Chem 221 - Biochemistry for Science Majors » Fall 2021 » L5 3D Structure of Proteins Part 1 of 2

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Question #1
Gobular proteins
A.   All of these are correct
B.   have their hydrophobic amino acid side chains are in the interior of the molecule
C.   are roughly spherical in shape
D.   have their hydrophilic side chains are on the outside, exposed to the solvent, water.
E.   are water soluble
Question #2
The linear arrangement of amino acids in a protein is called primary structure
Question #3
The sequence of amino acids in a protein is listed from the C-terminus to the N-terminus.
Question #4
Proteins channels within membranes, have hydrophobic amino acid side chains oriented outward.
Question #5
Membrane proteins characteristically have a larger number of hydrophilic amino acids than cytosolic proteins.
Question #6
Sickle cell anemia is an important example of conservative mutation.
Question #7
At physiological pH, the N-terminal and C-terminal residues can form salt bridges.
Question #8
During the formation of the peptide bond which of the following takes place?
A.   Hydrogen atom is lost from its carboxyl group of one amino acid and a hydrogen atom is lost from its amino group of another amino acid
B.   Hydroxyl group is lost from its carboxyl group of one amino acid and a hydrogen atom is lost from its amino group of another amino acid
C.   Hydrogen atom is lost from its carboxyl group of one amino acid and a hydroxyl group is lost from its amino group of another amino acid
D.   Hydroxyl group is lost from its carboxyl group of one amino acid and a hydroxyl group is lost from its amino group of another amino acid
Question #9
Peptide bond is a _________
A.   Covalent bond
B.   Metallic bond
C.   Hydrogen bond
D.   ionic bond
Question #10
A tripeptide has _________
A.   3 amino acids and 2 peptide bonds
B.   3 amino acids and 3 peptide bonds
C.   3 amino acids and 1 peptide bond
D.   3 amino acids and 4 peptide bonds
Question #11
The peptide bond in proteins is
A.   planar, and usually found in a trans configuration.
B.   planar, but rotates to three preferred dihedral angles.
C.   nonpolar, but rotates to three preferred dihedral angles.
D.   nonpolar, and fixed in a trans conformation
E.   not cleavable by hydrolysis.
Question #12
The resonance structures that can be drawn for the peptide bond indicate that the peptide bond
A.   has partial double bond character.
B.   still isn't completely understood by chemists.
C.   is weaker than an ordinary single bond.
Question #13
How many water molecules are lost from the condensation of 100 amino acids into a polypeptide?
A.   101
B.   100
C.   102
D.   98
E.   99
Question #14
Amino acids are connected via __________ bonds, which occur between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another.
A.   double
B.   amino
C.   peptide
D.   hydrogen
E.   ionic
Question #15
Condensation of 3 amino acids
A.   releases 3 molecules of water
B.   requires 2 molecules of water
C.   releases 2 molecules of water
Question #16
In how many different ways can the amino acids leucine, glutamate, and glycine be arranged?
A.   4
B.   2
C.   3
D.   5
E.   6
Question #17
What accounts for peptide bond planarity within a polypeptide?
A.   The peptide bond is not planar, it can actually rotate relatively freely
B.   Electronegativity differences between nitrogen and carbon
C.   Partial double bond character of the peptide bond
D.   The fully double bonded peptide bond
E.   Hydrogen bonding between amino acid side chains and water
Question #18
What does N-terminus refer to?
A.   The end of a protein with a free amine group
B.   The first amino acid with the abbreviation 'N' in the protein
C.   A protein chain
D.   The end of a protein with a free carboxylic acid group
Question #19
Which of the following statements is true about protein structure?
A.   Disulfide bridges primarily maintain secondary structures, as opposed to tertiary
B.   A protein’s function depends on its spatial conformation
C.   All proteins have a quaternary structure
D.   pH does not change the protein conformation
Question #20
The six atoms of the peptide group lie in a single plane and the configuration around the peptide bond is cis.
Question #21
Sickle cell anemia is an example of a genetic disease due to a problem with
A.   the function of all proteins in an organism
B.   the primary structure of the myoglobin protein
C.   the primary structure of the hemoglobin protein
D.   the secondary structure of a protein
Question #22
In the peptide Ser-Cys-Glu-Ala, the C-terminal end is ________.
A.   glycine
B.   cysteine
C.   glutamic acid
D.   alanine
Question #23
Uncharged side chains may experience ionic interactions in a protein structure.
Question #24
N-terminal and C-terminals may experience the formation of salt bridges
Question #25
In a soluble protein that resides in the cytoplasm, where is the majority of the nonpolar amino acids found in its three-dimensional structure?
A.   On the surface of the protein
B.   Localized to the N-terminus of the protein
C.   Localized to the C-terminus of the protein
D.   Randomly interspersed throughout to protein
E.   Buried in the center of the protein
Question #26
The formation of a tetrapeptide.
A.   Releases 4 water molecules
B.   Releases 3 water molecules
C.   Requires 3 water molecules
D.   Requires 4 water molecules
Question #27
The ability of a particular protein to carry out its function is determined by its overall three-dimensional shape, or conformation.
Question #28
In the peptide Ala-Try-Gly-Phe, the N-terminal amino acid is ________.
A.   aspartic acid
B.   tryptophan
C.   alanine
D.   phenylalanine
E.   glycine
Question #29
If, in a protein there is a change of an amino acid for another one, for instance a leucine is changed for lysine, the function of the protein most likely
A.   won't be affected
B.   will be affected
Question #30
A peptide bond is formed by hydrolysis reaction between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another.
Question #31
Where in a globular protein is the amino acid valine likely to be located?
A.   The hydrophobic interior
B.   The hydrophobic exterior
C.   The hydrophilic interior
D.   The hydrophilic exterior
Question #32
Which proteins are generally water-soluble?
A.   Both globular fibrous proteins
B.   Neither globular nor fibrous proteins
C.   Fibrous proteins
D.   Globular proteins
Question #33
To hydrolyze a pentapeptide you need
A.   4 molecules of water
B.   2 molecules of water
C.   5 molecules of water
D.   3 molecules of water
Question #34
A peptide bond is
A.   a covalent bond
B.   an ether bond
C.   a covalent amide bond
D.   an amide bond
E.   a covalent ether bond
Question #35
The peptide bond of proteins resembles the bond found in
A.   alkenes
B.   alkanes
C.   hydrocarbons
D.   alkynes
Question #36
What type of interaction would occur between glutamic acid and lysine?
A.   Ionic
B.   disulfide
C.   hydrogen bonding
D.   Hydrophobic
Question #37
What type of interaction would you expect between the R groups of glutamine and serine in the quaternary structure of a protein?
A.   Ionic
B.   hydrogen bonding
C.   Hydrophobic
D.   peptide bonds
Question #38
Which of the following best describes the quaternary structure of a protein?
A.   The four parts of a protein's amino acid sequence
B.   How the polypeptide chains arrange in space
C.   The layout of alpha-helices and beta-sheets
D.   The sequence of nucleic acids
E.   A polypeptide chain 3-D structure
Question #39
A protein's primary structure is determined by which of the following?
A.   R-group interactions
B.   Alpha-helices
C.   The linear sequence of specific amino acids
D.   Beta-pleated sheets
E.   The hydrophobic effect
Question #40
Where, in a globular protein, is the amino acid glutamine likely to be located?
A.   The hydrophobic interior
B.   The hydrophobic exterior
C.   The hydrophilic exterior
D.   The hydrophilic interior

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