Microbiology 020 - General Microbiology » Fall 2021 » Microbial Metabolism 2

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Question #1
Many coenzymes are formed from ______.
A.   vitamins
B.   substrates
C.   metals
D.   proteins
Question #2
Energy is carried from catabolic to anabolic reactions in the form of _______.
A.   ADP
B.   coenzymes
C.   high-energy ATP bonds
D.   inorganic phosphate
Question #3
Enzymes that can be shut down or activated based on the presence of chemicals in their environment are called ________.
A.   repressed
B.   constitutive
C.   holoenzymes
D.   regulated
Question #4
Enzymes are ________.
A.   lipids
B.   proteins
C.   steroids
D.   nucleic acids
Question #5
Which of the following binds to the active site of an enzyme?
A.   Any other enzyme
B.   Product
C.   Water
D.   None of the choices are correct.
E.   Substrate
Question #6
Which of the following correctly represents the mechanism of enzyme function, where S is "substrate" and E is "enzyme" and P is "product"?
A.   E + P -> E-S -> E-P -> E + P
B.   E + S -> E-S -> E-P -> E + P
C.   E + S -> E-P -> E-S -> E + S
D.   E + P -> E-P -> E-S -> E + S
E.   S + P -> E-P -> E + P
Question #7
Which of the following statement(s) about biochemical pathways is(are) TRUE?
A.   They are very well organized and structured
B.   They convert an initial substrate via a series of steps into an end product
C.   They are very well organized and structured and they convert an initial substrate via a series of steps into an end product
D.   They are very well organized and structured, they convert an initial substrate via a series of steps into an end product, and they can only function for a few runs
E.   They can only function for a few runs
Question #8
Consider the biochemical pathway: A – E1 –> B – E2 –> C Enzyme 1 can utilize ________.
A.   either A or B as substrate, but not both
B.   only A as substrate
C.   only B as substrate
D.   neither A nor B as substrate
E.   both A and B as substrates
Question #9
Consider the biochemical pathway: A – E1 –> B – E2 –> C If Enzyme 2 is inactive, which of the following compounds will accumulate?
A.   A and B
B.   A only
C.   B and C
D.   C only
E.   B only
Question #10
Cells obtain energy by ________ food molecules such as glucose.
A.   phosphorylating
B.   oxidizing
C.   reducing
D.   redoxing
E.   anabolizing
Question #11
Which of the following best describes the reduction of the coenzyme NAD+?
A.   NAD+ + H -> NADH2
B.   NAD+ + H -> NADH
C.   NADH -> NAD + H
D.   NADH -> NAD+ + H
Question #12
Oxidation-reduction reactions are catalyzed by ________.
A.   protons
B.   enzymes
C.   lipids
D.   electrons
E.   polysaccharides
Question #13
Protons received from NADH ________.
A.   are pumped outside the cell
B.   act as coenzymes
C.   are passed along the electron transport chain along with the electrons
D.   are the terminal electron acceptors
Question #14
Oxygen acts as ________.
A.   a reducing agent
B.   a coenzyme
C.   the terminal electron acceptor
D.   a carrier of electrons, passing electrons down the chain
Question #15
When protons are pumped outside the cell membrane, ________.
A.   electrons are lost
B.   a proton motive force is created
C.   water is made
D.   NADH gets reduced
Question #16
A hydrogen atom consists of a proton and a pair of electrons.
Question #17
The energy captured in the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP comes from the proton motive force created in respiration.
Question #18
Proton pumps are protein complexes that ________.
A.   pump protons and electrons through the cell membrane
B.   break down water into hydrogen and oxygen
C.   synthesize water from hydrogen and oxygen
D.   pump protons from the interior of the cell to the exterior
E.   pump protons from the exterior of the cell to the interior
Question #19
Synthesis of ATP via a proton gradient is called ________.
A.   glycolysis
B.   substrate-level phosphorylation
C.   Krebs cycle
D.   chemiosmosis
E.   cyclophosphorylation
Question #20
Which of the following is the enzyme used to synthesize ATP?
A.   ATP kinase
B.   None of the choices are correct.
C.   ATP phosphodiesterase
D.   ATP hydrolase
E.   ATP phosphorylase

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