabolic rate to generate enough heat to maintain body temperature.
C.   a low metabolic rate to generate enough heat to maintain body temperature.

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