Vocational Education 377 - Med Terminology » Spring 2022 » MODULE 3 (Chapter 03)

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Question #1
Match the definition with the correct word part. ankyl/o
A.   joint
B.   cartilage
C.   rib
D.   crooked, bent, or stiff
Question #2
Match the definition with the correct word part. arthr/o
A.   joint
B.   cartilage
C.   skull
D.   rib
Question #3
Match the definition with the correct word part. chondr/o
A.   rib
B.   skull
C.   joint
D.   cartilage
Question #4
Match the definition with the correct word part. cost/o
A.   rib
B.   crooked, bent, or stiff
C.   cartilage
D.   joint
Question #5
Match the definition with the correct word part. crani/o
A.   joint
B.   cartilage
C.   rib
D.   skull
Question #6
Match the definition with the correct word part. -desis
A.   setting free, loosening
B.   hump
C.   to bind, tie together
D.   curve, swayback
Question #7
Match the definition with the correct word part. kyph/o
A.   curve, swayback
B.   hump
C.   setting free, loosening
D.   spinal cord, bone marrow
Question #8
Match the definition with the correct word part. lord/o
A.   spinal cord, bone marrow
B.   to bind, tie together
C.   curve, swayback
D.   setting free, loosening
Question #9
Match the definition with the correct word part. -lysis
A.   curve, swayback
B.   to bind, tie together
C.   hump
D.   setting free, loosening
Question #10
Match the definition with the correct word part. myel/o
A.   spinal cord, bone marrow
B.   curve, swayback
C.   hump
D.   setting free, loosening
Question #11
Match the definition with the correct word part. oste/o
A.   vertebra, vertebrae
B.   bone
C.   synovial membrane
D.   curved
Question #12
Match the definition with the correct word part. scoli/o
A.   bursa
B.   curved
C.   vertebra, vertebrae
D.   synovial membrane
Question #13
Match the definition with the correct word part. spondyl/o
A.   vertebra, vertebrae
B.   synovial membrane
C.   curved
D.   bursa
Question #14
Match the definition with the correct word part. synovi/o, synov/o
A.   bone
B.   curved
C.   vertebra, vertebrae
D.   synovial membrane
Question #15
Match the definition with the correct word part. burs/o
A.   bursa
B.   vertebra, vertebrae
C.   curved
D.   synovial membrane
Question #16
Match the definition with the correct term. kyphosis
A.   abnormal forward curvature of the lumbar spine
B.   pain in the lumbar region of the spine
C.   abnormal outward curvature of the thoracic spine
D.   abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Question #17
Match the definition with the correct term. lordosis
A.   pain in the lumbar region of the spine
B.   abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
C.   abnormal forward curvature of the lumbar spine
D.   partial displacement of a bone from its joint
Question #18
Match the definition with the correct term. lumabago
A.   partial displacement of a bone from its joint
B.   abnormal outward curvature of the thoracic spine
C.   abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
D.   pain in the lumbar region of the spine
Question #19
Match the definition with the correct term. scoliosis
A.   abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
B.   pain in the lumbar region of the spine
C.   abnormal outward curvature of the thoracic spine
D.   abnormal forward curvature of the lumbar spine
Question #20
Match the definition with the correct term. subluxation
A.   pain in the lumbar region of the spine
B.   abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
C.   abnormal forward curvature of the lumbar spine
D.   partial displacement of a bone from its joint
Question #21
Match the definition with the correct term. Acetabulum
A.   hip socket
B.   bone that forms the upper portion of the sternum
C.   rounded, bony protuberance on the ankle
D.   bones that form the palms of the hand
Question #22
Match the definition with the correct term. malleolus
A.   bones that form part of the foot
B.   bone that forms the upper portion of the sternum
C.   bones that form the palms of the hand
D.   rounded, bony protuberance on the ankle
Question #23
Match the definition with the correct term. manubrium
A.   hip socket
B.   bones that form the palms of the hand
C.   bones that form part of the foot
D.   bone that forms the upper portion of the sternum
Question #24
Match the definition with the correct term. metacarpals
A.   bones that form the palms of the hand
B.   bone that forms the upper portion of the sternum
C.   hip socket
D.   rounded, bony protuberance on the ankle
Question #25
Match the definition with the correct term. metatarsals
A.   rounded, bony protuberance on the ankle
B.   bone that forms the upper portion of the sternum
C.   bones that form part of the foot
D.   bones that form the palms of the hand
Question #26
Match the definition with the appropriate type of fracture. comminuted fracture
A.   broken bone that is splintered or crushed
