Microbiology 020 - General Microbiology » Fall 2021 » Exam 1

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Question #1
The _____ of the microscope holds and allows selection of the objective lenses.
A.   ocular
B.   objective
C.   nosepiece
D.   stage
E.   condenser
Question #2
The site(s) for most ATP synthesis in bacterial cells is(are) the _______.
A.   mitochondria
B.   cell wall
C.   cell membrane
D.   ribosomes
E.   inclusions
Question #3
Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in bacterial _______.
A.   cell walls
B.   inclusions
C.   slime layers
D.   capsules
E.   cell membranes
Question #4
In eukaryotic cells, ribosomes have two locations: scattered in the ________ and on the surface of the _________.
A.   cytoplasm; Golgi apparatus
B.   nucleus; Golgi apparatus
C.   nucleus; endoplasmic reticulum
D.   cytoplasm; endoplasmic reticulum
Question #5
A microbiologist inoculates Staphylococcus aureus into a culture medium. Following incubation, both Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are determined to be growing in this culture. What is the most likely explanation?
A.   The culture medium must be selective.
B.   The culture medium must be differential.
C.   The culture is contaminated.
D.   The incubation temperature was incorrect.
E.   The microbiologist used too much inoculum.
Question #6
Mitochondria possess all of the following except ________.
A.   cristae
B.   enzymes for photosynthesis
C.   70S ribosomes (prokaryote)
D.   enzymes for metabolism
E.   electron transport chain proteins
Question #7
Which of the features listed below is not found in all cells?
A.   Ribosomes
B.   DNA
C.   Nucleus
D.   Cytoplasmic membrane
Question #8
What part of a phospholipid forms hydrophobic tails?
A.   Fatty acids
B.   Phosphate
C.   Glycerol
D.   All of the choices are correct.
E.   Alcohol
Question #9
Which of the following is not a function of the eukaryote glycocalyx?
A.   Reception of chemical signals
B.   Protection
C.   Movement
D.   All of the choices are functions.
E.   Adherence
Question #10
Spirochetes have a twisting and flexing locomotion due to appendages called _______.
A.   fimbriae
B.   periplasmic flagella (axial filaments)
C.   flagella
D.   cilia
E.   sex pili
Question #11
A fat is called ______ if all carbons of the fatty acid chain are single bonded to two other carbons and two hydrogens.
A.   unsaturated
B.   monounsaturated
C.   saturated
D.   None of the choices are correct.
E.   polyunsaturated
Question #12
Lysozyme is most effective against _______.
A.   archaea
B.   gram-positive organisms
C.   gram-negative organisms
D.   cyanobacteria
E.   mycoplasmas
Question #13
Which of the following is not an inoculating tool?
A.   Petri dish
B.   Pipette
C.   Loop
D.   Needle
E.   Swab
Question #14
The cell's series of tunnel-like membranes functioning in transport and storage are the _______.
A.   lysosomes
B.   chloroplasts
C.   mitochondria
D.   endoplasmic reticulum
E.   Golgi apparatus
Question #15
Which method often results in colonies developing down throughout the agar along with some colonies on the surface?
A.   Streak plate
B.   Spread plate
C.   All of the choices are correct.
D.   None of the choices are correct.
E.   Pour plate
Question #16
Helminths are _____.
A.   parasitic worms
B.   bacteria
C.   molds
D.   protozoa
E.   infectious particles
Question #17
The term that refers to the purposeful addition of microorganisms into a laboratory nutrient medium is _____.
A.   inoculation
B.   immunization
C.   contamination
D.   infection
E.   isolation
Question #18
When a eukaryotic cell is not undergoing mitosis, the DNA and its associated proteins appear as a visible network of dark fibers called the _____.
A.   nucleoplasm
B.   chromatin
C.   nuclear envelope
D.   nucleosome
E.   nucleolus
Question #19
Which is not a characteristic of fungi?
A.   Photosynthetic
B.   Have cell walls
C.   Heterotrophic nutrition
D.   Include single-celled and filamentous forms
E.   Can use a wide variety of nutrients
Question #20
The cell _______ can be composed of three layers: the cytoplasmic membrane, the cell wall, and the outer membrane.
A.   envelope
B.   slime coat
C.   glycocalyx
D.   pathogenic package
E.   None of the choices is correct.
Question #21
Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria?
A.   Endoplasmic reticulum
B.   All of the choices are correct.
C.   Mitochondria
D.   Lysosomes
E.   Nucleus
Question #22
Protists include ______.
A.   None of the choices are correct.
B.   algae and protozoa
C.   yeasts and molds
D.   All of the choices are correct.
E.   helminths
Question #23
The best definition of endosymbiosis is ________.
A.   A pre-eukaryotic cell was infected by a prokaryote, and symbiosis between the two cell types gave rise to the modern-day eukaryotic cell
B.   A eukaryotic cell ingested a bacterial cell and the organelles fused producing a larger cell
C.   A photosynthetic bacterial cell and an aerobic bacterial cell fused to become a larger, eukaryotic cell
D.   A DNA virus, a bacteria and a photosynthetic prokaryote fused to form a nucleus, a chloroplast and a mitochondria
Question #24
Movement of a cell toward a chemical stimulus is termed _______.
A.   a tumble
B.   positive chemotaxis
C.   positive phototaxis
D.   negative chemotaxis
E.   negative phototaxis
Question #25
A nutrient medium that contains at least one ingredient that is NOT chemically definable would be termed _____.
