Chem 1010 - General Chemistry 1 » Fall 2021 » CH5 Electron Configurations & The Periodic Table

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Question #1
Choose the appropriate units for wavelength.
A.   s-1
B.   cm
C.   m/s
D.   J
Question #2
Choose the values for n and l that correspond to a 4p orbital.
A.   n = 4; l = 2
B.   n = 1; l = 4
C.   n = 4; l = 0
D.   n = 4; l = 1
Question #3
An experimental laser has an emission wavelength of 1282 nm. Calculate the frequency of this laser emission.
A.   2.34×1014 Hz
B.   7.80×10-4 Hz
C.   2.34×105 Hz
D.   7.80×105 Hz
Question #4
In 1913, Niels Bohr proposed that electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom in discrete orbits, each orbit corresponding to a certain specific level of energy. Which one of the following statements is a consequence of this model?
A.   The atomic emission spectrum for hydrogen has only one line in the visible region.
B.   Electrons are able to move from one orbit to another within the same atom without any gain or loss of energy.
C.   When an electron absorbs energy, it moves to a higher orbit, and when it moves to a lower orbit, it emits energy.
D.   A maximum of only two electrons may simultaneously occupy any orbit.
E.   When an electron emits energy, it moves to a higher orbit, and when it moves to a lower orbit, it absorbs energy.
Question #5
Choose the concept or equation that was most important in Schrödinger's formulation of the wave equation.
A.   Hess's law
B.   The Rydberg equation
C.   De Broglie's equation
D.   Planck's equation
Question #6
Choose the correct ground state electronic configuration for S2-.
A.   1s2 2s2 2p63s13p5
B.   1s2 2s2 2p63s23p4
C.   1s2 2s2 2p63s23p6
D.   1s2 2s2 2p63s23p1
Question #7
Consider the electron configuration of a ground-state nitrogen atom. Which quantum mechanical principle best accounts for why the three electrons in the 2p sublevel are in separate orbitals?
A.   The Pauli exclusion principle
B.   The Schrödinger equation
C.   Bohr’s rule
D.   Hund's rule
Question #8
Choose the block of the periodic table where potassium is located.
A.   The s-block
B.   The p-block
C.   The f-block
D.   The d-block
Question #9
How many total valence electrons are in PO43- ?
A.   26
B.   24
C.   32
D.   29
Question #10
Determine which ion below is not paramagnetic.
A.   Sc3+
B.   Cu2+
C.   Fe3+
D.   Cr2+
Question #11
Choose the largest atom.
A.   P
B.   Ar
C.   Sr
D.   Na
Question #12
Place the following ions in order from smallest to largest ionic radii: N3- , O2- , and Mg2+.
A.   Mg2+ < O2- < N3-
B.   N3- < Mg2+ < O2-
C.   Mg2+ < N3- < O2-
D.   N3- < O2- < Mg2+
E.   O2- < Mg2+ < N3-
Question #13
Choose the atom with the greatest ionization energy.
A.   Ar
B.   K
C.   Xe
D.   Na
Question #14
How many electrons must a magnesium atom lose to achieve a noble gas structure?
A.   3
B.   2
C.   number will vary
D.   4
E.   1
Question #15
Calculate the lattice energy, ΔlatticeU, of LiCl(s), Li+(g) + Cl-(g) → LiCl(s) ΔlatticeU = ? given the following thermochemical equations. Enthalpy of formation of Li(g) +159 kJ/mole Enthalpy change for Li(g) → Li+(g) + e- +513 kJ/mole Enthalpy of formation of Cl(g) +121 kJ/mole Enthalpy change for Cl(g) + e- → Cl-(g) -349 kJ/mole Enthalpy of formation of LiCl(s) -409 kJ/mole
A.   -283 kJ
B.   -853 kJ
C.   +853 kJ
D.   +283 kJ
E.   +35.0 kJ

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