Microbiology 020 - General Microbiology » Winter 2022 » Lecture Exam 1 _Ch 1, 2, 3, 4

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Question #1
The Dutch merchant who made and used quality magnifying lenses to see and record microorganisms was _____.
A.   Robert Koch
B.   Francesco Redi
C.   Joseph Lister
D.   Louis Pasteur
E.   Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Question #2
All of the following are lipids except _____.
A.   wax
B.   starch
C.   triglyceride
D.   phospholipid
E.   cholesterol
Question #3
All microorganisms are best defined as organisms that ______.
A.   cause human disease
B.   are infectious particles
C.   can only be found growing in laboratories
D.   are too small to be seen with the unaided eye
E.   lack a cell nucleus
Question #4
Koch's postulates are criteria used to establish that ______.
A.   life forms can only arise from preexisting life forms
B.   microbes can be used to clean up toxic spills
C.   microbes are found on dust particles
D.   a specific microbe should be classified in a specific kingdom
E.   a specific microbe is the cause of a specific disease
Question #5
Cells, like bacteria and archaea, that do not have a nucleus in their cells have traditionally been called _____.
A.   eukaryotes
B.   pathogens
C.   decomposers
D.   fermenters
E.   prokaryotes
Question #6
When humans manipulate the genes of microorganisms, the process is called _____.
A.   bioremediation
B.   genetic engineering
C.   immunology
D.   epidemiology
E.   taxonomy
Question #7
Disease-causing microorganisms are called _____.
A.   fermenters
B.   eukaryotes
C.   pathogens
D.   decomposers
E.   prokaryotes
Question #8
Despite the lack of a membrane-bound nucleus, bacteria and archaea are cells with a complex organizational structure.
Question #9
Which group of microorganisms is composed only of hereditary material wrapped in a protein covering?
A.   Viruses
B.   Fungi
C.   Bacteria
D.   Parasites
E.   Helminths
Question #10
Select the correct descending taxonomic hierarchy:
A.   class, phylum,order
B.   family, order,class
C.   kingdom, domain,phylum
D.   genus, species,family
E.   family, genus,species
Question #11
The most prevalent worldwide infectious diseases are _____.
A.   AIDS-related diseases
B.   measles
C.   respiratory diseases
D.   malaria diseases
E.   diarrheal diseases
Question #12
Taxonomy does not involve _____.
A.   common name
B.   identification
C.   classification
D.   nomenclature
E.   taxa
Question #13
Which statement correctly compares the sizes of different microorganisms?
A.   Archaea are larger than eukaryotic microorganisms but smaller than bacteria
B.   Eukaryotic microorganisms are smaller than viruses
C.   Bacteria are larger than viruses
D.   Bacteria are larger than eukaryotic microorganisms
Question #14
All proteins are enzymes.
Question #15
Most microorganisms that are found in and on humans do not cause harm and can sometimes benefit the host.
Question #16
Organic chemicals always have a basic framework of the element _____ bonded to other atoms.
A.   carbon
B.   oxygen
C.   hydrogen
D.   phosphorous
E.   nitrogen
Question #17
Helminths are _____.
A.   infectious particles
B.   protozoa
C.   bacteria
D.   parasitic worms
E.   molds
Question #18
A.   recombinant DNA
B.   bioremediation
C.   determining if that species is the cause of a new disease
D.   determining evolutionary relatedness
E.   nomenclature
Question #19
Nucleic acids have primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary levels of organization.
Question #20
Select the elements necessary for good microscopy.
A.   Ability to observe cells in the living state, Adequate magnification, Specimen holder
B.   Ability to observe cells in the living state, Use of wavelengths other than the visible spectrum, Specimen holder
C.   Ability to observe cells in the living state, Contrast, Specimen holder
D.   Adequate magnification, Contrast, Resolution
Question #21
The type of microscope in which you would see brightly illuminated specimens against a black background is _____.
