Econ 001 - Principles of Economics » Fall 2021 » Quiz on Lesson 14

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Question #1
Having exclusive use of your unique business "logo" or trademark is an example of
A.   a "natural monopoly"
B.   a "legal monopoly" or property right
C.   a "resource monopoly"
Question #2
If a small rural town in the Rocky Mountains has only two fastfood restaurants, this is called
A.   oligopoly
B.   monopoly
C.   duopoly
D.   perfect competition
Question #3
The creation of the Internet has made many industries more competitive, because consumers can shop from more firms selling the same products!
Question #4
Government requires nurses to complete specific classes and become certified by an accredited college. This is an example of
A.   a closed industry
B.   an open industry
Question #5
The main features of Perfect Competition are
A.   firms in the market sell identical products a large number of firms are in the market
B.   a few firms dominate the market firms in the market sell slightly differentiated products
C.   firms in the market sell slightly differentiated products a large number of firms are in the market
D.   firms in the market sell slightly differentiated products a single firm operates in the market
Question #6
When a "Perfect Price Discrimination" Monopoly is in the Market, the Profit Area to the seller is the exact same area as the total Trade Gains ("Social Surplus") Area.
Question #7
"Open monopoly" means one producer dominates sales in his or her market - but entry by competitors is still open (free entry, no restrictions)!

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