Microbiology 020 - General Microbiology » Fall 2021 » Tools of the Lab

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Question #1
_______involves placing a sample into a container of fresh medium.
A.   Inoculation
B.   Isolation
C.   Incubation
D.   Inspection
Question #2
Multiplication of an organism in a culture is promoted by _____
A.   intention
B.   incubation
C.   immigration
D.   isolation
Question #3
Pour plating, streak plating, and spread plating are ________ methods for separating individual microbes from each other.
A.   inoculation
B.   immigration
C.   intention
D.   isolation
Question #4
_____ involves the observation of macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of microbes in samples.
A.   Incubation
B.   Inspection
C.   Isolation
D.   Inoculation
Question #5
Biochemical, immunological, and genetic testing assist the microbiologist in ________ so that a final ________ can be made.
A.   information gathering, identification
B.   inoculation, immigration
C.   incubation, intention
D.   information gathering, isolation
Question #6
Match the statement to the term that it most accurately describes to test your understanding of the elements of good microscopy : Magnification
A.   The ability to distinguish between two separate structures that are very close to one another
B.   Ability to be distinguished from the surroundings
C.   The apparent increase in size of an image
Question #7
Match the statement to the term that it most accurately describes to test your understanding of the elements of good microscopy : Contrast
A.   The ability to distinguish between two separate structures that are very close to one another
B.   Ability to be distinguished from the surroundings
C.   The apparent increase in size of an image
Question #8
Match the statement to the term that it most accurately describes to test your understanding of the elements of good microscopy : Resolution
A.   The apparent increase in size of an image
B.   Ability to be distinguished from the surroundings
C.   The ability to distinguish between two separate structures that are very close to one another
Question #9
Which of these types of organisms is least likely to be identified to the genus level with light microscopy?
A.   Helminth
B.   Bacteria
C.   Protozoan
D.   Fungus
Question #10
Bacteria are larger than human cells.
Question #11
Bacteria are only visible with an electron microscope.
Question #12
The term used to describe a cluster of spherical bacteria is _______.
A.   streptococci
B.   streptobacilli
C.   staphylococci 
D.   vibrio
Question #13
What general type of stain is used to separate types of bacteria based on their cellular structures?
A.   Simple
B.   Acidic
C.   Differential
D.   Negative
Question #14
Why must fresh cells be used when performing a Gram stain?
A.   Fresh cells won't heat-fix properly
B.   Old cells may not Gram-stain properly 
C.   As cells age,they won't stick to the slide
D.   Fresh cells do not smell as badly as older cells
Question #15
After Gram's iodine is added, what color do the cells appear under a light microscope?
A.   All cells appear colorless
B.   Some cells may be purple and some may be pink/red
C.   All cells appear pink/red
D.   All cells appear purple 
Question #16
When ethanol is applied correctly, gram-positive cells appear _______ and gram-negative cells appear ________.
A.   pink/red; purple
B.   colorless; purple
C.   purple; pink/red
D.   purple; colorless 
Question #17
The thinner peptidoglycan layer of gram-positive bacteria allows the crystal-violet-iodine complex to leave the cell.
Question #18
The differential stage of the Gram stain is the application of _______.
A.   safranin
B.   ethanol 
C.   iodine
D.   crystal violet
Question #19
If the Gram's iodine step was skipped in Gram stain procedure, what color would the cells likely be when viewed under the microscope?
A.   Most cells would appear red/pink 
B.   Most cells would appear blue
C.   All cells appear colorless
D.   Most cells appear purple
Question #20
All bacteria can be classified as either gram-positive or gram-negative
Question #21
The presence of flagella can be determined by a Gram stain.
Question #22
Rod-shaped bacteria _______.
A.   are all gram-negative
B.   are never gram-positive or gram-negative
C.   can be either gram-positive or gram-negative
D.   are all gram-positive

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