A.   phase contrast
B.   fluorescence
C.   bright field
D.   electron
E.   dark field
Question #22
Agar is a complex polysaccharide that comes from a(n) _____.
A.   algae
B.   mold
C.   green plant
D.   fungus
E.   euglena
Question #23
Which type of media would be the best choice when shipping a sample of bacteria to a laboratory to be tested from a satellite office site?
A.   EMB
B.   Thioglycollate
C.   Blood
D.   Transport
E.   General purpose
Question #24
Which type of microscope does not use light in forming the specimen image?
A.   Phase contrast
B.   Dark field
C.   Bright field
D.   Fluorescence
E.   Electron
Question #25
A nutrient medium that contains at least one ingredient that is NOT chemically definable would be termed _____.
A.   complex
B.   synthetic
C.   reducing
D.   enriched
E.   minimal
Question #26
Which of the following is not a benefit of agar as a solid medium?
A.   Is solid at room temperature
B.   Has flexibility
C.   Can be inoculated and poured at a temperature that is not harmful
D.   Is digested by most microbes
E.   Holds moisture
Question #27
A microbiologist inoculates Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli into a culture medium. Following incubation, only the E. coli grows in the culture. What is the most likely explanation?
A.   The culture iscontaminated.
B.   The culturemedium must be selective.
C.   Themicrobiologist used too much inoculum.
D.   The culturemedium must be differential.
E.   The incubationtemperature was incorrect.
Question #28
The specimen preparation that is best for viewing cell motility is ______.
A.   negative stain
B.   Gram stain
C.   fixed stained smear
D.   flagellar stain
E.   hanging drop
Question #29
Which type of microscope bombards a whole, metal-coated specimen with electrons moving back and forth over it?
A.   Scanning electron
B.   Fluorescence
C.   Phase contrast
D.   Differential interference contrast
E.   Transmission electron
Question #30
A microbiologist makes a fixed smear of bacterial cells and stains them with Loeffler's methylene blue. All the cells appear blue under the oil lens. This is an example of ______.
A.   simple staining
B.   capsule staining
C.   using the acid-fast stain
D.   negative staining
E.   using an acidic dye
Question #31
Select the methods below that enable the isolation of bacteria.
A.   Gram stain, Bright-field microscopy, Spread plate, Use of selective media,
B.   Loop dilution, Spread plate, Use of selective media, Quadrant streak plate
C.   Gram stain, Loop dilution, Spread plate, Use of selective media,
D.   Gram stain, Loop dilution, Bright-field microscopy, Use of selective media,
Question #32
Which of the following characteristics refers to the microscope's ability to show two separate entities as separate and distinct?
A.   Refraction
B.   All of thechoices are correct.
C.   Resolving power
D.   Magnification
E.   None of the choices are correct.
Question #33
Which type of medium is able to distinguish different species or types of microorganisms based on an observable change in the colonies or in the medium?
A.   Selective
B.   Reducing
C.   Enumeration
D.   Enriched
E.   Differential
Question #34
A common medium used for growing fastidious bacteria is ______.
A.   mannitol salt agar
B.   blood agar
C.   a reducing medium
D.   MacConkey medium
E.   trypticase soy agar
Question #35
All of the following pertain to the fluorescence microscope except ______.
A.   it requires the use of dyes like acridine and fluorescein
B.   it is commonly used to diagnose certain infections
C.   it is a type of compound microscope
D.   it uses electrons to produce a specimen image
E.   it requires an ultraviolet radiation source
Question #36
Which of the following is not an inoculating tool?
A.   Needle
B.   Loop
C.   Swab
D.   Pipette
E.   Petri dish
Question #37
Which of the following magnifies the specimen to produce its real image?
A.   Condenser
B.   Body
C.   Nosepiece
D.   Objective lens
E.   Ocular lens
Question #38
Bacteria that require special growth factors and complex nutrients are termed _____.
