Psychology 041 - Lifespan Psychology » Spring 2016 » Chapter 2 Quiz

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Question #1
Christine is 5' 7" and has blue eyes. Such directly observable characteristics are called 
A.   Phenotypes 
B.   Alleles 
C.   Genotypes
D.   Chromosomes
Question #2
A _______ is a complex blend of genetic information that determines the species and influences unique characteristics 
A.   Genotype 
B.   Karyotype 
C.   Phenotype 
D.   Chromosome
Question #3
Through a process called mitosis, DNA can 
A.   Slit itself in thirds 
B.   Duplicate itself 
C.   Divide itself in half
D.   Untwist itself 
Question #4
What of the following is another term for sex cells?
A.   Autosomes 
B.   Phenotypes
C.   Gametes 
D.   Alleles 
Question #5
A.   Doubles the number of chromosomes normally present in the body cells 
B.   Halves the number of chromosomes normally present in the body cells
C.   Results in dizygotic twins
D.   Permits the chromosomes to copy themselves 
Question #6
In the male,
A.   Sperm cells do not reach maturity until adolescence 
B.   Meiosis results in just one sperm cell 
C.   The cells from which sperm arise are produced continuously throughout life
D.   About 1 to 2 million sperm are produced when meiosis is complete
Question #7
A healthy man can father a child 
A.   For about three decades 
B.   For about two decades
C.   At any age after sexual maturity 
D.   For about four decades
Question #8
Taylor's twenty- this pair of chromosomes is XX. Taylor is a 
A.   Fraternal twin
B.   Male 
C.   Female
D.   An identical twin
Question #9
The sex of a new organism is determined by whether 
A.   The ovum is carrying an X Chromosome or Y chromosome 
B.   The sperm fertilizes an X-bearing ovum or a Y bearing ovum 
C.   The X and Y chromosomes separate into sperm cells or ovum 
D.   An X-bearing sperm or a Y-bearing sperm fertilizes the ovum
Question #10
In dominant- recessive inheritance, the one allele that does not affect the childs characteristics called 
A.   Dominant 
B.   Dominant- recessive 
C.   A Carrier 
D.   Recessive
Question #11
Which of the following is a recessive characteristic?
A.   Facial dimples 
B.   Red hair
C.   Curly hair
D.   v
Question #12
Studies of sex differences show that 
A.   Rates of mental retardation, learning disabilities, and behavior disorders are higher among females than males
B.   Rates of miscarriage, infant death, and childhood death are higher among males than females
C.   The female infant is at a disadvantage compared to the male infant 
D.   Worldwide, approximately 106 girls are born for every 100 boys 
Question #13
In which of the following disorders does genetic imprinting operate of the sex chromosomes?
A.   Huntington disease 
B.   Sickle cell anemia 
C.   Fragile X syndrome
D.   Marfan syndrome
Question #14
______ Helps explain why fragile X syndrome is expressed only when it is passed from the mother to the child 
A.   Genomic imprinting 
B.   X-linked inheritance
C.   Codominance 
D.   Genetic Mutations 
Question #15
Gilles has had frequent and high exposure to radiation in his occupation for the past ten years. Gilles offspring are in greater risk for ______ than children whose fathers were not exposed to radiation 
A.   Hemophilia
B.   Cystic fibrosis 
C.   Childhood cancer
D.   PKU 
Question #16
The twenty-first pair of chromosomes failed to separate during meiosis, so Aziz received three to these chromosomes rather than the normal two. Aziz has ______ syndrome 
A.   Klinefelter
B.   Turner 
C.   XYY
D.   down
Question #17
Which of following statements about in-virto fertilization is true? 
A.   about 10 percent of American babies are conceived through this technique 
B.   Doctors are required to keep records of the characteristics of sperm donors
C.    It cannot be performed on women whose fallopian tubes have been damaged 
D.   The success rate of in-virto fertilization declines steady with age
Question #18
Surrogate motherhood 
A.   Arrangements rarely proceed smoothly 
B.   Usually involves the wealthy as contractors for infants and the less economically advantaged as surrogates 
C.   Is the least controversial from of medically assisted conception 
D.   Is illegal in most U.S. states
Question #19
______ can be routinely used to safely screen for abnormal fetal development 
A.   Maternal blood analysis 
B.   Fetoscope
C.   amniocentesis 
D.   Ultrasound
Question #20
Adopted Children 
A.   Fare less well than children who return to their biological mothers
B.   Have trouble developing feelings 
C.   Are more like their adoptive parents than their biological parents in intelligence and personality 
D.   Tend to have more learning and emotional difficulties than other children 
Question #21
Amelia and Sam praise and stimulate their children, and they mutually support each other's parenting behaviors Amelia and Sam engage in effective 
A.   Coparenting 
B.   Induction
C.   Niche-picking
D.   Permissive parenting 
Question #22
Which of the following is an example of an indirect influence on a child's development? 
