HED V87 - Nutrition » Fall 2021 » Dodge Disease with Diet Fun Quiz

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Question #1
Which is LEAST likely to help prevent memory loss?
A.   keeping a lid on blood sugar
B.   controlling blood pressure
C.   filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables
D.   avoiding gluten
Question #2
Which is LEAST likely to cause food poisoning?
A.   mayonnaise
B.   green salad
C.   chicken
D.   raw sprouts
E.   ground beef
Question #3
Which is LEAST likely to lower the risk of breast cancer?
A.   avoiding soy foods
B.   Staying at a healthy weight
C.   limiting alcohol
D.   not taking hormones after menopause
E.   exercising on most days
Question #4
Which is likely to have the fewest pesticide residues?
A.   onions
B.   tomatoes
C.   spinach
D.   bell peppers
E.   celery
Question #5
Which is LEAST likely to lower your risk of type 2 diabetes?
A.   coffee
B.   spinach
C.   bran cereal
D.   almond milk
E.   beans
Question #6
Which is LEAST likely to reduce arthritis pain in your knees?
A.   strengthening your quad muscles
B.   taking a 30-minute walk on most days
C.   losing excess weight
D.   doing aquatic exercise
E.   taking vitamin D
Question #7
Which is LEAST likely to lower your risk of stroke?
A.   taking B vitamins
B.   exercising daily
C.   limiting alcohol to 1 drink a day (women) or 2 drinks (men)
D.   filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables
E.   lowering high blood pressure
Question #8
What is the best way to avoid catching a cold?
A.   taking Airbone
B.   take echiacea
C.   take vitamin C
D.   don't share food
E.   keep your hands clean
Question #9
People who eat more meat have a higher risk of four of these problems. Which one DON'T they have a higher risk of?
A.   peripheral artery disease
B.   diverticulitis
C.   pancreatic cancer
D.   colorectal cancer
E.   Alzheimer's disease
Question #10
Which is MOST likely to lower the risk of advanced prostate cancer?
A.   saw palmetto
B.   pomegranate juice
C.   vitamin E
D.   selenium
E.   staying at a healthy weight
Question #11
Which is NOT a sign of food poisoning?
A.   fever
B.   blistering rash
C.   headache
D.   tingling or numbness in the hands or near the mouth
E.   muscle pain
Question #12
Which is LEAST likely to lower your blood pressure?
A.   lentils
B.   cantaloupe
C.   low-fat yogurt
D.   spinach
E.   whole-grain cereal
Question #13
Which leads to the fewest green-house gas emissions per serving?
A.   beef
B.   chicken
C.   beans
D.   pork
E.   cheese
Question #14
Which is LEAST likely to lower your risk of cataracts?
A.   taking high doses of vitamin C
B.   eating leafy greens
C.   not smoking
D.   taking a multivitamin
E.   wearing sunglasses year-round
Question #15
Which of these additives may raise the risk of cancer?
A.   potassium sorbate
B.   calcium propionate
C.   sodium nitrite
D.   disodium inosinate
E.   fumaric acid
Question #16
Four of these five supplements failed to prevent memory loss in studies. Which one is still being tested in major trial?
A.   vitamin D
B.   DHA
C.   vitamin E
D.   ginkgo
E.   Prevagen
Question #17
Which is LEAST likely to keep pre-diabetes from becoming diabetes?
A.   exercising
B.   drinking coffee
C.   losing excess weight
D.   cutting carbs
E.   taking a multivitamin
Question #18
Exercise is LEAST likely to prevent
A.   esophageal cancer
B.   colon cancer
C.   breast cancer
D.   cataracts
E.   colds

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