Sociology 5313 - Research Methods and Design » Fall 2021 » Quiz 6

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Question #1
Dr. Horse developed a measure of “quality of city life.” He included measures of many factors, including: tax rate, quality of school system, cultural and recreational opportunities, pollution, traffic congestion, crime rate, and health care availability for 100 U.S. cities to get a score for each. Dr. Horse created a(n)
A.   index.
B.   measure of central tendency.
C.   scale.
D.   statistic.
Question #2
Maria Valencia developed a new test to measure intelligence or I.Q. She claimed that using her test, someone with an I.Q. of 180 would be considered twice as intelligent as someone with an I.Q. of 90. Someone with a score of 0, had absolutely no intelligence. In order to see how good it was, she tested two groups of students with her new test during the first week of the semester. One group scored low on existing I.Q. tests. The other scored very high. She found that those who scored low on old tests usually scored low on her new test, while those who scored very high on old tests usually scored high on the new test. In addition, she had the group of people who took the new test retake it at the midterm and again at the end of the semester. She found that a person’s I.Q. score did not change across the three times it was measured during the semester. What is the level of measurement of her new test?
A.   ordinal variable
B.   nominal variable
C.   interval variable
D.   ratio variable
Question #3
When a research study is said to be generalizable to a diverse range of social settings, it is said that this study has good:
A.   equivalence validity.
B.   convergence validity.
C.   external validity.
D.   internal validity.
Question #4
Safrina developed a way to measure sexist attitudes. It worked such that a person with a sexist attitude score of zero truly had a neutral attitude. A person who had a score of 50 had exactly double the score of someone with a score of 25. She created a(n)
A.   ratio variable.
B.   nominal variable.
C.   ordinal variable.
D.   interval variable.
Question #5
A researcher seeks to validate a measure by comparing it with a “tried and true” preexisting measure. This researcher is using a type of validity called
A.   criterion.
B.   face.
C.   concurrent.
D.   predictive.
Question #6
What is the problem with this measure of college student age? Please indicate your age: 17 to 18 years of age 19 to 20 years of age 21 to 22 years of age
A.   Its attributes are mutually exclusive.
B.   Its attributes are not exhaustive.
C.   Its attributes are double-barreled.
D.   Its attributes are at a nominal level of measurement.
Question #7
The process of an individual taking a systematic conceptual definition and creating a measurement tool to represent this conceptual definition is______
A.   replication.
B.   operationalization.
C.   androtempration.
D.   conceptualization.
Question #8
The measurement of a student’s class standing as measured by: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior or grad is measured at what level of measurement?
A.   nominal
B.   ordinal
C.   interval
D.   ratio
Question #9
What level of measurement is being used in the statement: “A fox terrier is smaller than a Russian wolfhound, but bigger than a chinchilla”?
A.   internal
B.   nominal
C.   ratio
D.   ordinal
Question #10
Janice wanted to test the validity of a new measure of intelligence. She found that those who scored low on OLD tests of intelligence usually scored low on her NEW test; those who scored very high on OLD tests usually scored HIGH on the new test. What type of validity was Janice concerned with?
A.   face validity
B.   concurrent validity
C.   construct validity
D.   internal validity

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