B.   broken bone that is pressed together on itself
C.   c surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
D.   broken bone and an open wound
Question #27
Match the definition with the appropriate type of fracture. compression fracture
A.   bone breaks due to weakness caused by a disease process
B.   broken bone that is pressed together on itself
C.   c surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
D.   broken bone and an open wound
Question #28
Match the definition with the appropriate type of fracture. open fracture
A.   c surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
B.   broken bone that is pressed together on itself
C.   broken bone and an open wound
D.   bone breaks due to weakness caused by a disease process
Question #29
Match the definition with the appropriate type of fracture. osteoclasis
A.   broken bone and an open wound
B.   c surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
C.   broken bone that is splintered or crushed
D.   broken bone that is pressed together on itself
Question #30
Match the definition with the appropriate type of fracture. pathologic fracture
A.   bone breaks due to weakness caused by a disease process
B.   broken bone that is pressed together on itself
C.   c surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
D.   broken bone and an open wound
Question #31
Match the definition with the appropriate bone condition. arthrodesis
A.   surgical fusion to stiffen a joint
B.   inflamation of the bone
C.   surgical loosening of a stiff joint
D.   abnormal softening of bones
Question #32
Match the definition with the appropriate bone condition. arthrolysis
A.   inflamation of the bone
B.   surgical loosening of a stiff joint
C.   marked loss of bone density
D.   abnormal softening of bones
Question #33
Match the definition with the appropriate bone condition. osteitis
A.   marked loss of bone density
B.   abnormal softening of bones
C.   surgical fusion to stiffen a joint
D.   inflamation of the bone
Question #34
Match the definition with the appropriate bone condition. osteomalacia
A.   surgical fusion to stiffen a joint
B.   inflamation of the bone
C.   abnormal softening of bones
D.   surgical loosening of a stiff joint
Question #35
Match the definition with the appropriate bone condition. osteoporosis
A.   marked loss of bone density
B.   abnormal softening of bones
C.   surgical loosening of a stiff joint
D.   inflamation of the bone
Question #36
A/An ____________________ is commonly known as a bunion.
A.   orthotic
B.   allogenic
C.   bifida
D.   hallux valgus
Question #37
A.   arthroscopy
B.   absorptiometry
C.   hemopoietic
D.   orthopedic
Question #38
A/An ____________________ is an appliance such as a leg brace that is specially designed to control, correct, or compensate for an impaired limb.
A.   autologous
B.   orthopedic
C.   osteoporotic
D.   orthotic
Question #39
The ____________________ are the bony structure units of the spinal column.
A.   vertebrae
B.   craniostenosis
C.   podiatrist
D.   hemarthrosis
Question #40
The term ____________________ means pertaining to the formation of blood cells.
A.   craniostenosis
B.   hemopoietic
C.   hemarthrosis
D.   avascular necrosis
Question #41
The condition known as ____________________ is a degenerative disorder that can cause the loss of normal spinal structure and function.
A.   spondylosis
B.   hemarthrosis
C.   craniostenosis
D.   ankylosing spondylitis
Question #42
Malformation of the skull due to the premature closure of the cranial sutures is known as ____________________.
A.   spondylosis
B.   craniostenosis
C.   ankylosing spondylitis
D.   hemarthrosis
Question #43
A/An ____________________ surgeon is also known as an orthopedist.
A.   orthopedic
B.   podiatrist
C.   osteoporotic
D.   orthotic
Question #44
The term ____________________ means originating within another.
A.   allogenic
B.   hemopoietic
C.   orthotic
D.   hallux valgus
Question #45
The condition of blood within a joint is known as ____________________.
A.   ankylosing spondylitis
B.   osteoarthritis
C.   prosthesis
D.   hemarthrosis
Question #46
The term ____________________ describes the surgical suturing or wiring together of bones.
A.   synovectomy
B.   absorptiometry
C.   laminectomy
D.   osteorrhaphy
Question #47
The visual examination of the internal structure of a joint is known as ____________________.
A.   synovectomy
B.   absorptiometry
C.   laminectomy
D.   arthroscopy
Question #48
A/An ____________________ is a specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the foot.
A.   osteoporotic
B.   orthotic
C.   podiatrist
D.   orthopedic
Question #49
The form of rheumatoid arthritis that primarily causes inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae is known as ____________________.
A.   hemarthrosis
B.   osteoarthritis
C.   ankylosing spondylitis
D.   prosthesis
Question #50
A/An ____________________ is the surgical removal of a synovial membrane from a joint.
