Chem 221 - Biochemistry for Science Majors » Fall 2021 » Working with Proteins

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Question #1
What type of sample does scientist in the video start with?
A.   Frozen heart
B.   Chicken breast
C.   Crude extract
D.   Cell pellet
Question #2
What is the FIRST method used in the video to create the crude extract?
A.   Homogenization
B.   Blender
C.   Sonication
Question #3
What is the second method used in the video to create the crude extract?
A.   Sonication
B.   Blender
C.   Homogenization
Question #4
How does the scientist prevent denaturation during protein extraction?
A.   Works really fast
B.   Boils the sample
C.   Keeps sample on ice
D.   Mixes the sample multiple times
Question #5
What is the speed used to centrifuge the balanced tubes?
A.   Medium speed
B.   Lowest speed
C.   Highest speed
Question #6
What is the brand of the centrifuge rotor?
A.   Biorad
B.   Smith
C.   Sorvall
Question #7
Centrifugation time is
A.   20 minutes
B.   40 minutes
C.   60 minutes
D.   90 minutes
Question #8
After centrifugation, supernatant is filtered.
Question #9
Look up the meaning of FPLC (we did not discussed it in class). The most common FPLC is
A.   Ion exchange
B.   Affinity chromatography
Question #10
To load sample in the SDS PAGE apparatus
A.   A micropipette is used
B.   A Mohr pipette is used
Question #11
The color of the sample loaded in the SDS PAGE wells is
A.   Green
B.   Blue
C.   Pink
Question #12
Observe the gel. Do the bands show proteins with about the same weight or different weights?
A.   Different
B.   Same

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