A.   aerobic
B.   fastidious
C.   microaerophilic
D.   autotrophic
E.   anaerobic
Question #39
A flagellum is anchored into the bacterial cell envelope by its _______.
A.   filament
B.   hook
C.   basal body
D.   sheath
E.   outer membrane
Question #40
Which of the following is not true of the outer membrane?
A.   The lipid portionof the lipopolysaccharide layer is an endotoxin.
B.   Gram-positivebacteria have an outer membrane.
C.   The innermost layer is a phospholipid bilayer.
D.   The porinproteins create channels through the outer membrane.
E.   The uppermost layer is made of lipopolysaccharides.
Question #41
Peptidoglycan is a unique macromolecule found in bacterial _______.
A.   slime layers
B.   inclusions
C.   cell walls
D.   cell membranes
E.   capsules
Question #42
Endospores are ________.
A.   resistant to heat and chemical destruction
B.   living structures
C.   metabolically inactive
D.   All of the choices are correct.
E.   resistant to destruction by radiation
Question #43
Each bacterial species represents a distinct organism that can produce viable offspring when mating with other bacteria of its kind.
Question #44
Lysozyme is most effective against _______.
A.   gram-negative organisms
B.   cyanobacteria
C.   gram-positive organisms
D.   mycoplasmas
E.   archaea
Question #45
During the Gram stain, ______ cells decolorize when the alcohol is applied.
A.   both gram-positive and -negative
B.   gram-negative
C.   gram-positive
Question #46
The chemical components of ribosomes are proteins and _______.
A.   None of thechoices is correct.
B.   All of thechoices are correct.
C.   rRNA
D.   tRNA
E.   mRNA
Question #47
A bacterial cell wall that has primarily peptidoglycan with small amounts of teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid is _______.
A.   found in archaea
B.   gram-positive
C.   gram-negative
D.   acid fast
E.   a spheroplast
Question #48
A.   fimbriae
B.   periplasmic flagella (axial filaments)
C.   flagella
D.   sex pili
E.   cilia
Question #49
When an endospore germinates, it develops into multiple vegetative cells ensuring reproductive success.
Question #50
Bacterial endospores are not produced by _______.
A.   All of thechoices are correct.
B.   Clostridium
C.   Staphylococcus
D.   Sporosarcina
E.   Bacillus
Question #51
The term that refers to the presence of flagella over the cell surface is _______.
A.   lophotrichous
B.   peritrichous
C.   monotrichous
D.   atrichous
E.   amphitrichous
Question #52
All of the following structures contribute to the ability of pathogenic bacteria to cause disease except the _______.
A.   inclusions
B.   capsule
C.   fimbriae
D.   slime layer
E.   LPS
Question #53
Plasmids ________.
A.   are often the site of pathogenic genes
B.   cannot be passed between organisms
C.   are essential for growth and metabolism
D.   are found in all bacteria
E.   cannot be passed on to progeny
Question #54
Which structure protects bacteria from being phagocytized by white blood cells?
A.   Slime layer
B.   Fimbriae
C.   Capsule
D.   Cell membrane
E.   All of the choices are correct.
Question #55
The short, numerous appendages used by some bacterial cells for adhering to surfaces are called _______.
A.   sex pili
B.   fimbriae
C.   flagella
D.   periplasmic flagella (axial filaments)
E.   cilia
Question #56
Which term is not used to describe bacterial cell shapes?
A.   Vibrio
B.   Rod
C.   Coccus
D.   Tetrad
E.   Spirochete
Question #57
The gram-positive cell wall is considered stronger than that of gram-negative cells since its hydrophobic outer membrane contains an endotoxin.
Question #58
Select characteristics exhibited by BOTH bacterial and eukaryotic cytoplasmic membranes.
