Political Science 100 - Introduction to Politics » Fall 2021 » Chapter 5 Authoritarianism

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Question #1
Until relatively recently, which kind of state has been the most common in the world?
A.   Anarchistic states
B.   Democratic states
C.   Authoritarian states
D.   Communist states
E.   Libertarian states
Question #2
Theocracies are notable due to what characteristic?
A.   Power concentrated in a small group of people
B.   Power concentrated in one person
C.   A lack of clear parliamentary control
D.   A lack of any separation of church and state
E.   All decisions made collectively
Question #3
When the entirety of human history is considered, democracies, when compared to authoritarian governments such as monarchies, are which of the following?
A.   Slightly more common 
B.   Slightly less common 
C.   Much less common 
D.   Roughly as common 
E.   Much more common 
Question #4
On what criteria would authoritarian states outperform democratic states?
A.   Consideration of the lower classes
B.   Representation of multiple societal interests
C.   Dedication to the rule of law
D.   Constitutional protections of liberties 
E.   The simplicity of decision making
Question #5
Why are special interests more likely to slow state action in democracies than in autocracies?
A.   Democracies are legally required to satisfy special interests before making policy.
B.   Democracies are generally weaker governments than autocracies.
C.   Autocracies are likely to suppress public criticism from special interests.
D.   Unlike democracies, autocracies generally lack special interests.
E.   Unlike democracies, special interests are well represented in autocracies.
Question #6
Democracies are more likely to be successful in what contexts?
A.   Relatively poor and neither well-educated nor poorly educated countries
B.   Relatively poor and poorly educated countries
C.   Relatively poor and well-educated countries
D.   Relatively prosperous and poorly educated countries
E.   Relatively prosperous and well-educated countries 
Question #7
An autocracy is a form of an authoritarian state with what kind of leadership?
A.   A single ruler
B.   A large group of military leaders
C.   A small group of economic elites
D.   A small group of religious elites
E.   A large group of people representing society broadly 
Question #8
An oligarchy is a form of an authoritarian state with what kind of leadership?
A.   A large group of people representing society broadly 
B.   A large group of military leaders
C.   A single ruler
D.   A small group of religious elites
E.   A small group of economic elites
Question #9
Following World War II, authoritarian regimes, like military dictatorships, were common in all of the following parts of the world EXCEPT which of the following?
A.   North Africa
B.   The Middle East
C.   Western Europe
D.   Asia
E.   Sub-Saharan Africa
Question #10
Which of the following best describes a coup d'état?
A.   A peaceful transition of power following a contentious election
B.   A minor battle between two neighboring countries
C.   A revision of the constitution that changes the procedural rules
D.   An attempted seizure of governmental power by an alternate power group 
E.   A major policy change that frustrates the political opposition
Question #11
Which of the following is the main goal of authoritarian states?
A.   Representing the policy preferences of the general public
B.   Preserving the rule of law
C.   Representing the policy preferences of organized interests
D.   Maintaining a power monopoly
E.   Avoiding international entanglements
Question #12
In what major way do authoritarian regimes differ from totalitarian regimes?
A.   Authoritarian regimes seek to regulate all types of public actions, whereas totalitarian regimes are generally uninterested in the actions of the public except their political actions.
B.   Authoritarian regimes are much less likely to be hereditary than totalitarian regimes.
C.   Authoritarian regimes tend to be far more opposed to international criticism than totalitarian regimes.
D.   Authoritarian regimes tend to be far more open to public criticism than totalitarian regimes.
E.   Authoritarian regimes are generally uninterested in the actions of the public except for their political actions, whereas totalitarian regimes seek to regulate all types of actions. 
Question #13
Despite the lack of political freedoms, in what way might authoritarian regimes be positive for the people?
A.   Protecting the public from negative campaign advertisements
B.   Preventing political and economic corruption
C.   Minimizing the influence of the military on politics
D.   Reducing economic inequality
E.   Maintaining law and order
Question #14
What is a politburo?
A.   An alternative parliament made up of political dissidents
B.   A small group that makes final political decisions
C.   A hereditary legislative body similar to the House of Lords in the United Kingdom
D.   An influential group of military advisers
E.   An influential group of impartial economic advisers
Question #15
Which Chinese leader is given the most credit for China’s rapid economic growth in international trade over the past three decades?
A.   Chiang Kai-shek
B.   Wen Jiabao
C.   Deng Xiaoping 
D.   Mao Zedong
E.   Ayatollah Khomeini
Question #16
In what major way are the United States and China both economically dependent on each other?
A.   China purchases a lot of the United States’ exports, whereas the United States funds much of China’s debt.
B.   Both countries rely on Japan to buy their exports.
C.   The United States is reliant on China for most of its intellectual property development.
D.   The United States purchases a lot of Chinese exports, whereas China funds much of the United States’ debt.
E.   Both countries are heavily indebted to the World Bank.
Question #17
What are sovereign wealth funds?
A.   They are investment funds held by the world’s monarchs.
C.   They are economic tools used to regulate the amount of currency available in an economy.
D.   They are state banks that tax international imports.
E.   They are investment funds held by the world’s most powerful economic leaders.
F.   They are state-owned investment funds, often made up of international assets.
Question #18
An anticorruption and prodemocracy movement in 1989 led to what action by the Chinese government?
A.   Diplomatic relations with Taiwan
B.   The massacre in Tiananmen Square
C.   Liberalization of speech and press freedoms
D.   The creation of the Democracy Wall
E.   The establishment of democratically elected local governments
Question #19
When the Shah of Iran was overthrown in 1979, what type of government replaced him?
A.   A socialist dictatorship
B.   A parliamentary democracy
C.   A presidential democracy
D.   A theocratic autocracy
E.   A hereditary monarchy
Question #20
Based on his observations of the Italian city-states of the 1600s, Machiavelli, in The Prince, offers what advice to would-be rulers?
A.   It is good to be feared and loved, but only at the same time.
B.   It is good to be feared and loved, but better to be feared.
C.   It is good to be feared and loved, but better to be loved.
D.   It is good to deny the public constantly to emphasize control.
E.   It is good to be merciful at all times to court public favor.
Question #21
Modern autocrats often rely on what in order to gain legitimacy?
A.   Free elections
B.   Interest group advocacy
C.   Personal charisma
D.   Parliamentary support
E.   International support
Question #22
Prior to the early 1990s, why was South Africa generally NOT considered a democratic nation?
A.   South Africa was ruled by a military general.
B.   South Africa prevented women from voting.
C.   South Africa lacked a national constitution.
D.   South Africa had a hereditary monarch.
E.   South Africa operated a system of apartheid. 
Question #23
Authoritarian rulers do not have to use mechanisms to frustrate their political opponents since they have all of the power in government.

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