Psychology 2080 - Abnormal Psychology » Summer 2021 » Quiz 8

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Question #1
When a child with autism spectrum disorder says, "You want a drink," when he really means that he wants a drink, he is displaying:
A.   self-stimulatory behavior.
B.   reference reversal.
C.   reversed echolalia.
D.   pronominal reversal.
Question #2
The inability to accurately interpret one's internal biological emotional or physiological states is characteristic of both:
A.   schizophrenia and schizoid personality disorder.
B.   borderline personality disorder and eating disorders.
C.   odd and dramatic personality disorders.
D.   a mass murderer and self-injurious behavior.
Question #3
When Selina sees a report of a train wreck on television, she thinks that it is a sign that she should not take the train to work the next day and so decides to take the bus instead. If she has a diagnosable personality disorder, it is MOST likely:
A.   schizoid personality disorder.
B.   schizotypal personality disorder.
C.   paranoid personality disorder.
D.   avoidant personality disorder.
Question #4
What does it mean to say that intelligence tests are culturally biased?
A.   They measure "street smarts," so rural children are disadvantaged.
B.   They measure abilities that are related to having been in school, disadvantaging home-schooled children.
C.   They are biased in favor of those from middle and upper socioeconomic levels who are exposed to the kinds of language and typical experiences that the test evaluates.
D.   They are biased against children who have experienced a great variety of cultures and who are bilingual.
Question #5
Most colleges and universities now require students to have a meningitis vaccination before enrolling. Untreated meningitis can lead to:
A.   encephalitis.
B.   autism spectrum disorder.
C.   cretinism.
D.   intellectual disability.
Question #6
In 1985, 1 per _____ children were diagnosed with autism.
A.   88
B.   150
C.   68
D.   2,000
Question #7
If you were trying to learn a new language and you could understand it better than you could speak it, you would be showing symptoms MOST like:
A.   developmental coordination disorder.
B.   receptive language disorder.
C.   dyslexia.
D.   language disorder.
Question #8
Some researchers note that the majority of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are female and that many of these women experienced emotional trauma, victimization, violence, and various forms of abuse as children. As a result, these researchers view the disorder as a special form of:
A.   postpartum psychosis.
B.   anxiety disorder.
C.   posttraumatic stress disorder.
D.   obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Question #9
According to current research, if a person living in the United States is distrustful of both lawyers and congressional members, that type of person is:
A.   uncommon; great distrust of congressional members but not great distrust of lawyers defines those with paranoid personality disorder.
B.   rare; such distrust defines those with schizotypal personality disorder.
C.   common; most people in the United States distrust both lawyers and congressional members.
D.   rare; such distrust defines those with paranoid personality disorder.
Question #10
The DSM-5 identifies 10 personality disorders utilizing a:
A.   phrenological approach.
B.   systematical approach.
C.   categorical approach.
D.   dimensional approach.
Question #11
A child is receiving problem-solving skills training as a treatment for conduct disorder. You can be reasonably sure that:
A.   the child is female.
B.   the interventions used are cognitive-behavioral.
C.   the child is a preschooler.
D.   stimulant drug (e.g., Ritalin) administration is recommended, but not required.
Question #12
Based on a structured interview, Diagnostician A classifies an individual's personality disorder in the "odd" cluster. Based on another structured interview of the same type, Diagnostician B classifies an individual's personality disorder in the "dramatic" cluster. If what is described here is typical of what happens when that variety of structured interview is used, one would say the structured interview has:
A.   low reliability and high validity.
B.   high reliability and low validity.
C.   low reliability and low validity
D.   high reliability and high validity.
Question #13
If future editions of the DSM change to a dimensional approach in the diagnosis of personality disorders, clinicians will have to:
A.   observe the criteria for diagnoses directly.
B.   not do anything differently than they are doing now in diagnosing personality disorders.
C.   rate the degree of dysfunctioning caused by each person's traits in diagnosing personality disorders.
D.   utilize categories versus a dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders.
Question #14
A client is searching for the BEST treatment for borderline personality disorder. Will drug treatment be effective if it is the only intervention the client receives?
A.   Yes; drugs alone work at least as well as drugs plus psychotherapy but are expensive.
B.   It might work, but only if the client is nonsuicidal.
C.   No; drugs should be used along with psychotherapy, if used at all.
D.   Yes; drugs alone work at least as well as drugs plus psychotherapy and are less expensive.
Question #15
The lack of multicultural research is of special concern with regard to:
A.   obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
B.   antisocial personality disorder.
C.   paranoid personality disorder.
D.   borderline personality disorder.
Question #16
Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with:
A.   narcissistic personality disorder.
B.   antisocial personality disorder.
C.   dependent personality disorder.
D.   borderline personality disorder.
Question #17
Anoxia, one possible source of intellectual disability, involves brain damage resulting from:
A.   ingestion of lead-based paint.
B.   seizures induced by inhalants or automobile exhaust fumes.
C.   lack of oxygen during or after delivery.
D.   poisoning from pesticides or fertilizer nitrates.
Question #18
Which statement BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?
A.   The focus of the field is more on the feelings of mass murderers than on their diagnoses.
B.   The mental health field has a clear understanding of what causes mass murderers to behave as they do.
C.   We know how to treat mass murderers effectively; we just don't have the funds to offer treatment to all who need it.
D.   We really don't know what causes mass murderers to act or how to treat them.
Question #19
A group of diagnostic clinicians can't agree with each other on appropriate personality disorder diagnoses for several clients. In fact, it is obvious that, in many cases, they have inaccurately made their diagnoses. Assuming they are competent clinicians, this situation would indicate the DSM-5 categories for personality disorder are:
A.   not reliable, but valid.
B.   reliable, but not valid.
C.   both reliable and valid.
D.   neither reliable nor valid.
Question #20
The MOST important similarity among the personality disorders listed in the text is that:
A.   the personality traits are limited to discrete periods of illness.
B.   they are social in that they involve an inability to form lasting relationships with other people.
C.   disorders of thought, perception, and attention are present.
D.   they are inflexible, maladaptive, and related to impaired functioning or distress.

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