Stat 101 - Statistics for Social Science » Fall 2019 » Quiz 2

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Question #1
The following statement, "100 college-aged students participated in a study examining the relationship between gender and depression," is description of the ________ in a research study.
A.   inferential statistic
B.   descriptive statistic
C.   population
D.   sample
Question #2
What are the differences between an interval and a ratio variable?
A.   There are equal intervals between points on an interval scale, but this is not true for a ratio scale
B.   On a ratio scale, the number 0 corresponds to an absence of the quality, but this is not true for an interval scale
C.   Interval scales indicate only difference, but ratio scales indicate difference and order
D.   Ratio scales indicate only difference, but interval scales indicate difference and order
Question #3
A depression inventory is a scale intended to measure depression levels, with higher scores indicating higher levels of depression. If the test is a valid measure of depression, which of the following would we expect to be true?
A.   A person's score on the inventory would not be related to his or her level of depression
B.   People who get lower scores on the inventory would be more depressed than people who get higher scores
C.   People who get higher scores on the inventory would be more depressed than people who get lower scores
D.   The results of the inventory could not be consistently replicated
Question #4
A psychology professor assigns students in her Introductory Psychology class to participate in an experiment measuring reaction time to a variety of stimuli. This is an example of _________.
A.   Convenience sampling
B.   Stratified sampling
C.   Cluster sampling
D.   Simple random sampling
Question #5
A numerical measure that describes a sample characteristic is a ________.
A.   Parameter
B.   Statistic

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