Anthropology 316 - The Anthropology of Sex and Gender » Fall 2021 » Quiz 1

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Question #1
Which of the following is not one of the 4 conditions for evolutionary change by natural selection?
A.   differential reproductive success
B.   organisms must be able to change themselves to adapt
C.   differential mortality rates
D.   trait must be heritable
Question #2
Which of the following best reflects Paul Ehrlich’s stance on behavior?
A.   Genes are just passive recorders of what worked better than what
B.   The theory of evolution is fundamentally flawed
C.   Humans, like other species, are innately selfish with a goal of reproductive success
D.   Genes do not determine behaviors in humans but rather provide humans with behavioral flexibility
Question #3
Which of the following species is an example of harems?
A.   bowerbirds
B.   peacocks
C.   red deer
D.   gelada baboons
Question #4
Under what conditions do we typically see leks?
A.   when sexual dimorphism allows males to dominate female movements and females cannot be controlled
B.   when sexual dimorphism allows males to dominate female movements and resources cannot be controlled
C.   when sexual dimorphism allows males to dominate female movements
D.   resources cannot be controlled and females cannot be controlled
Question #5
Sexual selection is best defined as
A.   a process of evolutionary change caused by differential fitness rates
B.   a process of evolutionary change caused by mate choice
C.   a process of evolutionary change when males are able to reproduce at a frequency higher than that of females within the same species
D.   a process of evolutionary change caused by differential survival rates
Question #6
Which of the following reflects a difference between male and female reproductive investment strategies?
A.   females show lower survivorship
B.   parental effort is a larger fixed cost than mating effort
C.   male effort is riskier
D.   females invest more mating effort than males
Question #7
Monogamy as a reproductive strategy is advantageous when…
A.   ecological factors affect male ability to monopolize more than one female
B.   it protects infants from infanticide
C.   parental investment needs are high in order to ensure survival of the offspring
D.   All of the answers are correct.
Question #8
Sororal polygyny is selected for when…
A.   males can control the movement of females and there is high pathogen stress in dense populations
B.   males can control the movement of females and warfare reduces the male population in less densely populated societies
C.   there is high pathogen stress in dense populations and warfare reduces the male population in less densely populated societies
Question #9
Polyandry is best defined as…
A.   female with multiple husbands
B.   multiple males and multiple females
C.   male with multiple wives
D.   pair-bonding
Question #10
The article Female Coalitions Against Male Aggression provides evidence that, like bonobos, female chimpanzees will use more cooperative social strategies under certain ecological or demographic conditions.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #11
Like humans, chimpanzees use sex for non-reproductive purposes.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #12
Tending bonds, such as consortships, are strategic when males can control resources and form single male, multi-female mating structures.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #13
Males in single-male multi-female species tend to have smaller canines, larger testes, and a body size more comparable to females.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #14
In Lee Cronk's article, Human Behavioral Ecology, somatic effort is best defined as an organism's investment in its own growth, development, and maintenance.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #15
A naturalistic fallacy is best defined as…
A.   correlation is not causation
B.   something that is popular doesn't mean is natural or true
C.   assuming what is natural is good
D.   when someone misrepresents an argument to make it easier to attack
Question #16
Hamilton's rule is best explained as…
A.   a behavior will become common only if its benefits to self and kin outweigh the costs
B.   the degree of relatedness will not influence an individual's willingness to self-sacrifice
C.   not throwing away his shot
D.   a behavior will become more common if the cost harms competitors even if one's self gains nothing
Question #17
Infanticide is a reproductive strategy under which of the following conditions:
A.   an offspring is born deformed
B.   a new alpha male in a single-male multi-female mating system kills the offspring
C.   All of the answers are correct.
D.   a mother is in poor health with no support system
Question #18
Which of the following is true of bonobo estrus?
A.   Bonobo females only display estrus when they are not fertile as a way to keep their fertility windows secret from males
B.   Bonobo females display estrus swellings even when they are not fertile and therefore mask paternity
C.   Bonobo females only display estrus when they are fertile to maximize their change of becoming pregnant
D.   Bonobo females do not display estrus swellings as a way to mask paternity
Question #19
Sperm competition is greatest among males within which species?
A.   gorillas
B.   orangutans
C.   chimpanzees
D.   humans
Question #20
Which of the following is true of biological determinism?
A.   It accurately states that behaviors are influenced by both biology and the environment
B.   It accurately states that behaviors and intelligence are influenced by our biology more than the environment
C.   It falsely assumes that our behaviors are determined exclusively by our social environment, oftentimes blaming parents for socially unacceptable behaviors
D.   It falsely assumes that behaviors are determined by our genes
Question #21
Which of the following is a hominoid trait?
A.   typically larger bodied
B.   no tails
C.   All of the answers are correct.
D.   greater intelligence
Question #22
Male primates typically compete for ___________________, while females typically compete for __________________________.
A.   sneakers as a status symbol; handbags as a status symbol
B.   wealth; status
C.   mates; resources
D.   food; sex
Question #23
In Shermer's The Facts of Evolution, which of the following served as an evidence for evolution:
A.   vestigial traits
B.   All of the answers are correct.
C.   polar bears transitioning to sea animals
D.   moths changing themselves within their own lifetime to adapt to the changing environment

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