A.   Piano lessons 
B.   Parental conflict
C.   An inspiring teacher 
D.   Harsh discipline 
Question #23
Compared to high SES parents, low SES parents are more likely to 
A.   Ignore their child's misbehavior 
B.   Reward their children for good behavior 
C.   Use coercive discipline 
D.   Engage in permissive child rearing
Question #24
_____ are more likely than other children to suffer from persistent deficits in cognitive development and academic achievement
A.   Immigrant children 
B.   adopted children
C.   Children from single-parent families
D.   Children of poverty 
Question #25
As a group, wealthy parents 
A.   Value their children character more than their accomplishments 
B.   Make fewer demands on their children than their less-well off counterparts
C.   Are nearly as physically and emotionally unavailable to their youngsters as parents coping with serious financial strain
D.    Engage in parenting that promotes favorable development
Question #26
Community resources have ______ impact on the development of young people in economically disadvantaged neighborhood compared with this win well-to-do neighborhoods 
A.   No measurable
B.   A greater
C.   A similar 
D.   A lesser
Question #27
Mr. and Mrs. Parsons feel that an important factor in promoting their children's academic success is frequent contact between teacher and parents. The parsons would most likely find this offering a 
A.   Mid-sized city 
B.   Large urban area
C.   Small town
D.   Urban neighborhood 
Question #28
Compared to those in large urban areas, adults in small towns are ____ likely to _____ 
A.   More; participate in civic groups
B.   Less; have contact with their children teachers
C.   Less; occupy positions of leadership
D.   More; visit museums on regular basis
Question #29
In _____ people hold different beliefs and customs from this held by the larger culture 
A.   Macrosystems
B.   Microsystems
C.   Subcultures 
D.   Collectivist societies
Question #30
In collectivist societies, people 
A.   Define themselves as part of a group 
B.   Are largely concerned with their own personal needs 
C.   Stress individuals goals over group goals
D.   Think of themselves as separate entities 
Question #31
In _______ societies, people think of themselves as separate entities and are largely concerned with their own needs 
A.   Interdependent 
B.   Individualistic 
C.   Tribal
D.   Collectivist 
Question #32
The united states
A.   Now has a universal, publicly funded health-care system
B.   Provides national standard and funding for child care 
C.   Spend more public funds on education from sweden 
D.   Has a higher infant death rate than canada and spain 
Question #33
Which of the following statements about child care in the US is true?
A.   Affordable child care is available for most families across the US 
B.   The united states ranks first in the industrialized world in public funding for child care 
C.   The US has been slow to move toward national standards and funding for child care
D.   Although affordable child care is in short supply, nearly all programs are high quality
Question #34
Which of the following countries has the higher teenage birth rate?
A.   Hungary 
B.   Slovakia
C.   The US
D.   Czech Republic 
Question #35
Attempts to help children and youths have been difficult to realize in the US because
A.   Social programs are rarely cost effective 
B.   Cultural values of self-reliance and privacy have made government hesitant to become involved in family matters
C.   Such government policies have failed in other western countries 
D.   The US already ranks at the top on key measures children health and well-being
Question #36
The Childrens Defense Fund
A.   Provides free legal services to low-income families of children with disabilities 
B.   Is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children in poverty in non-industrialized nation 
C.   Engages in public education, legal action, drafting of legislation, congressional testimony and community organizing
D.   Releases the Policy Book every two years, providing an in-depth compilation of policies for children 
Question #37
_____ is a field devoted to uncovering the contributions of nature and nurture to the diversity in human traits and abilities 
A.   Behavioral genetics
B.   Epigenesis 
C.   Child development
D.   Environmental genetics
Question #38
Which of the following statements about behavioral genetics is true?
A.   Scientists have determined that heredity plays a larger role than the environment in human development 
B.   Researchers use heritability estimated to infer the role of the environment in complex human characteristics
C.   Genetic markers explain nearly all of the variation in human behavior 
D.   A growing number of researchers regard the question of how much heredity and environment contribute to differences among people as unanswerable 
Question #39
________ measures the extent to which individual differences in complex traits in a specific population are due to genetic factors 
A.   Correlation coefficients 
B.   Niche-picking
C.   Heritability estimates 
D.   epigenesist 
Question #40
Dr. Albright wants to determine if people who are genetically more alike are also more similar in intelligence. Dr. Albright should us a(n)
A.   Structured observation
B.   Kinship study
C.   Experimental design 
D.   Case study
Question #41
Which of the following is a true finding of kinship studies?
A.   Heritability of intelligence does not increase over the lifespan 
B.   Differences in genetic makeup explain about one quarter of the variation in intelligence
C.   Heritability of personality increases over the lifespa
D.   Genetic Factors are important in personality 
Question #42
According to the concept of gene-enivonment interaction 
A.   People have unique, genetically influenced reaction to particular experiences 
B.   Heredity restricts the development of some characteristics to just one or a few outcomes
C.   People with different gene- environment combination never respond similarly 
D.   People respond similarity to the same qualities of the environment 
Question #43
When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are all exposed to an environment with a moderate level of stimulation 
A.   They will each respond differently to the same environment 
B.   They will all experience the same increase in intelligence 
C.   They will all obtain an average intelligence score 
D.   Hermione will outperform Harry and Ron on intelligence measures
Question #44
According to the concept of ____, Our genes influences the environments to which we are exposed 
A.   Heritability estimation
B.   Gene-Environment correlation 
C.   natural selection
D.   Canalization
Question #45
Bart and Nadia are gymnast. Their son, 4 year old Dylan, participates in children's gymnastics. This is an example of 
A.    Evocate correlation 
B.   Range of reaction
C.   A passive correlation
D.   An active correlation 
Question #46
Vernon is an active, friendly baby. He receives more social stimulation from his parents than viva, who is passive, quiet infant. This is an example of a (n) ______ gene environment 
A.   Passive
B.   Evocative 
C.   Active 
D.   Dynamic 
Question #47
Parents and other caring adults can ______ gene-environment correlations of heredity, yielding favorable outcomes 
A.   Create active
B.   Promote evocative 
C.   Uncouple unfavorable
D.   Promote Passive 

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