Econ 001 - Principles of Economics » Fall 2021 » What is Economics and Why is it Important

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Question #1
________________ may analyze how a mother of three children spends her money each month. _________________ may analyze various influences on the unemployment rate.
A.   Microeconomists; Microeconomists
B.   Macroeconomists; Microeconomists
C.   Microeconomists; Macroeconomists
D.   Macroeconomists; Macroeconomists
Question #2
Specialization in a particular small job allows workers to focus on the parts of the production process where they have a(n) __________________.
A.   advantage
B.   college degree
C.   assignment
D.   high level of utility
Question #3
Which of the following is not an example of scarcity?
A.   Because the number of trained doctors is limited, some people cannot find a doctor when they need one.
B.   Joey has to choose between buying a new motorcycle or buying a small boat, since he cannot afford to buy both.
C.   A small business owner has to subcontract a portion of work due to lack of time.
D.   Amanda can play a song as many times as she likes with no additional cost to her.
Question #4
This statement is of interest to a microeconomist: "Last quarter, GDP growth for the U.S. economy was at 1.2%, slightly below what was expected."
Question #5
Giovanni and Pedro make guitars. Their current rate of production is 2 guitars a week: each of them makes one guitar. How would production most likely be affected if Pedro made the frets and tuning pegs on the guitars, and Giovanni made the guitar bodies?
A.   Production would be slowed.
B.   There would be no increase or decrease in production.
C.   Production would be increased.
D.   At first, production would increase, then it would return to the maximum output of 2 guitars a week.
Question #6
Which scenario below is an example of scarcity?
A.   A factory has a large need for highly skilled workers, however the majority of applicants do not have any work experience.
B.   The ability to create diamonds in a laboratory has flooded the diamond market with cheap diamonds.
C.   Animal shelters have been experiencing a decreasing demand for kittens, resulting in a decreased adoption price for kittens.
D.   Fracking in the U.S. has led to the discovery and use of natural gas, resulting in lower energy prices.
Question #7
The division of labor may also be referred to as human specialization. Overall, it is beneficial to firms because it ____________.
A.   increases output by making labor cheaper relative to capital
B.   decreases the wage rate by making workers less valuable
C.   increases output by allowing workers to each perform a wide variety of tasks
D.   increases output by enabling workers to take advantage of differences in their skills
Question #8
Which of the following is not an example of scarcity?
A.   Bee populations are on the decline due to disease, so some farmers have resorted to hand pollination of their fruits and vegetables.
B.   Due to a continuous drought in Cape Town, South Africa, the amount of water for families is limited.
C.   Home Depot offered a wage higher than the minimum wage resulting in an influx of job applications.
D.   Crude oil was in short supply in the 1970s, leading to a quantity demanded of gasoline being greater than the quantity supplied.
Question #9
Of the following examples below, which is not an example of scarcity?
A.   Hawaii's need for teachers is much higher than current quantity supplied because it is very expensive to live in Hawaii and most individuals cannot afford to live in Hawaii on a teacher's salary.
B.   A puppy mill was shut down and all of the dogs went to an overcapacity humane society, leading to an increase in the supply of adoptable dogs.
C.   Each year only a limited amount of the flu vaccine is created.
D.   John has a test tomorrow that he must study for, but he also wants to go to a music concert tonight. He doesn't have time for both.
Question #10
According to Adam Smith, specialization results in higher levels of output for all of the following reasons except:
A.   Specialization allows workers to experiment with different tasks to see which responsibilities make them happiest at work.
B.   Specialization in a particular small job allows workers to focus on the parts of the production process where they have an advantage.
C.   Specialization allows businesses to take advantage of economies of scale.
D.   Workers who specialize in certain tasks often learn to produce more quickly and with higher quality.
Question #11
The following scenario is an example of scarcity. Each lake has a limited number of fish living in it. As the number of fishermen who fish at the lake increases beyond a certain point, we see the fish population start to decline.
Question #12
Choose the best option below that illustrates an example of scarcity.
A.   Due to an increase in demand for craft beer in Portland, the number of microbreweries has increased.
B.   The reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone was a success in that shortly after reintroduction the wolves were removed from the Endangered Species list.
C.   The value for ivory has increased leading to an increase in the poaching of African Elephants and a decrease in the African Elephant population.
D.   The patent for a pharmaceutical drug expired and the drug is now being replicated by a number of other producers.

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