Econ 001 - Principles of Economics » Fall 2021 » Practice Final

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Question #1
In the short run, two types of inputs that firms use are called
A.   inferior and substitutes
B.   average and inferior
C.   variable and fixed
D.   substitutes and variable
Question #2
If a good has "elastic" Demand, then
A.   it has few or no substitutes the time period available for its purchase is short it's considered a small (minor) expense to the consumer it is a necessity
B.   the definition of the "market" for this good is broad
C.   it has few or no substitutes the time period available for its purchase is short it's considered a small (minor) expense to the consumer it is a necessity
D.   it has few or no substitutes the time period available for its purchase is short it's considered a small (minor) expense to the consumer it has many substitutes
E.   it's considered a large (major) expense to the consumer the time period available for its purchase is long the definition of the "market" for this good is narrow it is a luxury it has many substitutes
Question #3
If demand for a good is unit elastic, an increase in the Price will increase Total Revenue.
Question #4
When people exchange goods and services they are made better off by completing these trades, economists say.
Question #5
Karla can groom 4 Large dogs or 12 Small dogs, next weekend. Her "opportunity cost" of grooming 1 Large dog is
A.   3 Small dogs
B.   12 Small dogs
C.   8 Small dogs
D.   1 Small dog
E.   None of these is correct.
F.   2 Small dogs
Question #6
Mexico Canada Printers 40 20 Wood Tables 160 120 Use the table above: Mexico's "opportunity cost" of producing 1 Wood Table is:
A.   1/6 printer
B.   4 wood tables
C.   1/4 or .25 printer
D.   20 printers
E.   4 printers
F.   40 printers
Question #7
Mexico Canada Printers 40 20 Wood Tables 160 200 Use the table above: Which 'Price' for 1 Printer (in terms of Wood Tables trade) will benefit both countries?
A.   6 wood tables, 8 wood tables
B.   2 wood tables
C.   All of these is correct.
D.   12 wood tables
Question #8
People with "Type 1 diabetes" must have Insulin to live. That means their "Demand for insulin" will be very inelastic.
Question #9
Jan is willing to pay a maximum of $800 for a flight ticket to London. If the Price for a flight ticket to London is $799, her Consumer Surplus is:
A.   $800.
B.   None of these is correct.
C.   $1599.
D.   $0.
E.   $1.
Question #10
The supply of Rembrant paintings is more elastic than the supply of wood baseball bats.
Question #11
Which of the following are examples of "Public Goods"?
A.   a baseball hat, a cold beer, and a tee shirt
B.   a light house, a fire station, and a highway
C.   a light house, a cold beer, and a tee shirt
D.   a highway, a cold beer, and a tee shirt
Question #12
Compared to a perfectly competitive market (with no monopoly power), a Monopoly market will usually generate
A.   higher prices and higher output.
B.   lower prices and lower output.
C.   lower prices and higher output.
D.   higher prices and lower output.
Question #13
Which of the following is NOT a type of industry?
A.   duopoly
B.   monopolistic competition
C.   monopoly
D.   perfect competition
E.   All of these are types of industries.
F.   oligarchy
Question #14
During a trade, who is more self-interested (selfish) in wanting a good price. The buyer or the seller?
A.   The buyer is more self-interested. That's why we call some buyers "stingy" or "cheap."
B.   The seller is more self-interested. That's why we call some companies "greedy."
C.   They are equally self-interested. The seller will try to sell to the highest bidder, and the buyer will buy from the lowest offer.
Question #15
Mario would sell his iphone if he can get at least $250 for it. Shannon wants to buy it, and would pay Mario at most $300 for it. They agree to a Price of $295. Which of the following statements is true:
A.   All of these are correct answers.
B.   Mario's Profit is $5 and Shannon's Consumer Surplus is $5.
C.   Total Trade Gains (Social Surplus) = $50. and Shannon's Consumer Surplus is $5.
Question #16
A oligopoly market has
A.   two firms.
B.   one firm.
C.   a few dominant firms.
D.   many firms.
Question #17
Which of the following has more inelastic Demand:
A.   Chicken salad sandwiches
B.   Food in general
Question #18
Jon will sell his rare bottle of wine for a minimum of $250. He gets offered a Price of $650. His Profit (producer surplus) from selling is:
A.   $450
B.   $400
C.   $650
D.   $900
E.   $250
F.   $0
Question #19
Economists view human behavior as individuals "making choices." Sociology views behavior as a matter of one's group identity and "social problems."
Question #20
"Decreasing Returns to Scale" is also called:
A.   Economies of Scale, Rising LRAC
B.   Constant Returns to Scale, Falling LRAC
C.   Constant Returns to Scale, Economies of Scale
D.   Rising LRAC ,Diseconomies of Scale
Question #21
"Monopolistic Competition" means an industry has only one company (firm).
Question #22
Question #23
"Private Goods" are rival in consumption and excludable.
Question #24
Price Quantity demanded Quantity supplied $35 450 100 $40 350 110 $45 270 120 $50 250 160 $55 210 180 $60 200 200 $65 180 220 Use the Table above, showing the Market for hair color appointments. What is the equilibrium Price, in the market?
A.   $50
B.   $35
C.   $55
D.   $65
E.   None of these is correct.
F.   $60
Question #25
Two Goods, A and B, have a Cross-Price Elasticity of +1.2. That means the two goods are
A.   complements, such as pasta and pasta sauce
B.   inferior goods
C.   substitutes, such as iphones and android phones
D.   inelastic goods
Question #26
Number of workers: Total Product: 1 7 2 30 3 42 4 50 Use the Total Product table above. What is the Marginal Product of the 2nd worker?
A.   15
B.   7
C.   23
D.   50
E.   37
F.   42
Question #27
A "Capitalist" economy has the following features:
A.   economic property is collectively (centrally) owned and controlled there are few choices of different consumer goods. unemployment and job instability are not issues; everyone is guaranteed a job. economic property is privately (individually) owned and controlled.
B.   economic property is collectively (centrally) owned and controlled there are few choices of different consumer goods. unemployment and job instability are not issues; everyone is guaranteed a job. there are many choices of consumer goods. income inequality is part of the system.
C.   income inequality is part of the system. there are many choices of consumer goods. there is constant competition and discovery of new technologies. economic property is privately (individually) owned and controlled. decisions are decentralized and made by individual entrepreneurs
D.   economic property is collectively (centrally) owned and controlled there are few choices of different consumer goods. unemployment and job instability are not issues; everyone is guaranteed a job. decisions are decentralized and made by individual entrepreneurs
Question #28
"Minimum wage laws" in the labor market are an example of a price ceiling.
Question #29
The Law of Demand states: an increase in the price of a good
A.   decreases the demand for that good.
B.   increases the quantity supplied of that good.
C.   increases the supply of that good.
D.   decreases the quantity demanded for that good
Question #30
North Korea is an example of a centrally planned (socialist) economy.
Question #31
Mario would sell his iphone if he can get at least $250 for it. Shannon wants to buy it, and would pay Mario at most $300 for it. Which of the following prices would produce trade gains for BOTH of them?
A.   None of these prices would work
B.   All of these prices would work.
C.   $200, $275
D.   $275, $290
E.   $350, $550
Question #32
Price Quantity demanded Quantity supplied $35 450 100 $40 350 110 $45 270 120 $50 250 160 $55 210 180 $60 200 200 $65 180 220 Use the Table above, showing the Market for hair color appointments. What is the equilibrium Quantity sold to buyers, in the market?
A.   250
B.   160
C.   None of these is correct.
D.   200
E.   $60
F.   180

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