A.   absorptiometry
B.   synovectomy
C.   laminectomy
D.   osteorrhaphy
Question #51
A/An ____________________ hip fracture is caused by weakening of the bones due to osteoporosis.
A.   orthopedic
B.   podiatrist
C.   osteoporotic
D.   orthotic
Question #52
____________________ is the grating sound heard when the ends of a broken bone move together.
A.   Bifida
B.   Crepitation
C.   Hallux valgus
D.   Gout
Question #53
A fracture treatment in which pins or a plate are placed directly into the bone to hold the broken pieces in place is known as ____________________.
A.   hallux valgus
B.   ankylosing spondylitis
C.   avascular necrosis
D.   internal fixation
Question #54
Spina ____________________ is a congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy when the spinal canal fails to close completely around the spinal cord to protect it.
A.   chondromalacia
B.   osteopenia
C.   bifida
D.   gout
Question #55
Juvenile ____________________ arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that affects children with symptoms that include stiffness, pain, joint swelling, skin rash, fever, slowed growth, and fatigue.
A.   allogenic
B.   osteoporotic
C.   podiatrist
D.   rheumatoid
Question #56
The term ____________________ means originating within an individual.
A.   gout
B.   podiatrist
C.   autologous
D.   rickets
Question #57
The death of bone tissue due to insufficient blood supply is known as ____________________.
A.   periostitis
B.   hemarthrosis
C.   prosthesis
D.   avascular necrosis
Question #58
A type of arthritis characterized by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints is known as ____________________.
A.   gout
B.   orthotic
C.   bifida
D.   hallux valgus
Question #59
____________________ is the form of arthritis most commonly associated with aging.
A.   Osteoarthritis
B.   Prosthesis
C.   Spondylosis
D.   Hemarthrosis
Question #60
The medical term ____________________ describes the abnormal softening of cartilage.
A.   synovectomy
B.   osteoporotic
C.   chondromalacia
D.   rheumatoid
Question #61
A/An ____________________ is the surgical removal of a lamina from a vertebra.
A.   synovectomy
B.   absorptiometry
C.   osteorrhaphy
D.   laminectomy
Question #62
The condition known as ____________________ is an inflammation of the bone marrow and adjacent bone.
A.   osteomyelitis
B.   osteoarthritis
C.   prosthesis
D.   hemarthrosis
Question #63
____________________ is a deficiency disease in children characterized by defective bone growth.
A.   Hallux valgus
B.   Crepitation
C.   Bifida
D.   Rickets
Question #64
An artificial leg is a type of ____________________.
A.   prosthesis
B.   ankylosing spondylitis
C.   hemarthrosis
D.   osteoarthritis
Question #65
An inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the sternum is known as ____________________.
A.   osteoarthritis
B.   costochondritis
C.   hemarthrosis
D.   periostitis
Question #66
____________________ is the condition of thinner-than-average bone density.
A.   Crepitation
B.   Osteopenia
C.   Bifida
D.   Hallux valgus
Question #67
____________________ is an inflammatory disorder of the muscles and joints characterized by pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and hips and thighs.
A.   Osteopenia
B.   Gout
C.   Polymyalgia rheumatica
D.   Hallux valgus
Question #68
____________________ is the forward slipping movement of a lower lumbar vertebra's body on the vertebra or sacrum below it.
A.   Crepitation
B.   Spondylolisthesis
C.   Osteopenia
D.   Bifida
Question #69
A/An ____________________ is a benign bony projection covered with cartilage.
A.   osteopenia
B.   chondromalacia
C.   rheumatoid
D.   osteochondroma
Question #70
An inflammation of the periosteum is known as ____________________.
A.   periostitis
B.   ankylosing spondylitis
C.   hemarthrosis
D.   osteoarthritis
Question #71
____________________ is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the joints and some organs of other body systems are attacked.
A.   Ankylosing spondylitis
B.   Periostitis
C.   Hemarthrosis
D.   Rheumatoid arthritis
Question #72
A/An ____________________ fracture is a break in which the bone has been twisted apart.
A.   bifida
B.   spiral
C.   hallux valgus
D.   gout
Question #73
A percutaneous ____________________ is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed to treat osteoporosis-related compression fractures of the spine.
A.   synovectomy
B.   vertebroplasty
C.   laminectomy
D.   osteorrhaphy
Question #74
A/An ____________________ is a type of cancer that occurs in blood-making cells found in the red bone marrow.
A.   myeloma
B.   rickets
C.   bifida
D.   gout
Question #75
Which bone is known as the kneecap?
