Microbiology 020 - General Microbiology » Winter 2022 » Chapter 17 Infectious Diseases Affecting the Nervous System

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Question #1
_______ is a fungus that causes a true systematic infection, beginning in the respiratory system and spreading to other areas in the body.
A.   Streptococcus pneumoniae
B.   Coccidioides
C.   Neisseria meningitidis
D.   Haemophilus influenzae
E.   Cryptococcus neoformans
Question #2
Although Toxoplasma gondii infection in otherwise healthy people is generally unnoticed, those people are often more likely to ______.
A.   develop Guillain-Barre syndrome, experience chronic insomnia
B.   contract food allergies, develop Guillain-Barre syndrome
C.   contract food allergies, experience chronic insomnia
D.   have slower reaction times, display thrill-seeking behaviors
Question #3
The median age at death of patients with CJD is ________ years.
A.   68
B.   28
Question #4
Which two vaccines are recommended for prevention of pneumococcal infections?
A.   Prevnar and Pneumovax 23
B.   Pediarix and Zostavax
C.   Pediarix and Hib vaccine
D.   Hib vaccine and Zostavax
Question #5
Which two pathogens have been associated with subacute encephalitis?
A.   West Nile virus and herpes simplex virus
B.   measles virus and Toxoplasma
C.   West Nile virus and JC virus
D.   JC virus and herpes simplex virus
Question #6
Because it enables a quick assessment of antimicrobial susceptibilities, the preferred method of diagnosis for meningococcal meningitis is ______ from body fluids or nasopharyngeal samples.
A.   cultivation
B.   extraction
C.   implanting
Question #7
The vaccine available against meningococcal meningitis is given to ________.
A.   Infants
B.   children
C.   adolescents
Question #8
Which of the following statements regarding Coccidioides infection are correct?
A.   The infection causes inflammation of the brain and meninges. The microbe causing infection is a fungus
B.   Certain populations have a greater genetic susceptibility to the infection. Inhaled arthropores develop into gummas in the lungs.
C.   The infection usually begins with pulmonary infection. Certain populations have a greater genetic susceptibility to the infection. The microbe causing infection is a fungus.
D.   The infection causes inflammation of the brain and meninges. Inhaled arthropores develop into gummas in the lungs.
Question #9
Toxoplasma gondii infection is severe and often fatal for which populations?
A.   people allergic to cats and animal handlers
B.   fetuses and people with immunodeficiencies
C.   animal handlers and pregnant women
D.   people allergic to cats and pregnant women
Question #10
The median age at death of patients with vCJD is ________ years.
A.   28
B.   68
Question #11
The preferred method of diagnosis for bacterial meningitis is _____.
A.   cultivation from CSF specimen
B.   rapid test kit for capsular polysaccharide
C.   identification by reaction with antisera
D.   PCR from CSF specimen
Question #12
Children at elevated risk should receive the vaccine against _______ meningitis at their preadolescent doctor's visit.
A.   cryptococcus
B.   coccidioides
C.   meningococcal
D.   pneumoniae
Question #13
Identify the correct statements regarding Coccidioides infection.
A.   The microbe causing infection is a spore-forming bacterium. Inhaled arthropores develop into spherules in the lungs.
B.   Inhaled arthropores develop into spherules in the lungs. Outbreaks are usually associated with farming activity, archeological digs, construction, and mining.
C.   Outbreaks are usually associated with farming activity, archeological digs, construction, and mining. The infection usually begins with an ear infection.
D.   The microbe causing infection is a spore-forming bacterium. The infection usually begins with an ear infection.

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