Sociology 5313 - Research Methods and Design » Fall 2021 » Quiz 7

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Question #1
Dr. Martinez draws a systematic random sample of 350 churches from all churches and religious institutions in the 3 Pacific coast states of the continental U.S. His sampling frame has 35,000 institutions. What is the sampling interval?
A.   10
B.   0.01
C.   0.1
D.   100
Question #2
According to the central limit theorem used in inferential statistics
A.   90 percent of all samples drawn in a simple random manner will contain some error.
B.   the bigger your sample, the better your results.
C.   if you draw many random samples, the samples form a normal curve with the highest point of the distribution equal to the population parameter.
D.   the best estimate of population parameters comes when one uses the inverse square of the z-probability distribution.
Question #3
Dr. Martinez draws a systematic random sample of 350 churches from all churches and religious institutions in the 3 Pacific coast states of the continental U.S. His sampling frame has 35,000 institutions. What is the sampling ratio?
A.   10
B.   0.01
C.   100
D.   0.1
Question #4
Robert Warner, president of a local TV station, recently conducted a study of TV view in his area. He obtained a list of all residential customers from the cable TV company billing list. Oddly enough, he put every customer name on a 3x5 note card and mixed them up in one raffle barrel. He then chose 1000 note cards (out of a possible 20,000 customer cards). A trained interviewer visited each household and asked detailed questions about the viewing habits of various family members. What is the sampling frame of the study?
A.   all voters in the community
B.   cable television viewers
C.   all households in the community
D.   the list of customers from the cable television company
Question #5
The ____is the large group of cases that the researcher wants their study to generalize to; the____is the small group of cases that the researcher actually studies.
A.   random sample, nonrandom sample
B.   parameter, statistic
C.   sampling frame, sampling ratio
D.   population, sample
Question #6
A sampling technique often used by qualitative researchers in which a sample builds during the study process as new insights lead the research to new respondents is called a
A.   sequential sample.
B.   theoretical sample.
C.   haphazard sample.
D.   deviant case sample.
Question #7
Robert Warner, president of a local TV station, recently conducted a study of TV view in his area. He obtained a list of all residential customers from the cable TV company billing list. Oddly enough, he put every customer name on a 3x5 note card and mixed them up in one raffle barrel. He then chose 1000 note cards (out of a possible 20,000 customer cards). A trained interviewer visited each household and asked detailed questions about the viewing habits of various family members. What type of sampling did he use?
A.   simple random sample
B.   disproportionate sample
C.   cluster sample
D.   systematic random sample
Question #8
A researcher asks students in an introductory sociology class to take an Internet survey on student attitudes towards puppy dogs. What kind of sample is the researcher using?
A.   haphazard sample
B.   purposive sample
C.   snowball sample
D.   quota sampling
Question #9
The Young Children’s Charity would like to provide an accurate estimate of how much it costs to raise a child between the ages of 2 and 12 for its fundraising campaign. They contracted with you to find out how much households spent on raising a child in 1996. They gave you a list of all 400,000 residential telephone customers in the area they will operate the campaign. You sampled every 400th address on the list. The Charity will have a survey company contact each household sampled and ask whether or not there is a child between 2 and 12 years of age living in the household. If there is, they will ask other questions and record the total amount spent raising a child during 1996. What type of sample will you be using?
A.   convenient sample
B.   simple random sample
C.   systematic random sample
D.   stratified random sample
Question #10
The Young Children’s Charity would like to provide an accurate estimate of how much it costs to raise a child between the ages of 2 and 12 for its fundraising campaign. They contracted with you to find out how much households spent on raising a child in 1996. They gave you a list of all 400,000 residential telephone customers in the area they will operate the campaign. You sampled every 400th address on the list. The Charity will have a survey company contact each household sampled and ask whether or not there is a child between 2 and 12 years of age living in the household. If there is, they will ask other questions and record the total amount spent raising a child during 1996. In this study, each address of a telephone customer is your
A.   sampling element.
B.   sampling frame.
C.   observation unit.
D.   sampling unit.

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