A.   Phospholipid bilayer, Transport systems, Selectively permeable barrier, and Embedded proteins
B.   Sterols, Transport systems and Phospholipid bilayer
C.   Sterols, Selectively permeable barrier, and Embedded proteins
D.   Transport systems, Selectively permeable barrier, and Sterols
Question #59
When a eukaryotic cell is not undergoing mitosis, the DNA and its associated proteins appear as a visible network of dark fibers called the _____.
A.   nucleoplasm
B.   nucleosome
C.   chromatin
D.   nuclear envelope
E.   nucleolus
Question #60
There are nine peripheral pairs and one central pair of _______ found inside eukaryotic flagella and cilia.
A.   None of the choices are correct.
B.   filaments
C.   flagella
D.   cilia
E.   microtubules
Question #61
The cytoskeleton ________.
A.   functions in movements of the cytoplasm
B.   helps maintain cell shape
C.   anchors organelles
D.   All of the choices are correct.
E.   provides support
Question #62
During unfavorable growth conditions, many protozoa can convert to a resistant, dormant stage called a(n) ______.
A.   cyst
B.   trophozoite
C.   sporozoa
D.   endospore
E.   seed
Question #63
An organelle that is a stack of flattened, membranous sacs and functions to receive, modify, and package proteins for cell secretion is the ________.
A.   lysosome
B.   Golgi apparatus
C.   mitochondria
D.   endoplasmic reticulum
E.   chloroplast
Question #64
Eukaryotic flagella differ from bacterial flagella because only eukaryotic flagella ________.
A.   facilitate chemotaxis
B.   are long, whiplike structures
C.   are used for cell motility
D.   facilitate phototaxis
E.   contain microtubules
Question #65
Select all of the groups on this list that contain eukaryotic microorganisms.
A.   Algae, Protozoa, Helminths, and Fungi
B.   Bacteria, Viruses and Archaea
C.   Protozoa, Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi
D.   Protozoa, Bacteria, Viruses and Archaea
Question #66
The site for ribosomal RNA synthesis is the ______.
A.   ribosome
B.   nucleolus
C.   Golgi apparatus
D.   nucleus
E.   lysosome
Question #67
Most fungi obtain nutrients from dead plants and animals. These fungi are called _______.
A.   saprobes
B.   parasites
C.   substrates
D.   nonseptate
E.   dimorphic
Question #68
Fungi that grow as yeast at one temperature but will grow as mold at another temperature are called _______.
A.   parasites
B.   dimorphic
C.   saprobes
D.   pseudohyphae
E.   spores
Question #69
Select the organisms that typically have cell walls.
A.   Protozoa and Animals
B.   Fungi, Protozoa and Animals
C.   Algae, Plants, and Fungi
D.   Algae, Protozoa and Animals
Question #70
Histones are ________.
A.   proteins associated with DNA in the nucleus
B.   on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum
C.   proteins of the cytoskeleton
D.   enzymes found in lysosomes
E.   found in polyribosomes
Question #71
Which is mismatched?
A.   Giardia— causes intestinal distress; transmitted by feces in drinking water
B.   Trichomonas—sexually transmitted vaginal infection
C.   Plasmodium—protozoan that causes Chagas disease
D.   Histoplasma—fungus that causes Ohio Valley fever
E.   Naegleria—amoeba that causes brain infection
Question #72
Filamentous fungi are called _______.
A.   dimorphic
B.   molds
C.   mycelium
D.   pseudohyphae
E.   septa
Question #73
The motile, feeding stage of protozoa is called the _______.
A.   food vacuole
B.   trophozoite
C.   sporozoite
D.   cyst
E.   oocyst
Question #74
All of the following are found in some or all protozoa except ________.
A.   ectoplasm and endoplasm
B.   heterotrophic nutrition
C.   motility
D.   formation of a cyst stage
E.   cell wall
Question #75
Which is not a characteristic of fungi?
A.   Photosynthetic
B.   Include single-celled and filamentous forms
C.   Heterotrophic nutrition
D.   Have cell walls
E.   Can use a wide variety of nutrients

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