Sociology 5313 - Research Methods and Design » Fall 2021 » Quiz 5

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Question #1
Which of the following is a good research question
A.   Who is most likely to be sentenced to capital punishment
B.   Controlling for the type of crime committed, are poor people more likely to be sentenced to capital punishment than rich people?
C.   Should capital punishment be legal? 
D.   Does capital punishment detour criminal activity?
Question #2
Which of the following is a characteristic of quantitative research design?
A.   Researchers develop measurement tools during the data collection phase. 
B.   Researchers begin by developing hypotheses then they test them using empirical data.
C.   Researchers never attempt to replicate their findings in a diverse social setting.
D.   Researchers ignore past research studies on their topic so that their work can be original.
Question #3
What type of logical error in making a causal statement is illustrated by the statement below? “Members of the Ku Klux Klan dislike black people because they are highly prejudiced against Blacks.”
A.   tautology
B.   ecological fallacy
C.   reductionism
D.   teleology 
Question #4
What is the independent variable in the following hypothesis? “Persons who experience economic deprivation during socialization will place a higher priority on economic self-interest later in life than will people who did not experience economic deprivation during socialization.”
A.   later life
B.   priority of economic self-interest
C.   Persons
D.   economic deprivation
Question #5
Joyce James tested whether the “military effort of modern industrial nations” is caused by the “electoral success by the right-wing parties” or the “popularity of nationalist beliefs” in a society. She tested the theory by looking at data on 22 large industrial nations during 1969-1999. She measured military effort as the “share of the gross national product” for military (e.g. weapons, training, stationing troops), right-wing party success by the percent of votes going to right-wing political parties in both national and local elections, and nationalist beliefs by attitude data from each nation. Data for the share of the gross national product came from the International Labor Organization, data for right-wing party power and nationalist attitudes came from previous studies by other researchers. In this study, the unit of analysis is
A.   the military program
B.   the individual
C.   the nation
D.   the right-wing party
Question #6
Harry Angstrom studied the admissions practices and sports records of 300 colleges to see whether colleges with more lax admissions standards won more games than colleges with high admissions standards. What are the units of analysis in this study?
A.   Admissions standards
B.   college students
C.   Sports teams
D.   colleges
Question #7
Dr. Dunham hypothesizes that an individual’s political orientation has an effect on that individual’s stand on the abortion issue. “Political orientation” was used as his
A.   unit of analysis. 
B.   aggregate.
C.   independent variable.
D.   dependent variable.
Question #8
When conducting social research, it is more accurate to look at a social phenomenon from multiple perspectives. This is called
A.   bricolage.
B.   tinabulation.
C.   triangulation.
D.   dynamic research agenda.
Question #9
Mary Rodale studied discrimination against women plumbers. She hypothesized that individuals who believe strongly in traditional sex roles would be more discriminatory than individuals who showed strong non-traditional sex roles. She contacted 100 individual homeowners who planned to hire a plumber. She offered each subject six possible plumbers to choose from. The plumbers had varying levels of experience and training and charged different rates. One of the six was a woman and the other five were men. Every single homeowner who believed strongly in traditional sex roles chose a male. All those who believed in non-traditional sex roles ignored gender and chose on the basis of skill and price alone. What is/are the units of analysis in the study?
A.   Skills, experience, and price 
B.   plumbers
C.   Homeowners
D.   sex roles
Question #10
Mary Rodale studied discrimination against women plumbers. She hypothesized that individuals who believe strongly in traditional sex roles would be more discriminatory than individuals who showed strong non-traditional sex roles. She contacted 100 individual homeowners who planned to hire a plumber. She offered each subject six possible plumbers to choose from. The plumbers had varying levels of experience and training and charged different rates. One of the six was a woman and the other five were men. Every single homeowner who believed strongly in traditional sex roles chose a male. All those who believed in non-traditional sex roles ignored gender and chose on the basis of skill and price alone. What is the null hypothesis for the study?
A.   Traditionalist homeowners are more likely to discriminate against women who are plumbers.
B.   There is no discrimination by homeowners against women plumbers.
C.   Regardless of sex role values, all homeowners discriminate against women plumbers.
D.   Men and women both discriminate against women plumbers.

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