Anthropology 316 - The Anthropology of Sex and Gender » Fall 2021 » Exam 1

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Question #1
E.O. Wilson is known for…
A.   Sociobiology Theory
B.   His research on bonobo sexual behavior
C.   Discovering sperm competition
D.   The Selfish Gene Theory
Question #2
Which of the following mating strategies is when males defend & display useless resources to create a display for females?
A.   scramble competition
B.   harem
C.   monogamy
D.   leks
Question #3
Which of the following best reflects Niles Eldredge’s stance on behavior?
A.   The theory of evolution is fundamentally flawed
B.   Humans, like other species, are innately selfish with a goal of reproductive success
C.   Genes are just passive recorders of what worked better than what
D.   Genes do not determine behaviors in humans but rather provide humans with behavioral flexibility
Question #4
Which of the following is true of female baboon reproduction and rank?
A.   Dominant females tend to have more offspring within their lifetime compared to dominant males
B.   Under normal conditions, dominant females tend to be more reproductively successful than lower ranking females 
C.   Dominant females tend to lack parental investment
D.   Under normal conditions, dominant females experience more stress which decreases their reproductive success
Question #5
Infanticide is used as a primate reproductive strategy when…
A.   All of the answers are correct.
B.   males eliminate a competitor’s genes and females resume fertility
C.   a mother is alone and without resources and support
D.   the infant is ill or born with deformities
Question #6
Sperm competition is highest in which mating system?
A.   genetic monogamy
B.   single-male, multi-female
C.   multi-male, multi-female
D.   pair bonding
Question #7
Which of the following is an example of ultimate causation?
A.   birds fly south because they have want to have babies where it is warmer to increase their survival
B.   birds fly south because there is more food
C.   birds fly south because they are cold
D.   birds fly south because they have evolved adaptations that allow them to migrate to seasonally strategic habitats
Question #8
From the assigned reading from Bobbi Low, which of the following represents some differences between “roamers” and homers”?
A.   Females are better at mental rotation tasks.
B.   Females are better at navigating by landmarks.
C.   Females are better at map reading.
D.   Males are better able to navigate by recalling the location of objects.
Question #9
When females chose males due to a specific mating dance or display causing a change in allele frequency in their population over time, it is called:
A.   natural selection
B.   behavioral ecology
C.   sexual selection
D.   sociobiology theory
Question #10
Which of the following is NOT an example of proximate causation?
A.   chimpanzee males are aggressive because they compete for food
B.   chimpanzee males are aggressive because they compete for territorial range
C.   chimpanzee male aggression has been selected for as more aggressive males have been more reproductively successful over generations
D.   chimpanzee males are aggressive because they compete for females
Question #11
Which of the following is NOT true about mating and parental effort?
A.   Parental effort specialists tend to have fewer offspring than mating specialists
B.   Mating effort has a larger fixed cost than parental effort
C.   In most non-human species, females tend to be mating specialists
D.   Risk taking is more profitable for mating effort specialists
Question #12
Which of the following mating systems increases with pathogen stress?
A.   Polygyny
B.   Polyandry
C.   Tending Bonds
D.   Monogamy
Question #13
Which of the following is true from the article, What’s Love Got To Do With It?
A.   Bonobos have a strong male dominance hierarchy
B.   Bonobos use gentio-genital rubbing to relieve tension.
C.   Chimpanzees have hidden estrus.
D.   Humans females have evolved unique sexual swellings that advertise sexual receptivity to males
Question #14
When there are differential fitness and survival rates among individuals within a population causing a change in allele frequency in their population over time, it is called:
A.   sexual selection
B.   natural selection
C.   genetic drift
D.   gene flow
Question #15
Which of the following best defines a novel evolutionary environment?
A.   a new environment that triggers mutations, such as exposure to radioactive materials
B.   a new environment that causes mass extinctions thereby speeding up the evolutionary process
C.   a new environment that a species is not yet adapted to
D.   a new environment that a species is already adapted to
Question #16
Human behavioral ecology is the scientific study of behavioral traits that are genetically determined.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #17
Like humans, bonobos use sex for non-reproductive purposes.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #18
Harems are strategic when resources can't be controlled but males can control female behavior.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #19
Which of the following best defines evolution?
A.   Darwin’s survival of the fittest
B.   Natural selection causes adaptations over time
C.   A change in allele frequency over generations
D.   Organisms that can adapt are the ones that evolve within their lifetime
Question #20
In the article Female Coalitions Against Male Aggression, the authors state that female chimpanzees were more likely to form coalitions when resources were more abundant.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #21
Male gametes, sperm, are more expensive than female gametes, eggs.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #22
Gorillas have a multi-male multi-female mating structure.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #23
Primates living in single-male multi-female groups tend to be sexually dimorphic.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #24
Laurie Santos’ talk about monkey economics demonstrates to us that humans and other primates have an evolutionary predisposition to
A.   Have riskier behavior when there is a chance of loss
B.   Accumulate resources to impress mates
C.   Value grapes more than cucumbers
D.   Save resources for anticipated future needs
Question #25
Chimpanzee females frequently use sex for non-reproductive purposes.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #26
Baboons are old world apes.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #27
Adult orangutan males sometimes remain unflanged as a reproductive strategy.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #28
Richard Dawkins is known for…
A.   sociobiology
B.   selfish gene theory
C.   his research on bonobo sexual behavior
D.   sperm competition
Question #29
Which of the following is true?
A.   Bonobo females display an honest advertisement of estrus to males which allows for known paternity and reduces violence among male bonobos
B.   Unlike humans, chimpanzee and bonobo females are only sexually receptive when they can conceive.
C.   Chimpanzee females are typically more aggressive than males when in estrus.
D.   Bonobo females are sexually receptive and show signs of estrus even when they can’t conceive
Question #30
The theory of mind includes the ability to
A.   form complex social coalitions.
B.   use tools.
C.   visually distinguish kin from nonkin.
D.   have self-awareness and understand the mental states of other individuals.

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