A.   reducing
B.   enriched
C.   synthetic
D.   minimal
E.   complex
Question #26
The first primitive eukaryotic cells likely evolved from ______.
A.   prokaryotes
B.   the last common ancestor
C.   bacteria
D.   None of the choices are correct.
E.   archaea
Question #27
Which of the following is a unique characteristic of viruses that distinguishes them from the other major groups of microorganisms?
A.   Cannot be seen without a microscope
B.   Contain genetic material
C.   Cause human disease
D.   Lack a nucleus
E.   Lack cell structure
Question #28
The correct microbiological term for the tiny sample of specimen that is put into a nutrient medium in order to produce a culture is the _____.
A.   loop
B.   inoculum
C.   colony
D.   streak
E.   incubator
Question #29
The Gram staining procedure is best described as a(n) _______ staining technique.
A.   differential
B.   acid-fast or Ziehl-Neelson
C.   flagellar
D.   capsule
E.   simple
Question #30
The purpose of staining cells on a microscope slide is to ______.
A.   secure them to the slide
B.   enlarge the cells
C.   add contrast in order to see them better
D.   see motility
E.   kill them
Question #31
Choose the statement that best describes the role of mitochondria.
A.   Provide cell with energy through cell respiration
B.   Contain hydrolytic enzymes to digest macromolecules
C.   Assemble amino acids into polypeptides
D.   Store the genetic information of the cell
E.   Control the transport of materials into and out of the cell
Question #32
Which term is not used to describe bacterial cell shapes?
A.   Coccus
B.   Vibrio
C.   Rod
D.   Spirochete
E.   Tetrad
Question #33
The group of protozoa that have gliding motility are the _______.
A.   None of the choices are correct.
B.   mastigophora
C.   apicomplexa/sporozoa
D.   ciliophora
E.   amoeba/sarcodina
Question #34
Agar is a complex polysaccharide that comes from a(n) _____.
A.   green plant
B.   fungus
C.   mold
D.   algae
E.   euglena
Question #35
Organic chemicals always have a basic framework of the element _____ bonded to other atoms.
A.   oxygen
B.   phosphorous
C.   nitrogen
D.   hydrogen
E.   carbon
Question #36
Chemotaxis refers to the ability to ________.
A.   None of the choices is correct.
B.   move in response to a chemical
C.   not move in response to a chemical
D.   transport desired molecules into cells
E.   move in response to light
Question #37
A.   nucleotides
B.   amino acids
C.   glycerol and fatty acids
D.   monosaccharides
E.   phosphate, glycerol, and fatty acids
Question #38
A bacterial cell wall that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is _______.
A.   a spheroplast
B.   gram-negative
C.   found in archaea
D.   acid fast
E.   gram-positive
Question #39
Which of the following does not pertain to endotoxin?
A.   It is involved in typhoid fever and some meningitis cases
B.   It can stimulate fever in the human body
C.   It is found in acid-fast bacterial cell walls
D.   It can cause septic shock in the human body
E.   It is a specific cell wall lipid
Question #40
Purines and pyrimidines are components in the building block units of all _____.
A.   enzymes
B.   carbohydrates
C.   polysaccharides
D.   nucleic acids
E.   amino acids
Question #41
Which of the following are mismatched?
A.   Heterotroph - synthesize organic nutrients using light energy and CO2
B.   Parasite - obtain nutrients from a living organism to the detriment of that organism
C.   Saprobe - obtain nutrients from the remains of dead plants and animals
Question #42
The lipid group that serves as energy storage molecules is _____.
A.   steroids
B.   waxes
C.   triglycerides
D.   prostaglandins
E.   phospholipids
Question #43
Which of the following is not a benefit of agar as a solid medium?
A.   Is solid at room temperature
B.   Holds moisture
C.   Is digested by most microbes
D.   Has flexibility
E.   Can be inoculated and poured at a temperature that is not harmful
Question #44
The type of microscope in which you would see brightly illuminated specimens against a black background is _____.
A.   bright field
B.   phase contrast
C.   electron
D.   fluorescence
E.   dark field
Question #45
The passageways in the nuclear envelope for movement of substances to and from the nucleus and cytoplasm are called nuclear ________.
A.   chromatin
B.   pores
C.   inclusions
D.   histones
E.   endoplasmic reticulum
Question #46
A.   Protozoan cysts are a reproductive stage.
B.   Protozoan cysts are a survival form that allows them to survive adverse environmental conditions between hosts.
C.   Protozoan cysts are the active, growing stage of the organism.
D.   Protozoan cysts are necessary for the infection of intermediate hosts while the trophozoites are the stage that infects definitive hosts.
Question #47
The enzyme _______, found in tears and saliva, can hydrolyze the bonds in the glycan chains of certain bacterial cell walls.
A.   lysozyme
B.   None of the choices are correct.
C.   peptidase
D.   All of the choices are correct.
E.   penicillinase
Question #48
The two functions of bacterial appendages are ________.
A.   attachment and protection
B.   attachment and motility
C.   energy reactions and synthesis
D.   protection and motility
E.   motility and slime production
Question #49
There are nine peripheral pairs and one central pair of _______ found inside eukaryotic flagella and cilia.
A.   microtubules
B.   None of the choices are correct.
C.   flagella
D.   filaments
E.   Cilia
Question #50
Most biochemical macromolecules are polymers, which are chains of ______.
A.   repeating carbohydrates
B.   repeating monomers
C.   hydrophobic molecules
D.   electrolytic molecules
E.   hydrogen bonds

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