Chem 1010 - General Chemistry 1 » Fall 2021 » Quiz 2

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Question #1
Which of the following is true about combustion analysis?
A.   Carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas are formed.
B.   There is hydrogen left over after the reaction is complete.
C.   All the oxygen is converted to carbon dioxide.
D.   All the hydrogen is converted to water.
Question #2
Which of the following reactions will happen?
A.   Cu(s)  + 2 HCl(aq)  →  CuCl2 (aq)  +  H2 (g)
B.   2 Ag(s)  +  Co(NO3)2 (aq)  →  2 AgNO3 (aq)  +  Co(s)
C.   Mg(NO3)2 (aq)  +  Fe(s)  →  Fe(NO3)2 (aq)  +  Mg(s)
D.   Ni(s)  +  2 HNO3 (aq)  →  Ni(NO3)2 (aq)  +  H2 (g)
Question #3
Balance the following chemical equation. [a] C6H6O2  +  [b] O2  →  [c] H2O  +  [d] CO2
A.   a= 12, b= 13, c=26, d= 6
B.   a= 6, b= 12, c= 2, d= 12
C.   a= 2, b= 13, c= 6, d= 6
D.   a= 2, b= 13, c= 6, d= 12
Question #4
Which of the following is true about solutions?
A.   They are heterogeneous mixtures.
B.   When two are mixed, a precipitate always forms.
C.   They must consist of liquids that are mixed.
D.   They are homogeneous mixtures.
Question #5
Which of the following is the empirical formula for C6N2H8O2
A.   C3NOH8
B.   C3N2OH4
C.   C3NOH4
D.   C2NOH2
Question #6
Which of the following produce a gas when reacted?
A.   HNO3 (aq) and MgOH(aq)
B.   HCl(aq) and CaSO4 (s)
C.   Mg(s) and CuCO3 (aq)
D.   H2SO4 (aq) and MgCO3 (s)
Question #7
Given the following reaction, how many grams of B2O3 are produced if 35.5 g of water were made? 2 H3BO3  →  B2O3  +  3 H2O
A.   98.5
B.   411
C.   45.7
D.   59.1
Question #8
Given the following reaction, if the stoichiometry calculation results in 3.13 g of O2 being formed from 255.9 g of  KClO3 but when we did the experiment in the lab we made 2.92 g of O2.  What was the percent yield by mass? 2 KClO3  →  2 KCl  +  3 O2
A.   93.30%
B.   98.20%
C.   82.50%
D.   None of the Above
Question #9
Given the following reaction, how many grams of H2 are made by reacting 10.00 mol of CH4 with 13.00 mol of H2O?   CH4  +  2 H2O  →  CO2  +  4 H2
A.   52.52
B.   25.74
C.   80.8
D.   40.4
Question #10
To what volume should 415 mL of 0.650 M HCl be diluted to make 0.350 M HCl?
A.   0.497 L
B.   0.223 L
C.   0.771 L
D.   0.548 L

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