Chem 221 - Biochemistry for Science Majors » Fall 2021 » L13 Lipids

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Question #1
What term describes molecules that have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties?
A.   amphibian
B.   amphipathic
C.   amphoteric
D.   amphiprotic
Question #2
Which of the following molecules or substances contain, or are derived from, fatty acids?
A.   Triacylglycerols
B.   Sphingolipids
C.   Glycolipids
D.   Beeswax
E.   All of the above contain or are derived from fatty acids.
Question #3
Triacylglycerols are composed of:
A.   a glycerol backbone, three fatty acids , and amide linkages between the fatty acids and the glycerol
B.   a glycerol backbone and three fatty acids
C.   a glycerol backbone and amide linkages between the fatty acids and the glycerol
Question #4
Biological waxes are all:
A.   sphingolipids
C.   esters of single fatty acids with long-chain alcohols
D.   triesters of glycerol and three long chain saturated fatty acids
E.   triesters of glycerol and palmitic acid
F.   None of the above
Question #5
Which of the following best describes the cholesterol molecule?
A.   Nonpolar, uncharged
B.   Polar, uncharged
C.   Nonpolar, charged
D.   Polar, charged
E.   Amphipathic
Question #6
Triacylglycerols are
A.   soluble in water
B.   soluble in water at elevated temperature
C.   insoluble in water
D.   partially soluble in water
Question #7
Phospholipid contains
A.   long water-soluble carbon chains and positively charged functional groups
B.   hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails
C.   long water-soluble carbon chains
D.   positively charged functional groups
Question #8
Lipids with four fused carbon rings and various functional groups attached are known as
A.   fatty acids
B.   chitin
C.   steroids
D.   phospholipids
E.   saturated fats
Question #9
Substances originating in plant or animal material and soluble in non-polar organic solvents are classified as
A.   amino acids
B.   proteins
C.   nucleic acids
D.   lipids
E.   carbohydrates
Question #10
Biomolecules classified as lipids are
A.   polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones, or compounds which produce those when hydrolyzed.
B.   six-membered rings with delocalized electrons.
C.   polymers of diacids and diamines.
D.   soluble in non-polar solvents.
E.   polymers of α-amino acids.
Question #11
Biomolecules can be classified as lipids on the basis of
A.   the presence of many hydroxyl groups and at least one carbonyl group.
B.   the physical properties of odor, color, and melting point within certain guidelines.
C.   the presence of at least one amine group and one carboxylic acid group on each molecule.
D.   the physical property of solubility in nonpolar organic solvents.
E.   a common structure consisting of long hydrocarbon chains.
Question #12
Most naturally occurring monounsaturated fatty acids can be classified as which of the following?
A.   cis
B.   L
C.   trans
D.   D
Question #13
Which molecule is a fatty acid?
D.   (CH3)2CH(CH2)3COOH
E.   None of the above
Question #14
Which molecule is a saturated fatty acid?
A.   (CH3)2CH(CH2)3COOH
B.   CH3(CH2)14COOH
E.   None of the above
Question #15
Triglycerides belong to which general class of organic molecules.
A.   ketones
B.   alcohols
C.   esters
D.   carboxylic acids
E.   ethers
Question #16
Which of the following is NOT a biochemical function of waxes?
A.   Structural materials in beehives
B.   Waterproofing of feathers in shore birds
C.   Prevention of water loss by leaves
D.   Energy storage for animals
E.   Physical protection of mammalian ears
Question #17
The chemical makeup of fats is
A.   esters of glycerol with three predominantly unsaturated fatty acids
B.   esters of glycerol with three identical unsaturated fatty acids
C.   esters of glycerol with three predominantly saturated fatty acids
D.   simple esters of long chain alcohols and fatty acids
E.   esters of glycerol with three identical saturated fatty acids
Question #18
The product of an esterification reaction between which of the following molecules would be an oil? I. CH3(CH2)14COOH II. CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH III. HOCH2CH2OH IV. HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH
A.   II and III
B.   I and III
C.   II and IV
D.   I and IV
E.   I and II
Question #19
Which reaction can be used to convert oils into fats?
A.   esterification
B.   hydrogenation
C.   hydrolysis
D.   saponification
E.   dehydration
Question #20
Fats and oils are respectively rich in
A.   saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
B.   none of these
C.   unsaturated fatty acids
D.   saturated fatty acids
Question #21
Which of the following is TRUE about glycerophospholipids?
A.   Glycerophospholipids have only one glycerol, on polar head group, and one fatty acid tail
B.   Glycerophospholipids contain only saturated fatty acids
C.   Glycerophospholipids are a subset (subgroup) of phospholipids
D.   Glycerophospholipids can sometimes be sphingolipids, depending on the bonds in their head groups
Question #22
Triglycerides containing saturated fatty acids tend to be solid at room temperature
Question #23
Triglycerides containing unsaturated fatty acids tend to be solid at room temperature
Question #24
Octadecanoic acid has a higher boiling point than hexadecanoic acid.
Question #25
Choose the amphipatic molecules.
A.   Glycerophospholipids, cholesterol and fatty acids
B.   cholesterol
C.   cholesterol and waxes
D.   Fatty acids and waxes
E.   waxes
Question #26
Which of the following occurs when a greasy plate is placed in soapy water and scrubbed?
A.   The hydrophobic tail of the soap bonds to grease.
B.   The hydrophilic head of the soap bonds to grease.
C.   The soap froths but does not actually bond with the grease.
D.   The hydrophobic tail of the soap bonds to water.
Question #27
The molecular formula of glycerol is …
A.   C2H6O2
B.   C3H8O3
C.   C4H10O4
D.   CH3OH
Question #28
Which of the following lipids will give a single molecule of fatty acid when hydrolyzed?
A.   steroid
B.   fat
C.   wax
D.   glycerophospholipid
Question #29
The products of the acid catalyzed hydrolysis of a fat are ________.
A.   fatty acids and glycerol
B.   salts of fatty acids
C.   salts of fatty acids and glycerol
D.   the esters of fatty acids
E.   glycerophospholipids
Question #30
Micelles of fatty acids in water are organized such that the ___ face the solvent and the ___ are directed toward the interior.
A.   The first and second answers are both correct
B.   hydrophilic heads; hydrophobic tails
C.   carboxylic acid groups; hydrocarbon chains
D.   hydrocarbon chains; carboxylic acid groups
E.   hydrophobic tails; hydrophilic heads
Question #31
What type of bonds found between carbon atoms cause fats to form kinks?
A.   double
B.   ionic
C.   proton
D.   polar
Question #32
What is the key difference between phospholipids and fats?
A.   Phospholipids have three fatty acids and fats have two
B.   Phosphoplipids do not have glycerol
C.   Fats have glycerol
D.   Phospholipids have two fatty acids and fats have three
Question #33
Commercially, liquid vegetable oils are converted to solid fats such as margarine by ________.
A.   hydration
B.   oxidation
C.   hydrolysis
D.   hydrogenation
Question #34
Like soap, which of the following molecules is also amphipatic – having both a hydrophilic and hydrophobic end?
A.   Waxes
B.   glycerol
C.   Water
D.   Phospholipids
Question #35
Oil and water don't mix because water has polar bonds while oils have nonpolar bonds.
Question #36
How are triglycerides formed?
A.   Triglycerides are formed through dehydration synthesis, which results in the loss of H2O molecules.
B.   Triglycerides are formed through hydrolysis, which results in the production of H2O molecules.
C.   Triglycerides are formed through dehydration synthesis, which results in the addition of H2O molecules.
D.   Triglycerides are formed through hydrolysis, which results in the loss of H2O molecules.

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