A.   acromion
B.   ​olecranon
C.   ​patella
D.   ​sternum
Question #76
Which bone tissue lines the medullary cavity?
A.   ​yellow bone marrow
B.   endosteum
C.   ​red bone marrow
D.   ​compact
Question #77
Which is the only movable bone of the skull?
A.   ​vomer
B.   ​manubrium
C.   cartilage
D.   ​mandible
Question #78
An opening in a bone through which the blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass is known as a _____.
A.   ​fontanelles
B.   ​foramen
C.   ​suture
D.   process
Question #79
Which term describes the surgical repair or replacement of a damaged joint?
A.   ​arthrolysis
B.   ​arthrosclerosis
C.   ​arthroplasty
D.   arthrodesis
Question #80
Which form of arthritis is characterized by deposits of uric acid in the joints?
A.   ​juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
B.   osteoarthritis
C.   ​rheumatoid arthritis
D.   ​gout
Question #81
Which procedure is the surgical repair of cartilage?
A.   synovectomy
B.   ​bursitis
C.   ​chondroplasty
D.   ​chondromalacia
Question #82
Which bone tissue is also known as cancellous bone?
A.   ​red bone marrow
B.   spongy bone
C.   ​endosteum
D.   ​compact bone
Question #83
______ is a relatively rare malignant tumor that originates in a bone.
A.   ​Primary bone cancer
B.   ​Secondary bone cancer
C.   ​A myeloma
D.   An osteochondroma
Question #84
The attempted realignment of a bone involved in a fracture or joint dislocation is known as ______.
A.   ​traction
B.   ​immobilization
C.   external fixation
D.   ​closed reduction
Question #85
Which diagnostic technique is most commonly used to visualize a bone fracture?
A.   ​bone density testing
B.   ​bone marrow biopsy
C.   ​magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
D.   radiograph (x-ray)
Question #86
An inflammation of the synovial membrane is known as ______.
A.   ​hemarthrosis
B.   ​subluxation
C.   synovectomy
D.   ​synovitis
Question #87
Smooth, rubbery connective tissue that makes up the tip of the nose is called ______.
A.   ​foramen
B.   bursa
C.   ​cartilage
D.   ​meniscus
Question #88
The lower part of the sternum is called the _______.
A.   manubrium
B.   ​gladiolus
C.   ​scapula
D.   ​xiphoid process
Question #89
The replacement of a worn or failed implant is known as ______.
A.   ​total knee replacement
B.   arthroplasty
C.   ​revision surgery
D.   ​arthroscopic surgery
Question #90
This term means the surgical removal of bone.
A.   osteopath
B.   ​osteophyte
C.   ​osteotomy
D.   ​ostectomy
Question #91
A ______ fracture occurs when a person tries to stop a fall by landing on his or her hands.
A.   ​Colles’
B.   greenstick
C.   ​stress
D.   ​oblique
Question #92
The surgical removal of a portion of the skull is known as ______.
A.   ​cranioplasty
B.   ​craniectomy
C.   craniotomy
D.   ​calcaneus
Question #93
______ is stiffness of the joints, especially in older adults.
A.   ​Polymyalgia rheumatica
B.   Arthritis
C.   ​Arthrosclerosis
D.   ​Ankylosis
Question #94
This type of fracture is also known as a simple or complete fracture.
A.   closed
B.   ​transverse
C.   ​dislocation
D.   ​callus
Question #95
This condition is also known as clubfoot.
A.   ​tarsal
B.   ​bursitis
C.   talus
D.   ​talipes
Question #96
A transplant using healthy bone marrow cells from a compatible donor is a/an _____.
A.   ​autologous bone marrow transplant
B.   ​bone marrow transplant
C.   ​pectoral girdle
D.   allogenic bone marrow transplant
Question #97
This term refers to the posterior space behind the knee.
A.   ​phalanges
B.   ​cruciate ligaments
C.   ​pubis
D.   popliteal
Question #98
The medical term for inflexible joints, also known as sutures, is _____.
A.   ​synovial joints
B.   ​pubic symphysis
C.   cartilaginous joints
D.   ​fibrous joints
Question #99
The medical term for the larger bone in the lower leg, also known as the shin bone, is _____.
A.   ulna
B.   ​fibula
C.   ​radius
D.   ​tibia
Question #100
Paget’s disease is a bone disorder of unknown cause that is characterized by excessive breakdown of bone tissue, followed by abnormal bone formation.
A.   True
B.   False

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