Anthropology 316 - The Anthropology of Sex and Gender » Fall 2021 » Quiz 2

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Question #1
Which of the following is true from article, Swagger, Sway, and Sexuality?
A.   Gender-atypical motion is a predictor of homosexuality but gender-typical motion is not a good predictor of heterosexuality
B.   Atypical male motion was defined as more hip than shoulder motion
C.   All of the answers are correct.
D.   Body shape and body motion were used to perceive one’s sexual orientation
Question #2
Which of the following is true from the article, Differences in Finger Length Ratios Between Self-Identified “Butch” and “Femme” Lesbians?
A.   Early androgen exposure influences female sexuality
B.   The right hand seems to be more affected by androgen exposure than the left hand
C.   All of the answers are correct.
D.   Index finger ratios reflect early androgen exposure levels
Question #3
Hijra is best defined as:
A.   Homosexual deities, praised in fertility rituals in India
B.   A third gender category in India
C.   A cultural group in Southern India that has no definition for males and females in their society
D.   A term used in India that best translates to homosexual
E.   A rare procedure in India where males have their genitals surgically removed
Question #4
Which of the following is true of homosexuality?
A.   There is a gay gene on the Y chromosome
B.   There is a gene that determines homosexuality on the X chromosome
C.   Gay males have short fingers
D.   Homosexuality is influenced by both genes and the environment
E.   All of the answers are correct.
Question #5
Which of the following is true of the Kinsey Scale?
A.   It is a heterosexual-homosexual rating scale. It demonstrated how homosexuality operates on a continuum
B.   It was designed by Alfred Kinsey in the 1980s
C.   All of the answers are correct.
Question #6
Homosexuality has been seen in:
A.   Zebras
B.   Lions
C.   Dolphins
D.   All of the answers are correct.
E.   Humans 
Question #7
Which of the following is true?
A.   Females increase their own reproductive success in polygynous relationships
B.   Females have evolved preferences for polygynous relationships
C.   All of the answers are correct.
D.   Males have evolved behaviors to ensure paternity
E.   Males increase their own reproductive success in monogamous relationships
Question #8
Hinduism accommodates gender ambiguities and views them as meaningful and powerful.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #9
Studies have shown that being gay or lesbian is a social disorder that can be corrected using reparative therapies.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #10
According to Ramsey’s presentation, about what percentage of people are thought to be homosexual?
A.   8%
B.   10%
C.   5%
D.   15%
E.   2%
Question #11
Sex has more of a biological basis while gender is more socially defined.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #12
Behavioral ecology examines how behaviors are selected for in certain environments.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #13
According to the article, 'They wrote "gay" on her file', British colonial administrators and US evangelical groups have tried to encourage local indigenous cultures to be more accepting of gender-crossing practices.
A.   False
B.   True

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