Psychology 101 - General Psychology » Spring 2022 » Quiz 3 Learning.

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Question #1
Channing believes that the best way to get his boyfriend to clean up after himself is by offering dessert as soon as his boyfriend cleans up the apartment. Channing knows that dessert is a ________ reinforcer that will likely ________ the probability that his boyfriend will clean the apartment in the future.
A.   secondary; decrease
B.   secondary; increase
C.   primary; decrease
D.   primary; increase
Question #2
Dr. Shaw has a patient who has a phobia of spiders and also loves doing puzzles. Dr. Shaw exposes the patient to spiders briefly while having the patient complete a fun puzzle. Dr. Shaw is using ________ to treat his patient’s phobia.
A.   systematic desensitization
B.   second-order conditioning
C.   modeling
D.   counterconditioning
Question #3
A conditioned stimulus is:
A.   something that causes a response without learning.
B.   an unlearned reaction.
C.   a reflexive, natural reaction.
D.   something that causes a response after learning takes place.
Question #4
Katie is afraid of clowns. She has been trying to overcome this fear by getting into a relaxed state and then looking at pictures of clowns. After months of this exposure, she is no longer afraid when she sees a clown. Katie has been using ________ to overcome her fear.
A.   counterconditioning
B.   systematic desensitization
C.   extinction
D.   modeling
Question #5
Billy has watched many movies in which the hero smokes cigarettes. Billy identifies with these heroes and begins to smoke himself. Billy’s new smoking behavior is best explained by:
A.   partial reinforcement.
B.   modeling.
C.   positive reinforcement.
D.   latent learning.
Question #6
Jonathan is traveling to Italy, and his motto for his trip is “When in Rome, do as the Romans do!” This phrase suggests that Jonathan is most likely to learn how to behave in Rome based on:
A.   classical conditioning.
B.   habituation.
C.   observational learning.
D.   operant conditioning.
Question #7
Riley ate too much chocolate cake during his birthday party and was sick all night. If classical conditioning occurred and he associated the cake with being sick, then when Riley sees cake today, he will most likely:
A.   save the cake for later when he feels a little bit better.
B.   be happy because it reminds him of the great time he had at his party.
C.   want to eat more cake because he is still celebrating his birthday.
D.   be turned off by the smell and the memory of the taste of cake.
Question #8
You carpool with a friend to school every morning and he always drives. One day, your friend is sick and you have to drive yourself. Even though you have never actually driven to school, you know the exact route to take in order to get there from your house, which is most likely the result of:
A.   insight learning.
B.   behavior modification.
C.   secondary reinforcement.
D.   latent learning.
Question #9
Samuel always receives a painful shock when he turns on the lamp in his study. After a while, Samuel refuses to touch the switch on the lamp. The lamp switch was a(n) ________ stimulus that elicited a(n) ________ response after a period of time.
A.   neutral; unconditioned
B.   unconditioned; unconditioned
C.   neutral; conditioned
D.   unconditioned; conditioned
Question #10
Simon’s dog urinates in the house while he is at work. When he gets home and sees the mess, he rubs his dog’s nose in it and yells, “Bad dog!” Which of the following is one reason why this attempt at positive punishment might not work to correct the dog’s behavior?
A.   Partially reinforced behaviors are harder to correct.
B.   Punishment does not correct bad behavior.
C.   Dogs cannot understand a token economy.
D.   It was not applied immediately after the dog’s mistake.
Question #11
George is traveling to visit his friend Ryan in a neighboring town but has to take a detour due to road construction. At first George feels lost, but then he notices a sign for Madison Street and immediately knows where he is and how to navigate to Ryan’s house. In this situation, George has reached Ryan’s by using:
A.   positive punishment.
B.   insight learning.
C.   a cognitive map.
D.   positive reinforcement.
Question #12
Dr. Brimfield believes that humans learn best when they are given the opportunity to act on their environments and make associations between their behavior and the resulting consequences. Dr. Brimfield believes in:
A.   modeling.
B.   observational learning.
C.   classical conditioning.
D.   operant conditioning.
Question #13
During Tammy’s eye exam, a buzzer rings and a puff of air is blown into her eye, which makes her blink. This happens several times. Then Tammy blinks when she hears the buzzer because she expects that a puff of air will be blown into her eye. In this example, Tammy is showing ________ learning.
A.   associative
B.   observational
C.   non-associative
D.   sensitization
Question #14
Professor Kraig is known for his difficult quizzes, which automatically make the students anxious. Immediately before each quiz, he always turns off the projector. Students soon notice that they start to feel anxious when Professor Kraig turns off the projector. In terms of classical conditioning, Professor Kraig turning off the projector is a(n):
A.   unconditioned stimulus.
B.   conditioned response.
C.   unconditioned response.
D.   conditioned stimulus.

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