Political Science 001 - The Government of the United States » Fall 2021 » Chapter 9 Video Quiz
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Question #1
Watch the news clip to answer the following questions. https://stg-util.wwnorton.com/jwplayer2/iframe.html?playerid=vid1544564009446&playertype=video&skin=default&aspectratio=16:9&stretching=uniform&file=s3.amazonaws.com/wwnorton.college.public/Political_Science/AmGov_Videos/2019/Congress.mp4&seekTime=0&videoimg=s3.amazonaws.com/wwnorton.college.public/Political_Science/AmGov_Videos/2019/Congress.jpg&showCC=1&videocaption=s3.amazonaws.com/wwnorton.college.public/Political_Science/AmGov_Videos/2019/Congress.vtt (Links to an external site.) Or click here to watch the video at ABC News. https://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/federal-government-shut-senators-fail-pass-spending-bill-52482052 (Links to an external site.) Which issue did Democratic senators demand be included in the spending bill?
short-term spending agreement
funding for the U.S.-Mexico border wall
children’s health insurance
protection for undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children
Question #2
Suppose Republicans and Democrats in the Senate had agreed to a compromise bill that included some of what both parties wanted but that this bill now differed from the spending bill passed by the House. What would have to happen for the compromise bill to become law?
The Senate bill would have to go back to the House, and the House would have to vote again to accept the Senate’s changes.
President Trump would need to sign the bill he preferred; the original House bill, or the compromise Senate bill.
The Supreme Court would need to intervene to determine which changes are constitutional and which are not.
Nothing; Senate bills take precedence over House bills, so the Senate bill would go to the President.
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